
So I am planning on starting today, what I want to know though. What pace are you supposed to do this? Are you supposed to run fast or keep a low pace more like a jog?

That is actually the only thing I am wondering about, hoping for a quick response.
DOMO Arigato goseimas.


  • buttercup525
    buttercup525 Posts: 7 Member
    Slow. That is, as slow as you need to go. If you can run fast and not die and keep going, then go fast. If you are struggling at a pace, slow down until it's bearable and you can continue.

    I have a picture on pinterest that says "I Run. I may be slower than a herd of turtles trudging through peanut butter, but I run," and that's what I think of when I'm doing the c25k workout.
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    Slow. As slow as you need to in order to complete the training session somewhat comfortably. You should feel the workout but not be exhausted. You should be able to run the 30 seconds (or is it 60?) with some effort but not be exhausted and completely winded.
    A simple test of pace is to speak a short sentence or phrase out loud while running. If you can do it, you're at the right pace. If you have difficulty and huff/puff your way through it, slow down.

    Congratulations on getting started! That's the hardest step.
  • LadyVeng3ance
    LadyVeng3ance Posts: 236 Member
    PaytraB wrote: »
    Slow. As slow as you need to in order to complete the training session somewhat comfortably. You should feel the workout but not be exhausted. You should be able to run the 30 seconds (or is it 60?) with some effort but not be exhausted and completely winded.
    A simple test of pace is to speak a short sentence or phrase out loud while running. If you can do it, you're at the right pace. If you have difficulty and huff/puff your way through it, slow down.

    Congratulations on getting started! That's the hardest step.

    Thanks, I am on day 4 today. I do run quite fast I think when she says run. I guess it's okay as long as I finish and don't stop halfway because Im too tired ^^
  • deathninja82
    deathninja82 Posts: 108 Member
    C25K is what got me into running a few years back. Works wonders, but it can be tough.

    Most important thing is finishing each session, even if that means the 'run' parts are little more than a jog, just stick in your limits.

    Oh, and if you can't finish a session, repeat it again next time, don't skip. Sure it makes the program longer and can feel a bit of a downer, but you'll thank yourself later.

    Good luck :)
  • Mungwee
    Mungwee Posts: 8 Member
    Great advise. Starting a C25K program TODAY and will keep this in mind!
  • SMoorcroft
    SMoorcroft Posts: 23 Member
    edited April 2015
    I've just finished C5K and point blank refused to run for years prior to starting in Feb. I was out of breath in the running sections but not to the point where I couldn't carry on. I know some people say run slow enough to hold a conversation but I couldn't but I put that down to being so unfit to start with. Now I've finished, and my endurance is up I'm working on my speed and I am getting quicker.

    Ultimately if you go so fast that it's agony (I.e. Your lungs are burning and your legs are shaking) you won't enjoy it and will probably give up. I cranked up some tunes and started with a slow lumbering jog like a cross between a new born giraffe and a baby elephant LOL

    Good luck
  • _onebeauty
    _onebeauty Posts: 100 Member
    I have been doing this program for a little while now. But this paired w/ the 30 Day Shred dvd I'm committing to... is tough, lol!

    I just completed W05D03 and it was a 20 minute run... OMGGG; it was soo tough. But my mental endurance got me through it. Especially considering prior to this, W05D02 was intervals of 8 minutes running to 5 minutes walking.. LOL! Quite a jump from D02 to D03 :/

    Excited bc prior to this I could not run @ all!!!
  • minamina27
    minamina27 Posts: 89 Member
    For all those struggling, I started off, very unfit, no exercise prior and weighed 230lb, got to week 5/1 and had to have a 3 week break due to bad knee (bad shoes!). I got back on it and on my second run back 'Laura' from the app didn't talk to me (playing a podcast that cut her off!) and I carried on listening to music and ran for 5k without stopping. It was slow but I was so proud. So since then I have run 5k+ without stopping twice! (Just to prove to myself it's not a fluke). I couldn't run for 60 seconds in the first week. Keep going, it's psychological, it's as if your body takes over.