30 day challenge

Hey who wants to do this 30 day challenge with me, there's no winners or loser Just a challenge to eat healthy for 30 days and see what happens :D it won't be easy especially if you like me lol but together we will log what we eat and do this together...good luck


  • lovelyvirgomiss
    Sounds good, I'm in!
  • dsvodre11
    I'm in!
  • ToriRu513
    ToriRu513 Posts: 2 Member
    I'd consider joining. When are you starting?
  • cuterican2015
    Sorry didn't check my phone but we can start fresh Monday :)
  • cuterican2015
    Sounds good, I'm in!

    Great let's start Monday morning
  • cuterican2015
    dsvodre11 wrote: »
    I'm in!
    Let's start Monday morning
  • cuterican2015
    Ok girls we got this ! We login everything we eat and exercise. We will wight ourselves in the morning with no clothes on Monday and see 30 days from then let's see how we are, we can do this and if we slept it's okay we untitled to one cheat day a week. And let's encourage each other. ;)
    dsvodre11 wrote: »
    I'm in!
    Let's start Monday morning
    dsvodre11 wrote: »
    I'm in!
    Let's start Monday morning

  • puraze
    puraze Posts: 55 Member
    I'm in!! How hard can it be, right ;) I'm really hoping reaching out and connecting with others will provide me with the added motivation I need!
  • cuterican2015
    Yeah together we can but like my problem is snacking uhh but i have to be more healthy. And if you got tips please share :)