Struggling to stop drinking coca cola



  • SamanthaParsons67
    SamanthaParsons67 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Annie, I also love Coca Cola so when I am trying to "kick the habit" I drink ice tea instead.
  • jkwolly
    jkwolly Posts: 3,049 Member
    I just drink diet soda but I make up for it by drinking alot of water and I still seem to lose weight. I normally don't have more than 2 cans a day anyway.
    Magic of science!
  • nikkib0103
    nikkib0103 Posts: 968 Member
    I had the same problem, Anniemasterton2812. This was before I joined MPF so I was never actively logging what the cost of Coke was calorically. I just knew it wasn't good for me. I was doing about a liter a day as well. What I did was cut back by having 4 fewer ounces a day for a week.. 16 ozs daily the first week, 12 the next, etc.. Before long, I was pretty well off the stuff, not having more than a glass a week and then even less. I still crave it and gave in a couple of times since I started logging. The calorie, sugar and sodium content was an eye opener once it counted against my allowance. I dislike Diet Coke so every so often, if it's on sale, I get Diet Sunkist orange soda when I need a fizzy drink fix. Mainly though I try to not have soda. if you are a fizzy fan I find that flavored seltzer is a real help, as well. Full sugar sodas are hard to kick. I also like Crystal Light lemonade. Probably not "healthy' either but it's only 5 calories for 8 ozs so easy enough to fit in. I really don't like plain water but am getting much better at just drinking it and getting it in.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    Over here they have vivarin and no-doz, which are caffeine pills. Are there caffeine pills you can take?
  • _Lora_
    _Lora_ Posts: 10 Member
    I recommend Mio to flavor water and tea, both helped me kick my soda habit! When I first started to wean off, I required myself to drink five glasses of water before I earned a soda. Mio has a ton of flavors and has really helped me
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    Are we talking about regular sugar coke? If so, well, that's my favorite drink and I've gotten to the point for the last 7 or more years that I will have it if I really want it and I really want it only a couple times a year. I mean, lets say I really want it, I will get a 16 oz and enjoy it. Not every day, not every week, not even once a month, maybe 6 times year. And trust me, I loooooovvveeee Coca Cola Classic.
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    And Diet Coke is out of the question. That stuff taste horrific. Always has, always will. Now Coke Zero, I can fool around with sometimes. But I drink lots of water and coffee and tea and those cheap 5 calorie powdered drinks.
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    I've heard diet is just as bad as full fat coke??

    Diet Coke just tastes bad. I'd rather have he sugar. It's hell on the teeth, though.
  • karahm78
    karahm78 Posts: 505 Member
    If you want carbonation in your drink, try LaCroix flavored waters. They give that bubbly sensation but no calories and no artificial sweeteners. They take a while to get used to, but now I love them. Especially the Coconut ones. :)
  • Afura
    Afura Posts: 2,054 Member
    edited April 2015
    I was able to go cold turkey on sodas, but I've never had the caffeine issue, though it was rough for awhile with just wanting the taste and eventually I got to the point where someone opening a can of soda doesn't make me crave for one (It was like Pavlov's bell). Diet is not an option, aspartame gives me headaches, and I just dislike the taste, though Dr Pepper 10 wasn't bad as long as it's cold.
    I'm going to echo what people have already said, start slowly lowering your consumption so that your body gets used to less caffeine, and you get used to drinking less of it. Maybe you'll still drink it a little bit, maybe you'll cut it all the way out, that's completely up to you, and your calorie deficit. :grin:
  • jewhat98
    jewhat98 Posts: 1 Member
    blend a can of tuna to your cola and itll make a great post workout shake. eventually you'll get sick of that and stop drinking cola all together!
  • babykittenslikemice
    I allow my self 1 large Dr. Pepper for ever 5lbs I lose, as motivation
  • jiigglybutt
    jiigglybutt Posts: 345 Member
    I'm addicted to Monster energy drinks. I'm trying to quit, I do "good" sometimes, but always end up almost killing someone. I've tried replacing it with better options such as tea, or pill supplements, but I've noticed I also have a physical addiction to it. I crave the taste and the carbonation. I've "trained" myself to like the zero calorie and sugar options which is better than nothing. Ive gone to drinking one a day, except today I have had 3. aaaahhh Im not helping, alright
  • SamBeckmann
    SamBeckmann Posts: 11 Member
    Try tea instead. My husband used to drink a cube of Mountain Dew in half a week. That's 24 cans!!! Anyway, his big thing was the fact he needed something to both drink and occupy his hands. So, he switched to sweet tea. Doesn't help the sugar content, but it doesn't give you the withdrawal headaches quitting cold turkey will. Try it for a couple of weeks, then switch to water. Boom! You'll be dropping pounds in no time! Good luck!
  • ribye
    ribye Posts: 59 Member
    edited July 2017
    you can go cold turkey but pay a price I moved to diet coke and then eventually to caffeine free diet coke but took down the caffeine levels slowly, I don't miss the caffeine at all, I found with out the caffeine I didn't fall asleep in the afternoons like I use to and I didn't wake up at 3 am wide awake. I've since gone from 6 cans a day down to 1 can and feel much better. Amazing how addicting that stuff is, your body really doesn't want to let go of it.
  • maripanda
    maripanda Posts: 21 Member
    hmm it's tricky. Diet is full of aspartame which is not particularly good news. Maybe it's easier in some ways to just quit fizzy drinks all together, and replace with water and coffee? That would help the headaches and hydration/water retention. You might also be having a bit of a sugar withdrawal...but you've come this far it's probably as well to stick with it :)
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,181 Member
    Try some diet Dr Pepper. That brand is defining the leading edge of flavor.
  • maripanda
    maripanda Posts: 21 Member
    Oh also....what helped me to finally stop drinking fizzy drinks.......I did a sponsored 'just water' challenge for Water Aid last January. The idea is you only drink water (obviously you eat...but no juice, coffee, milk, whatever else) for a month.
    After that I've never actually been tempted...but yes I felt awful for the first week :O
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Hi my name is Annie I'm 25, I have been on and off of mfp for some time now.

    I started around 3 years ago after my second daughter was born, I lost 4 and a half stone and have now put 2 stone back on, mainly through drinking coca cola, I am finding it really hard to stop drinking it, today is my second day without it, great... Not really I have suffered with the worse headache I've ever had!!

    I'm back in here looking for friends to motivate and support me through my weight lose journey, and I'll do the same

    Feel free to add me

    Annie x

    I get caffeine headaches too when I don't get my iced tea in. You might experiment using flavored tea bags.

    Coke Zero gets good reviews. Personally I like Diet A&W because I like low acid drinks (reflux).