I need some ideas

I know that I need to eat healthy, I know that I need to portion control. But when it comes down to it I just can't do it. I have been on this see saw for a long while now. Any suggestions on how to overcome this.. I have quit things before. I know I can do this. I have everything at my disposal to be successful... I am not happy being this big. I need to lose at least 50 lbs. I am not giveing a firm time frame but want it to be soon.


  • thatguynick
    thatguynick Posts: 106 Member
    My strategy has been to drink lots of water and tweak my meals until they fall within the calorie range.
  • Kathryn97Perry
    Kathryn97Perry Posts: 14 Member
    I agree with the post above but I have just started to be healthy myself. Also I need to lose around 50 pounds.
    Anyway, that is besides the point. This past week I went to my local farmers market and I splurged on all things delicious and healthy. Especially veggies!
    Dark greens are really low in calories but super high in micronutrients so I can basically eat all I want.
    For example steamed asparagus (steamed in a fry pan with some fresh garlic) and red bell pepper was a snack for yesterday and if filled me up. If I am not mistaken I had about 100 calories worth but it filled almost a dinner plate.
    Be creative! I have fixed a few things I didn't like but it was fun messing with food. If you have a free hour anywhere look up vegetarian recipes for awesome salads and veggie recipes. This seems a little weird for me because I definitely love my meats, but I feel like vegetarian/vegan recipes (and they really help me to ease into portion control) really spruce up an otherwise meaty diet that may be too heavy at times.
    The problem with society today is that all of this processed food that surrounds us is calorie dense but they are starving us nutrient wise. It's hard, I totally admit that but once your body recognizes that it is actually getting what it needs you won't want to slow down. I have been eating healthy for three weeks and I barely have cravings anymore.
    Add me as a friend if you want and we can share more recipes, but if not keep working and eat like a bunny!!
  • MaVieEntiere
    MaVieEntiere Posts: 135 Member
    edited April 2015
    Yes I agee with Kathryn Perry above. The processed stuff makes you hungrier. Working out and overloading on veggies lost me my first 15 pounds. Working out supressed my appetite in a good way... any yes, overloading on the good greens. Macronutrients was also a way for me to keep full - a fat, a veg (carb) and a protein. All in the right portions. Check out Whole 30 to break some of the bad habits. A 30 day commitment that might re-train the way you look at food.
  • DKG28
    DKG28 Posts: 299 Member
    don't forget to address the mental challenge! I found my body is perfectly happy with smaller portions and fewer snacks, but my brain doesn't want to cooperate. I have to have a strategy to keep from eating out of boredom (tell yourself you can have a snack, but nor for another 20 minutes. often you turn to something else to cure the boredom), wanting to see the plate full (use smaller plates), drinking a cup of tea or water before you eat anything to fill you up or see if you're actually just thirsty. These types of things work quite well for me, and I'm not the type that has very much willpower. You can do it! Use a scale for portion control and start off by telling yourself you can eat anything, as long as you weigh out one portion at a time. Look to see how big or small portion sizes actually are on the plate. That's what my brain most needed to see. Even when I thought I was being good, I was way over. your brain's going to say "you're kidding me!" for a month, but when you get used to it, it'll make all the difference. Good luck!
  • cj94404
    cj94404 Posts: 154 Member
    Smaller plates. Check. Do not each packaged/processed foods. Check. I'm not big on leafy greens, so I do prefer frozen veggies that I stir fry. Just watch for too much sodium (more of a problem with canned veggies).

    Nuts have saved me many times from overeating. Plain, raw nuts, any variety. You don't want sugared/glazed/salted. Those flavors just set off cravings. One ounce of nuts is very filling if you pay attention. If you eat 2-3 oz you might get queasy from the fat. They're just very dense.

    I avoid artificial sweeteners. I think they set off cravings. If I want sugar, I use sugar and after a few weeks it gets easier to use less and less.

    I use a weight scale too for my food which taught me how a real 3 oz piece of fish looks like. Or 1 oz of cheese (sometimes surprisingly big. Dry cheese is physically lighter sometimes).

    I always, always use measuring cups. Estimating undermines me. I will always add more unless I'm measuring.

    If I want crisps (and yes, I do sometimes), I only buy small packets despite the cost. I know I'm slipping into bad habits when I convince myself to buy a large bag and I will portion it out. Never happens. Or maybe once in a blue moon. I almost always crave more than the small packet.

    Maybe try reducing portions slowly. 3/4th of a cup of rice versus 1 full cup. Then a few weeks later just 1/2 cup. Etc ...

    I had to do that with my breakfast. Two eggs were just too much cholesterol so I dropped down to one egg and it took a few days but soon it felt pretty normal.

    Good luck! You'll soon figure it out.
    TAPYYC Posts: 7 Member
    So much of the whole thing is mentality & habits. If we're truthful with ourselves, the physiology of losing weight is dead easy... whatever your activity level from totally sedentary to ultra marathoner, your body will burn a certain amount of calories each day. Your body is gonna get those calories one way or another or if the calories truly aren't available then your body is going to not do some of the activities (extreme example being starving to death where the body ceases all activity for lack of calories). If you want your body to "eat itself", you've got to take in less than you burn. If you think you're dieting but no weight is coming off then you're only fooling yourself about having created a calorie deficit, because if that were actually the case then your body would in fact be sourcing it's calories from its "storage" and you would see the proof in the form of weight loss. There are only 2 paths, eat less or burn more.

    So back to mentality and habit... we're extremely intolerant to hunger, which for most animals on the planet is a pretty natural state since food needs to be hunted/gathered/etc... lions don't have supermarkets. It's not easy but mentally you have to get happy when you're hungry and realize it's no reason to panic and run for the fridge, that means you're body is depleting it's own storage to do what you're asking of it. To do that you'll probably have to break a lot of habits around eating. No one size fits all there, but my approach has been to pick the worst (and I think we all know our own issues) and totally break them down one at a time. For example I gave up soda 4 years ago and not one drop has passed my lips since, man the first 2 months of breaking 30 years of habit was hard! Along the way I've learned I'm no good at moderation, so I need to accept it or go all the way to none, others may have the willpower to manage the "some" road but not me. Current self challenge... haven't had one bite of candy or desert in close to a month. Will I go the rest of my life without ever eating another piece of birthday cake... maybe, but I've come to enjoy the challenge of testing my own limits at least.
  • tretoptreece
    tretoptreece Posts: 425 Member
    I know that I need to eat healthy, I know that I need to portion control. But when it comes down to it I just can't do it. I have been on this see saw for a long while now. Any suggestions on how to overcome this.. I have quit things before. I know I can do this. I have everything at my disposal to be successful... I am not happy being this big. I need to lose at least 50 lbs. I am not giveing a firm time frame but want it to be soon.

    You have to want to do it. I've been in the same boat. I've done every diet imagineable lost 80 gained 100 lost 50 gained yo yo and etc. Tried every diet scheme and pill as well and the bottom line is you just have to discipline yourself. You can do it!!! If I can anyone can!
  • kathypotter43
    kathypotter43 Posts: 3 Member
  • katnroyal87
    katnroyal87 Posts: 8,789 Member
    I cut carbonation completely. I also use crystal light and mio to make myself drink more water which in turn makes you feel more full. Also look on here and Pinterest for delicious recipes that are healthy and high in protein. If you don't think you will maintain a consistent gym routine and you have the money, hire a personal trainer. I found that when I was paying money and someone else was depending on me to show up I was a lot more accountable. After going a few months I learned the machines and became more comfortable and started to enjoy it. Another thing I did was find an active hobby that you like doing... I picked golf. I hope this helps some. Good luck! We are all rooting for you!