April 2015 Running Challenge



  • Aine8046
    Aine8046 Posts: 2,122 Member
    Aine8046 wrote: »
    In for 50 miles!
    April 1st - 3.5 miles
    April 4th - 3.9 miles
    April 6th - 4.3 miles
    April 8th - 5.5 miles

    Total: 17.2 miles


  • cooter_mom
    cooter_mom Posts: 108 Member

    I need to catch up on this thread! I'm already so far behind!!
  • Jwls23
    Jwls23 Posts: 37 Member
    4/1 1.5 miles
    4/3 1.5 miles
    4/5 3 miles
    4/7 2.5 miles
    4/8 3 miles

    33.5 to go.
  • bjdavidson964
    bjdavidson964 Posts: 266 Member
    Great motivation for my first 5k May 2nd (first that I hope to actually run and not walk anyway). I'm a newbie and just finished the C25k program the first week in March. Gonna try to log 35 running miles in April. The term 'running' is questionable for me ... more like 'jogging' ... but I'll keep trying to get faster.

    4/3: 3.88 mi
    4/4: 3.57 mi
    4/5: 3.72 mi
    4/7: 3.81 mi
    4/8: 1.25 mi (quick stop by the park after Zumba)

    Current Total: 16.23miles

  • Aine8046
    Aine8046 Posts: 2,122 Member
    Great motivation for my first 5k May 2nd (first that I hope to actually run and not walk anyway). I'm a newbie and just finished the C25k program the first week in March. Gonna try to log 35 running miles in April. The term 'running' is questionable for me ... more like 'jogging' ... but I'll keep trying to get faster.

    4/3: 3.88 mi
    4/4: 3.57 mi
    4/5: 3.72 mi
    4/7: 3.81 mi
    4/8: 1.25 mi (quick stop by the park after Zumba)

    Current Total: 16.23miles

    So what do you do after graduation? Looks like just run 3+ miles almost every day? I am graduating this week and wonder what to do next... My 5k race is in a month, so I am not sure what to do before that...
  • bjdavidson964
    bjdavidson964 Posts: 266 Member
    Aine8046 wrote: »
    Great motivation for my first 5k May 2nd (first that I hope to actually run and not walk anyway). I'm a newbie and just finished the C25k program the first week in March. Gonna try to log 35 running miles in April. The term 'running' is questionable for me ... more like 'jogging' ... but I'll keep trying to get faster.

    4/3: 3.88 mi
    4/4: 3.57 mi
    4/5: 3.72 mi
    4/7: 3.81 mi
    4/8: 1.25 mi (quick stop by the park after Zumba)

    Current Total: 16.23miles

    So what do you do after graduation? Looks like just run 3+ miles almost every day? I am graduating this week and wonder what to do next... My 5k race is in a month, so I am not sure what to do before that...

    I just try to increase endurance by going as far as I can. Trying to break the 4mi barrier. Hasn't happen yet but it will one day ... hopefully soon. Also trying to increase speed.
  • SBRRepeat
    SBRRepeat Posts: 384 Member
    Did 6.2 easy-ish miles downtown after work tonight. Crossed the Ohio River 6 times! My knees and hips did not enjoy being back on pavement, though...
    Good thing I went straight from my run to a runners yoga class! Lulemon is offering them for free twice a week until the Flying Pig Marathon in May :smile:

    Anywhooo, 14.6/ 75-100 miles done.
    I'm hoping for a short run tomorrow, then 12 on Saturday and I'll be almost caught up!
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,403 Member
    skinnyby31 wrote: »
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    Right! Yesterday on a trail run a walking couple let their leashed barking snapping dog so close to me I had to jump out of the way. Geez..

    I hate that! I run with my dog and she's always on a lead beside me and when we were running this evening a dog off his lead tried to launch at her and bite her and the owner was so dismissive. The dog actually came at her again and this time I lost my cool and yelled at the owner to take him away from my dog. It annoys me so much when my friendly dog is on the lead and another dog that tries to attack her is free to run wild.
    I run with mine too, on leash beside me. We had a similar experience to yours with a Jack Russell terrier in our neighborhood that was unsupervised in an unfenced yard and ran down the street to attack my dog. The owner wouldn't get her dog away and when I realized she was useless I pushed her dog with my foot (did not kick it, if I had it would have been launched back down the street). She grabbed her dog and started to say something to me about 'kicking' her dog. I must have had a look on my face because she muttered sorry and turned and ran back to her house.

    @peeanoe - hang in there! your next run will be better and before you know it you will break through that 4 mi mark and beyond!
    @HonuNui - another beautiful picture!
    @SBRRepeat - That is awesome about the runners yoga classes. I may look for something like that here - as if I need something more to add to my schedule :smiley:
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,403 Member
    edited April 2015
    Aine8046 wrote: »
    Great motivation for my first 5k May 2nd (first that I hope to actually run and not walk anyway). I'm a newbie and just finished the C25k program the first week in March. Gonna try to log 35 running miles in April. The term 'running' is questionable for me ... more like 'jogging' ... but I'll keep trying to get faster.

    4/3: 3.88 mi
    4/4: 3.57 mi
    4/5: 3.72 mi
    4/7: 3.81 mi
    4/8: 1.25 mi (quick stop by the park after Zumba)

    Current Total: 16.23miles

    So what do you do after graduation? Looks like just run 3+ miles almost every day? I am graduating this week and wonder what to do next... My 5k race is in a month, so I am not sure what to do before that...

    I just try to increase endurance by going as far as I can. Trying to break the 4mi barrier. Hasn't happen yet but it will one day ... hopefully soon. Also trying to increase speed.

    Running at the same level for a while is fine too. Over time you will find your pace improving and you can start adding in more distance. Just don't try to add too much or go too fast too soon or you may find yourself injured. The general wisdom is to increase distance by no more than 10% per week.
  • _nikkiwolf_
    _nikkiwolf_ Posts: 1,380 Member
    4leighbee wrote: »
    My dog story: I was grazed by a scared dog walking off-lead with his owner, a kindly grandmother visiting for the Christmas break. (He was scared because I was dressed all in black with black sunglasses and a black hat ... it was cold. We were approaching each other.) He broke the skin, but I didn't react quickly enough to get her number, etc. She was dismissive of it, and frankly I was, too. Then, I thought of rabies - no way to find the owner ... I could take a chance, but if I'm wrong, I die. So, $1,500 later for (probably) unnecessary rabies shots, I am vaccinated. Moral: always ask for contact information so you can verify they've had their shots. Ugh.
    OMG, I had no idea rabies shots were that expensive!
    Every now and then I meet a dog that scares be, but so far it was only barking, growling or snapping in the air. I'll try really hard to remember to ask for contact details in case I ever get bitten - which I hope never happens. 99% of the dogs (and owners) I meet are perfectly okay.
  • rnjcb
    rnjcb Posts: 86 Member
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    April 2- 6.01 miles
    April 3- 5.15 miles
    April 4 - 34 mile bike ride
    April 5 - 20 mile bike ride - hilly ride.
    April 6 - 6.01 miles
    April 7 - Weight Training
    April 8 - 4.89 miles
    April 9 - 6.02 miles :smiley:

  • mmabry72
    mmabry72 Posts: 100 Member
    Did an easy 3 miles last night. Gearing up for a night trail run 5k Friday night. Should be good time.


    April 2 – 3.13 mi
    April 4 – 6.31 mi
    April 7 – 3.23 mi
    April 8 – 3.25 mi

  • CodeMonkey78
    CodeMonkey78 Posts: 320 Member
    Running Goal...160 miles
    Cycling Goal.....600 miles

    04/01: 2.17 mi: Daddy/Daughter Run/Walk + Cycling
    04/02: REST
    04/03: 10.00 mi: Easy
    04/04: Cycling
    04/05: 4.51 mi: 2.5mi Progression, 2mi Daddy/Daughter Run/Walk + Cycling

    ==> Weekly Total: 30.60 mi Running, 121.2 mi Cycling

    04/06: REST (Half Marathon this weekend)**
    04/07: UNWELCOMED REST (At work until 0D:30)
    04/08: 5.01mi: Easy with 1 mile pickup + Cycling

    April Running Total.......21.69 miles, 138.31 remaining
    April Cycling Total.......110.85 miles, 489.15 remaining

    ** Knee is not half marathon pace ready just yet -- using the race as my weekly long run.
  • csman49
    csman49 Posts: 1,100 Member
    5th - 4.6km (walk)
    6th - 5km
    7th - 5.5km
    8th - 6.6km
    9th - 10km


    A lot of pain on my lower right leg today, where the tendons run from the back of the ankle up to the calf. Had to walk/trot the last few km's so was quite surprised to hit exactly 60mins for 10km.
  • Remus42
    Remus42 Posts: 149 Member
    edited April 2015

    April 1 - 6k
    April 2 - 5.5k
    April 4 - 4k
    April 8 - 4k

  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    csman49 wrote: »

    A lot of pain on my lower right leg today, where the tendons run from the back of the ankle up to the calf. Had to walk/trot the last few km's so was quite surprised to hit exactly 60mins for 10km.

    Watch that pain, that is how my daughter started with Achilles's tendon problems. Hope it feels better.

    What is with people who let their dogs run. I have a big doggie, a 65 lb Labradoodle, the only time she's not on the leash off my property is for a little bit when I walk her in the morning and it's just me and her outside. If I'm doing work outside in the front of my house, she's on a long lead so she can walk around the front yard and get under the trees etc but she cannot reach the street. I would be horrified if she ever chased anyone or bit someone. Being on a leash is also for her safety, I don't need my baby being hit by a car.

    I was going to get in a quick 2 to 3 miles this morning and then be done until the half on Sunday, but sleeping in was more interesting LOL. Maybe I'll do 1 or 2 miles tomorrow am and be done.
  • Timby1
    Timby1 Posts: 294 Member
    4.49 for me today. Brings my total for the month so far to 36.24. I. AM. AMAZED.
  • harpere87
    harpere87 Posts: 142 Member
  • dawnna76
    dawnna76 Posts: 987 Member
    needing advice from our long time runners. I have a adductor pull that happened about two weeks ago now. i rested the first week just easy going walks and such. this week i got back at it but not doing much milage. i have a half marathon i signed up for and paid for this sunday. i ran 3 miles last night relitivly pain free (just not very fast at 12:00 miles) but today again my adductor is sore. i plan to run 4 miles tonight, crosstrain (strength) tomorrow rest saturday and run the half sunday. so my the advice i need is......should i run the half? I could tape up the muscle and that may help. but i am mostly worried about the long term training for my marathon on june 13th. and how much time off is to much off?