under 200 by June 2015



  • Robertus
    Robertus Posts: 558 Member
    ragribben wrote: »
    I too am shooting for under 200 soon. I was only 10 pounds away last year and spent 14 weeks couch bound due to 2 foot surgeries. Now I gained 10 pounds since then and having problems getting started again! Just busy and not taking the time. I am looking forward to getting my motivation back and knowing you are all out there doing it too does help!! Now I need to drop 20 pounds!
    You can definitely do this. I only had one major foot surgery, after which I gained 25 lbs, but eventually figured out a way to do this. When I couldn't run any more, I went back to swimming as my primary exercise. Where there's a will, there's a way. You can definitely do this.

  • Robertus
    Robertus Posts: 558 Member
    I'm toeing 200 now. I think this week or next. Down from 256 :smile:
    Woo hoo! I feel a big celebration coming up soon.

  • hawk3378
    hawk3378 Posts: 1 Member
    Count me in currently at 236 and this warmer weather going make getting outside so nice
  • Oh my goodness, congrats to you in how far you have come already thus far madam:) I have faith in you and know you CAN do it:) way to go!!!
  • MinxyNZ
    MinxyNZ Posts: 57 Member
    You got this girl! Keep that motivation and you shall see some real results this year!
  • lindsayKaye546372
    lindsayKaye546372 Posts: 1 Member
    Same goal sista!

  • nadinevital
    nadinevital Posts: 2 Member
    I'm new to fitnesspal. I want to do this as well. But I will not be weighing myself until June. Good luck everyone.
  • AGupta6mobile
    AGupta6mobile Posts: 36 Member
    Wow great job all of you!! It's inspiring and motivating to hear all your journey.. and glad to see ppl in same boat at me .

    I was 218.. went down to 190 early last year.. but then was at 228 early this year.. :(. Stating back again .. and firat time here on the community....

    Would love to hear your progress, and share what's working and not working for you all..maybe this would motivate me to keep on going.. .. now sure what adding means. Would love to hear
  • centarix
    centarix Posts: 123 Member
    This is awesome, great job to all! I'm at 230 now and will push to get below 200 by June.

    Feel free to add me for support!
  • cbradley903
    cbradley903 Posts: 52 Member
    If it is not too late I would love to get there. I am down 40 lbs and current wt is 211 lbs. I have hit a plateau but workout 5-6 days a week. If anyone wants to add someone who has been on this journey since December and I will soon be checking in here for 100 days. I feel better then ever but the facts are a gal wants to be under that 200 mark yup I sure do! I work at a fitness center so my workouts are insane but it is who I am. I you want a friend that will keep you motivated hit me up. Btw I am slightly over fifty. Haha but I am a go getter. Mostly clean eating but not vegan. Let's rock this!
  • margie_2015
    margie_2015 Posts: 23 Member
    You can do this!! I'm very excited for you, it'll be rough at times but the end result is worth it.. Your health is the most important benefactor in all of this and I'm glad you've made great progress in your journey to a better healthier you!
  • reneeslim
    reneeslim Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I am in!!! I am Renee. I am 220 and I want to lose 25 lbs by the end of June! I hadn't been under 200 in 15 years! I am over it!!! Got my calories at 1600 per day go to the gym 3x weekly does the calories sound right? Thanks! Happy losing! :s
  • elloseit
    elloseit Posts: 7 Member
    Same here! I have more to go but I plan to be under 200 very soon! :) every lb is a mini celebration! Feel free to add me! Seeing everyone working so hard motivates me :)
  • DancingThroughFire
    DancingThroughFire Posts: 10 Member
    I want to join I'm at 237 so 37 by june mnay be rough but I want to attempt it for sure.

    I miss onederland
  • I started at 223 around the beginning of Feb/ end of Jan. ..Down to 202 last week..Great Job EVERYONE!!! Weight has always been my biggest issue and as I have gotten older harder to loose..I love My Fitnesspal..Good luck on the goal!! I would love to be a part of the support team!!
  • Carpe_diem1983
    Carpe_diem1983 Posts: 83 Member
    I'm right with you all! Been struggling since Sept/October to get back under the 200 mark. I started trying to eat better and exercise in Jan but I can't seem to get below 209:/
    Looking for motivation and maybe recipe sharing for low carb dinners?
    Add me and I'll help motivate you too!
    We can do this! For the love of Summer, lol!
  • Sharrr77
    Sharrr77 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi boo !!
    I'm super excited bout my weight loSs journey !
    Only sound really lame saying that.
    But I can't remember being this mall in a really long time. I have two kids and I need to keep up with them.
    I'm currently 229!!!
    I'll be your support if your mine chica
  • JulieEllul
    JulieEllul Posts: 50 Member
    I just started this week and I'm very motivated and dreaming of being under 200, 70 to go...Sounds like you're motivated too and so many others. Good luck on your journey and add me if you'd like.
  • careyw1
    careyw1 Posts: 400 Member
    At my highest weight I was 280lbs, went down to. 150 but of course over two years of bad habits again .. Weighing myself after Christmas I was 205lbs opened my eyes once again..since then I've lost 20lbs and I'm back to onederland! You can do it!! Anyone feel free to add me any support would be great!!
  • thnktyc1
    thnktyc1 Posts: 2
    edited April 2015
    I would love to get in this group. I am 236 and daughter graduates in June would love to be under before everyone comes down. Add me if you would like