Back on track for summer

Time to get back into shape for summer. Last summer I felt uncomfortable.... I was up over 170/180lbs... not exactly sure how much. I avoided the scale... but not this summer!! So far Ive lost 13lbs since September and don't plan on stopping there :) Hoping to get back down to 150-155ish by June. Could use some friends to help keep me motivated, so add me.


  • hnovak0103
    hnovak0103 Posts: 26 Member
    I also decided to get in shape for summer..well a vacation to the beach this month but I know summer is coming up quick too! I am 39 yrs old and a stay at home mom to 3 kids. They keep me busy but I try to find time for my health and fitness. I have been trying to lose 20 lbs for 2 yrs and finally found something that works for me ;) This past month I lost 13 lbs and I am hoping for more in the upcoming months. I could use friends who are on the same journey!