I'm new, need support

I just joined yesterday and I absolutely love it. I have never been one to keep food diaries and count calories it just seemed to time consuming or maybe I was just being lazy. However, this site and the app on my phone makes it sooo easy. Losing weight is hard and I have been trying for a long time. This is a great new start and Im going to need lots of support to continue my weight loss journey.


  • Shanzstar
    Shanzstar Posts: 197
    feel free to add me! i'm new too :) good luck!
  • monica01970
    My cousin told me about this today. I really like it too !!
  • KristineAG
    KristineAG Posts: 36
    Welcome! I'm fairly new and I'm loving it here as well. Please feel free to add me if you'd like. :o)
  • Shannmarrs
    Shannmarrs Posts: 117 Member
    I sent you a friend request, we can support each other :smile:
  • veggiegirl7
    Hi, I'm Lois. I've been doing this app for about 45 days now. I luv it! Like you, I have never been able to log my food for more than a couple days until this app. It is a great app and I luv being able to access it on my iPhone. How much weight are you wanting to loose? I need to loose 10 to 15 pounds. Maybe we can encourage each other. :-)
  • Shine004
    Shine004 Posts: 32 Member
    It is great. Im on day eighteen. Feel free to add me. You can achieve your goal.
  • loseatonlady
    loseatonlady Posts: 160
    I'm somewhat new to MFP - but not to weight loss - add me if you'd like - I love sharing the journey! :happy:
  • Mommy2four13045
    Hi and welcome! I have only been here almost a week and I love it. The support is amazing! Feel free to add me as a friend and we can support each other together. Good luck!
  • cathyAprice
    cathyAprice Posts: 81
    feel free to add me or look me up on Facebook under Cathy Avriett Price :)
  • HaleyAlli
    HaleyAlli Posts: 911 Member
    Adding you right now! :)
  • jenmarsul31
    I am new too! I had the same views as you. Or I was too lazy also LOL... I got fitnesspal only because I saw the App on my iPod. It does make it soooo easy! I started dieting in March and am halfway there. Kinda been stuck for a while. I'm pretty motivated as far as fitness and diet,portions... I just dont have the knowledge to be able to eat "right".... Every site says something different, and I dont have the money or time to go to a nutritionist. So I just need to be properly educated on the subject! I know whats absolutely NOT healthy, but thats about it. Any help or suggestions are appreciated! Theres deff some good support here!!! Youve joined the right place!