The hell that is store mirrors.

Hey lovely people!

Have a bit of a bummer story to tell you. I have been finally going to the gym, and I swear at home I feel thinner (Though haven't lost much), I even could close a pair of shorts I couldn't before! (YAY)

I decided to treat myself and go shopping, especially as I have a party to attend this Saturday for a friends birthday. Wanted to find some white jeans and a dressy top and some summery clothes. What I wore going in I felt pretty confident in, strutting my stuff on the way to the store. I walk around, find lovely tops to try on, find some nice jeans and groove myself over to the changing rooms...and then it begun... The changing room is small with three mirrors so you can see yourself from every angle (Flattering and not)

I begun undressing myself and saw the biggest thighs I have ever seen on myself. In my jeans when I walk around they don't look that big, they might even look good in some reflection. I couldn't believe my eyes. They looked about the size of Africa. Enormous things! Quickly glanced over to the side when I was sitting on the chair and saw how my bra was squeezing my back fat, then i noticed my 2 spare tires that were created when I was sort of leaning to fix the bottom of the jeans as they were too long. My gut could have not been bigger today. Also I have never noticed my side profile, it was just awful. Is this what I really look like? I took some photos, now looking at it, it doesn't seem THAT bad, but right there in the store I could not have felt more fat. I'm 5'1 and around 60kg...

I left the store with a different pair of jeans as the ones in the photo gave me a pretty noticeable camel toe.
Didn't find a party top either as I just felt like a huge whale trying to fit in nice clothes...

Anybody relate? I used to love to shop for clothes but as I have gotten older I seem to hate it more each time I go...



  • jenncornelsen
    jenncornelsen Posts: 969 Member
    i think we are our own worst critic. i think u look good ! though i will say white is not at all forgiving. i dont even know if i will wear white when i reach goal!
  • bronnyd
    bronnyd Posts: 278 Member
    You look great if you ask me! I can totally relate to this as I've left many a shopping trip feeling bad about myself. Three things to remember:

    1. We are our own worst critics. The "flaws" that we see in ourselves often aren't noticeable to others.
    2. Changeroom mirrors are HORRIBLE! I've often wondered what the logic is behind the florescent lighting and funhouse mirrors in changerooms - don't they WANT people to buy merchandise?
    3. White jeans are EXTREMELY hard to pull off.

    Don't discount your progress! :smile:
  • urloved33
    urloved33 Posts: 3,323 Member
    edited April 2015
  • DearestWinter
    DearestWinter Posts: 595 Member
    As the previous poster mentioned, white is not very forgiving. That said, I have definitely had the disheartening experience of going into a dressing room and finding that the mirrors and lighting are such that they perfectly accentuate every single flaw.

    I'm starting to think that some of it may be distance. If it's a small dressing room then that affects your perspective since you're necessarily looking "down" at your body if you're standing so close to the mirror. (And I know when I look down then my shape looks strange, even when I'm fit and feel good.) Just a thought. If the store has mirrors outside the dressing room you might try things on and check in that mirror a little further away.
  • kimr41
    kimr41 Posts: 219 Member
    I had the same shopping experience today. I seen 3 maxi dresses online that I was interested in so went to the store. They were awful when I put them on.
  • mummaknev
    mummaknev Posts: 1
    edited April 2015
    OMG, I might have written this myself! I so agree with everything you wrote (except my reflection is not as kind as yours)! <3<3
  • renageddon
    renageddon Posts: 2 Member
    You and I have very similar figures (I'm just a taller version). I have done exactly the same thing. I felt exactly the same way. When I got home I could still see it in my own mirror, it was like I became aware of some "new" angle of my thighs, and that pudge around my bra clasp. I am of the opinion that store mirrors are evil. I hope you know you are NOT a whale. Everyone has outfits that are more slimming than others, not every person can pull off every piece of clothing! Remember, when you feel frustrated at the store, each body type has different flattering cuts, regardless of weight :)
  • Adc7225
    Adc7225 Posts: 1,318 Member
    I agree, we are our own worst critics. I also believe that one of the most unflattering piece of clothing outside of swimwear might be white jeans. I recently tried on a pair and looking in the mirror and taking a photo felt about 3.5 feet tall.

    Yesterday I had an interview and wore a nice black and white dress that I felt really good in (size 4), the person I interviewed with was tiny, like I was a Seagull and she was a Canary or something - I left the interview feeling huge and self conscience!

    It is all in our head, but that doesn't mean it doesn't matter we just have to figure out ways to work it out.
  • nikkib0103
    nikkib0103 Posts: 968 Member
    The lighting and positioning of these mirrors is what does it. Trust me, you never look as bad in real life as you do in a department store mirror. Do not give those mirrors the power to destroy what had been a pleased and confident mood. Treat them for what they are, anther version of Fun House mirrors. they distort. If you look at yourself in a full length mirror in your bedroom, in normal bedroom lighting, you will not look like you did in the store mirrors.
  • CuteAndCurvy83
    CuteAndCurvy83 Posts: 570 Member
    It's not the store mirrors. Its our brain. We tent to be overly critical,esp when we are trying to live a healthier life. Be nicer to yourself, sometimes it really is the clothing that is unflattering, not our body.
  • urloved33
    urloved33 Posts: 3,323 Member
    edited April 2015
  • loveliftlaughxo
    loveliftlaughxo Posts: 72 Member
    Had this same situation yesterday. I usually don't try things on, but I needed new shorts and was trying a new brand so I went ahead and tried them on.... Left feeling 100# heavier. Dressing rooms suck.
  • Sauleeh
    Sauleeh Posts: 83 Member
    Going to try again today for a nice top!~~ Hope those mirrors don't kill me!
  • Timorous_Beastie
    Timorous_Beastie Posts: 595 Member
    Dressing room lighting is teh devil!

    I took these pics hours apart.

  • SteampunkSongbird
    SteampunkSongbird Posts: 826 Member
    That's a Primark changing room, if I'm not mistaken; I absolutely LOATHE the Primark mirrors/lighting! Just like you said, no matter how good I'm feeling about myself, one trip to them can make me feel like I've made no progress at all. I don't know why some stores have such unflattering lighting, you'd think they'd go with softer lighting that would make people less likely to run out of there screaming and leaving their chosen items behind. :neutral:

    BTW I think you look great, I wish I looked that small in light-coloured jeans!
  • Sauleeh
    Sauleeh Posts: 83 Member
    That's a Primark changing room, if I'm not mistaken; I absolutely LOATHE the Primark mirrors/lighting! Just like you said, no matter how good I'm feeling about myself, one trip to them can make me feel like I've made no progress at all. I don't know why some stores have such unflattering lighting, you'd think they'd go with softer lighting that would make people less likely to run out of there screaming and leaving their chosen items behind. :neutral:

    BTW I think you look great, I wish I looked that small in light-coloured jeans!

    Yess It's Primark hihi! :D I went into River island to try on some clothes, but walked out quickly as I was surrounded by tall and thin beautiful women. I swear I could go shopping with nobody around...
  • GiGiBeans
    GiGiBeans Posts: 1,062 Member
    It's the lighting, not the mirrors. We paint our fitting roses blush & have soft lighting in them so people don't look like water bloated corpses. Downside is everyone asks me what color they are wearing because they can't see if it's black, brown, blue, heh.
  • brighton_up
    brighton_up Posts: 16 Member
    I feel like I have the opposite experience. I usually think I look amazing in the shop, buy it and when I try it on at home I look like a whale trying to fit into a leotard. Maybe I need to change my home lighting...
  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    dressing room lighting is the worst.

    (i like those shoes btw)
  • etecetra
    etecetra Posts: 1 Member
    That's a Primark changing room, if I'm not mistaken; I absolutely LOATHE the Primark mirrors/lighting! Just like you said, no matter how good I'm feeling about myself, one trip to them can make me feel like I've made no progress at all. I don't know why some stores have such unflattering lighting, you'd think they'd go with softer lighting that would make people less likely to run out of there screaming and leaving their chosen items behind. :neutral:

    BTW I think you look great, I wish I looked that small in light-coloured jeans!

    I hate Primark's mirrors too. Everytime I try anything in that shop I end up never buying and leaving the shop completely depressed and self-conscious. Just today it happened...and I swore to myself I would never go back there again ahahaha maybe I will...but i'll just buy the stuff and try at home. Don't feel bad about yourself! You are not alone. ;P