Can we go Vegan?

My husband and myself have started a new journey... We are happily married 24 years, going on 25 Years.
We decided to go Vegan and exercise 15 minutes 4 days a week for a better and healthier living. Is it easy?- By no means Daily do you get temptations?- Absolutely. But is it worth it ? Yes!!! So far we are coming to the end of week 5. We have lost some weight. him 45-50 pounds me 25-30. But we are both feeling great.


  • Vixenmd1
    Vixenmd1 Posts: 146 Member
    I have been vegan for 25 years. It is as easy as anything. Depends on your commitment. Also your reasons for doing it. Why do you want to go vegan? I would say if you think that being vegan alone will make you drop weight it strait up won't. Being vegan and Sticking to a calorie deficit will. But vegan calories are calories so the calories of what you eat and the amount of those foods will mater on your overall weight the same as other types of eaters. Over my 25 years I have been obese (started a ww in 2007 at 227 lbs at 5'9) and I have been thin at goal weight of 150 and here I sit now starting MFP at 207 3 weeks ago. I also have been vegan long enough to tell you that is not about me I have known vegans of all sizes depending on how much they ate and moved. That said there are LONG lists of reasons to be a vegan.

    On cravings I had them the first few months (when I was 17) and have never craved meat or dairy since. Even when I was pregnant and craving things. When I needed protein I craved tofu (no joke I would go out for tofu and veggie at an asain resturant).

    Good luck in your journey. There is also a few vegan/veg groups here on MFP to check out.
    AFINGLE1 Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks for your insights! It started as a health concern and has become a total life style journey.