Not necessarily new but...

I've been on MFP for a while, or at least I've had the account for a while - I don't actually tend to stick to logging or weighing for longer than a few months.
Buuuuut, I've been eating healthy/clean and doing Paleo (thanks to numerous food intolerances, thanks body) since February 14th (Yes, valentines day did suck for me this year!).
It's almost April 14th - which'll make it the two month mark, the time I usually give up on all of this and head back to crappy food and no exercise.

So, I'm feeling a little lonely on my MFP, and would love some friends just to keep the support up, and to chat to/whinge to/celebrate with/commiserate with.


  • willitsmckinley
    I have been doing MFP for a long time too, but I think I finally need some external motivation. Could be cool to see what others are doing to get healthy and fit. Count me in.
  • jiigglybutt
    jiigglybutt Posts: 345 Member
    Feel free to add me!! I am very active and regularly go down my feed to check up on my friends and leave comments!