
Figured I'd bite.

Finally getting on top of my training now; running a small deficit alongside 4 running days a week, but added kettlebells to that for some resistance work.

Noticed the last few running sessions I've been cramping up really bad and getting earlier cardiac drift. From previous experience I'm running low on sugars, but I'm not sure how to balance that with being in deficit.

Is there a good way to keep glycogen topped up between sessions while running a deficit, or is this just a pipe dream?


  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    You may want to play around with your nutrient timing. I focus on weekly macros versus daily. That should let you take in more carbs around the runs and less on non-training days.
  • neaneacc
    neaneacc Posts: 224 Member
    I know it may not be perfect etiquette, but I keep an apple or orange on hand for this exact reason. I am not sure why, but I will go weeks without an issue and then all of the sudden it hits mid-workout. I get that weird low sugar shaky feel that makes me feel crappy all of the sudden. However, the cramping may be more to do with hydration or potassium. If you think that is the case maybe like a G2 or something might work.
  • ChunkLaFunk
    ChunkLaFunk Posts: 38 Member
    Potassium has been mentioned but also calcium and magnesium deficiencies can cause cramping. Magnesium is often overlooked, especially on a low carb diet. Good sources are beans, greens and nuts. Supplements are another way to go.

    Coconut water as a recovery drink is another good source for potassium.

    Also, you may want to do a re-feeding day once every 7-10 days to refuel your muscles.
  • deathninja82
    deathninja82 Posts: 108 Member
    Thanks for the input guys. I know my V&Ms are pretty good through supplements, so I'll try going back to Lucozade before a run and see how I go, might look into taking dextrose after KB training and see if that helps.

    Problem is I can't stand sweet things at all (so no fruit, juice etc.), and I can just about force myself to take powders and gels, so I suspect it's a lack of accessible carbs as much as anything.
  • deathninja82
    deathninja82 Posts: 108 Member
    edited April 2015
    Just as a follow up; tried going with a Lucozade about 20 mins before heading out and it's made a huge difference (I'm terrible at keeping my carbs up too so it figures), just need to find a cheap powder equivalent.

    Tinabob777 wrote: »
    I cramp when low carbing, but I don't really watch my mag.

    Not sure if you can get it in your neck of the woods, but High5 do these zero cal electrolyte tabs you dissolve in your drink; they've got mag in them and they've work for me in the past, only snag is they taste like a cat peed in a car battery...
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,195 Member
    Personally, I've found that when I cramp, I haven't had enough to drink (water). I'll even cramp just walking up the street if I haven't had enough to drink.