diabetic dilema

Is anyone diabetic and suffer with low early morning blood sugars below 60. Over eat while trying to bring up the values and have your body clock set to eat more the whole day?

Help, if you have some answers.



  • stephenrhinton
    stephenrhinton Posts: 522 Member
    I'm diabetic (type 2), but I can't say I have this problem. HOWEVER, what I did find was a nice work around using google that lets me search for groups dedicated to a particular topic.
    I am active in a type 2 diabetes support group, but I'm guessing you may be type 1? Anyway try the following links to see if there might be an MFP community to plug into that fits your needs.


  • PKM0515
    PKM0515 Posts: 2,969 Member
    I definitely think you should check with your doctor. Your night-time medicine dosage may need to be reduced. :)
  • ravikrishna
    ravikrishna Posts: 51 Member

    Am T2D from the past 4 years. There's been a lot of research around about reversing the T2D with Fasting (Intermittent Fasting). I've been doing this IF and am very successful in controlling the BS levels without any medication now.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Maybe less medication at night? Talk to your doc?
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    The only safe thing to do is bring up that number with a fast burning carb. I imagine you eat-retest so try and time that reasonably. How about finishing up with a protein like a hard boiled egg? I find that helps even out the sugars for the rest of the day

    If you end up going over at breakfast, do also eat a reasonable lunch and dinner. It does not pay to try and "make up" the day later.
  • bac0s
    bac0s Posts: 48 Member
    edited April 2015
    Are you on insulin? If so, it sounds like you may need to adjust your long-acting dosage. It sounds like you may be unfamiliar with this so I'd suggest calling your dr. Insulin is a growth hormone, making for a vicious weight-gain cycle. The more you eat, the more insulin you need. And the more insulin you use, the more you want to eat.
  • helenbenzie75
    helenbenzie75 Posts: 95 Member
    My boyfriend is type one and if his sugar level ever goes low it's always in the early hours of the morning, not such a nice wake up call for me! Anyway he is very very lucky that he can actually go down to 40 or sometime lower and still be walking, but beginning to not make sense lol! I would agree with what people above have said any reduced you night time insulin a little, I am no doctor through. :smile:
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    Don't overeat. Eat 10 or 15g or whatever of carbs and wait.
  • JenniferInCt
    JenniferInCt Posts: 431 Member
    Another option, besides talking to the doctor and maybe having them adjust your meds is drinking a glucerna ( diabetic supplement With long acting carbs and healthy vitamins). My mom started mfp a month or so ago, and shes had two episodes of hypoglycemia- scary! Her doctor took her off insulin (yay!) and reduced her metformin and she still gets borderline low. But if she drinks a glucerna in the am or before bed, her levels stay stable without any highs or lows. I REALLLY recommend it! Also, try spacing out your meals so that you have consistent levels and definately check your bs before bed. As a health care worker, ive seen way to many hypoglycemic episodes in the middle of the night.

    Also, make sure you have some quick acting carbs/sugar around just in case. Mom keeps those smaller individual containers of OJ around just in case. They also make that quick sugar gel for emergencies.

    But you should really get your docs advice, as every person is different. Good luck! I know its scary but it is possible to find a healthy balance.
  • sharan_v_garry
    sharan_v_garry Posts: 23 Member
    Thanks everyone. Will check in with my endocrinologist. and I am going to try the glucerna.