2015 Adopt a Noob Official MFP Thread



  • chant1lly
    chant1lly Posts: 2 Member
    edited April 2015
    Hi all I am a 39 year old single mum of five. Battled weight since my teens and have done so many diets my brain is confused .. I've decided to go back to basics and count calories for a while. Would love a mentor ... or buddy on here

    I have been here a while but didn't get round to using it much in the past.

    I need to lose about 8 stone .. but think I'll be happy with around 5

    I've started at the gym today and will be going as much as time allows and will.do my best to keep tracking
  • lolaandbehold
    lolaandbehold Posts: 9 Member
    I'm new to MFP, having tried weightwatchers previously and lost weight, but there were a few things about the system I didn't like. Hoping MFP is going to be the answer for me, but definitely need some motivation and a kick in the right direction! If anyone would like to support, I'd be very grateful :)
  • CaleabVeasley
    CaleabVeasley Posts: 1 Member
    I would like a mentor
  • MissFibi11
    MissFibi11 Posts: 1 Member
    I know I need to be looking around and messaging volunteer mentors, and that is what I'm doing. However, in the mean time, I figured I make a post to see if I can catch any of the mentors eyes while I look around.

    I'm turning 26 in May, married with no kids and very over weight at 225-230 on a 5'3" frame and I'm ready to kick a** and loose 80lbs+. I am a corrections officer for a local Sheriff's Office and I want to loose weight and get fit/gain muscle so I can defend myself against my unruly and aggressive inmates. I was also diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and have a fatty liver that drives my bad cholestrol up into the unhealthy high levels. This has also made having a baby very very difficult for my husband and I and we would love to plan for a baby in the next year or so, but my Dr tells me I need to loose about 20lbs in hopes to help my fertility issues.

    I am ready to start making the life changing steps needed to be healthy, get stronger and show the law enforcement world that a short woman can hold her own! Hell Yeah!.....and having a baby would be great too. lol

    Looking for a mentor who may also be in law enforcement or else has exprience in PCOS weight loss struggles. I need someone who can hold me accountable, be a drill seargent at times and have dark humor (very dark humor lol). Hope to find someone out there in this wide world!
  • Feistychick68
    Feistychick68 Posts: 301 Member
    Hello I would like to be matched with a mentor male/female that thinks I would be a good little pupil xD. I am a 46 year old female that is great at telling others how to be positive and to believe in themselves. Something I struggle with. I grew up in an alcoholic environment that wasn't the best and emotional eating is an issue. I am 5'3 220 now. I suffered pts. After caring for my mom and her bf that were dieing of cancer. My pts turned to depression which doesn't help with the weight loss. I am in a pretty good mind frame with my depression no meds and I know how to avoid the triggers that send me down a negative path. Self esteem is a huge challenge for me probably the main factor in my weight problems.i have some relationship issues that I'm trying to work through that also deflate my confidence. For theist part nobody will know these issues caz I keep them to myself but they are the issues that led to my weight. As far as meals I would like to learn to eat within the 1200 calorie goal I set for myself. I'm competitive and a perfectionist. The part about weighing and measuring to figure food out may be a stumbling block for me as I'm not patient... I truly want to succeed and be my own hero. If you think you can be a mentor for me hit me up.
  • cereyababesz
    cereyababesz Posts: 5 Member
    Hello Everyone! Could use all the help & support I could get.

    21 Year old Female
    5'8 CW: 170 Pounds

    My goal is to drop at least 10 pounds, and tone my body.

    Anyone interested?
  • cereyababesz
    cereyababesz Posts: 5 Member
    Hello Everyone! Could use all the help & support I could get.

    21 Year old Female
    5'8 CW: 170 Pounds

    My goal is to drop at least 10 pounds, and tone my body.

    Anyone interested?

    Alsooo!!! Just decided to become a vegetarian if anyone has any tips with that.
  • RachLovesFit
    RachLovesFit Posts: 73 Member
    Adopt me please???
  • EvanderBurrell
    EvanderBurrell Posts: 1 Member
    What about the skinny guy and the skinny girl who can't seem to make gains?! Although I am new to MFP, I am not new to the art of fitness. I am lending myself as a mentor for those who struggle with GAINING weight. This was my struggle for many years an ectomorph...I learned at 18 years old 145 lbs. the tried and true method. At 19 years old, I could finally see results. Today I've been able to maintain my weight where I want it to be between 185 lbs.-200 lbs. @ 5'9" in height. I use MFP to keep track and understand my Macros. Add me and leave a brief message.
  • GetThatRunnersHigh
    GetThatRunnersHigh Posts: 112 Member
    I'd be happy to be a mentor. Below are my stats.

    Age: 23
    Gender: F
    Height: 5'2"
    Starting Weight: 179
    Current Weight: 128
    Body Fat %: 22.1%
    Goal: Lower BF% to 18-19

    I've been chubby through out my life and ballooned during college when I used food as a way to deal with the demands of my engineering program. After a year in the workforce, I decided to make a permanent change in lifestyle. Running and moderation was key. I lost weight in a sustainable way where I was able to eat chocolate cheesecake in moderate amounts.

    Starting out as someone who couldn't go a minute without getting out of breath, I'm now a runner who averages 20 - 30 miles a week and am a firm believer in finding balance between wholesome foods and treats. I'd love to help someone else succeed :)

  • mkerr3
    mkerr3 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm a newbie. Was doing weight watchers but it got to easy. I need some discipline. I'm on day one
  • Looking for a mentor that fits me and is near Austell, GA. A bit of infor on me.
    Work Graphic design / photography
    I would love to have a mentor. I have had 10 children, I am 37 now :( and suffered with an eating disorder since I was 12. I recently this last yr tragically lost my father and 5 of my children. I suffer with major depression, anxiety, and ptsd-(post traumatic stress disorder). I was put on meds for the first time in my life, and gained 60lbs 0.o I seriously need to take back control over my life, health, and weight. I am very serious about becoming healthier, I smoke and will also be pushing to quit this weekend. please any help is tremendously appreciated, thank you in advance. Shawnna
  • MelissaAnn1983
    MelissaAnn1983 Posts: 149 Member
    Very frustrating having to weed through the noob post trying to find a mentor.
  • yamelybarra
    yamelybarra Posts: 1 Member
    I'm a bit late on this train, but does anyone want to adopt me? :3
  • cloroxsniffles
    cloroxsniffles Posts: 2 Member
    Just started MFP and could use some friends to help me get on the right track. :)
  • justme_Ally
    justme_Ally Posts: 26 Member
    hello. My name is Ally, I am 33 and I am struggling with my weight for over 15 years. I tried everything out there but unfortunately, I am my worst enemy and always seem to fail due the lack of self esteem. I can move mountains for the loved ones but when it comes to me, I can't do anything for myself... that's why I need support, I need someone who will guide me and listen to me. I can offer support as well. I am a good listener and always happy to make new friends. Thank you
  • louisew238
    louisew238 Posts: 2 Member
    Mentor needed please.
    I am 39 currently obese have 2 girls and work full time. I try to gym 3/4 times a week.
    I have pcos too. Need a good kick to keep on track doing this alone is hard, no gym buddy either. If you would like to help i would be grateful....
  • KyleQuinnn
    KyleQuinnn Posts: 3 Member
    Weight gain mentor needed please :smile:
    I've just started going to the gym this past week because I'm not happy with how I look, I look really underweight, I'm 20 years old 6ft4 and I weigh around 12st4lbs, If anyone could help me with bulking and gaining lean muscle I'd really appreciate it, thank you
  • UrianaZeta
    UrianaZeta Posts: 19 Member
    I would really like to have a mentor. I am trying really hard, and I am so confused with everything that I need to do or not do. I am 41, weigh over 300pounds, have been sedentary for years untill the last 2 weeks or so, and I amwanting to lose over 100 pounds. I would really prefer a female (no offense, guys) who has already lost about the same amount as I want to lose. Being close to my age is also a plus, since my 41 year old body definitely doesnt act like it's 20 anymore lol. I really need help with most aspects for weight loss and exercise, and could definitely use the support of someone who was in the same boat as me. I have never really done any of it before, I feel lost.
  • dottiestlottiest2015
    dottiestlottiest2015 Posts: 45 Member
    Hey I'm a 21 year old female living in Scotland. Student life has got the better of me and I've piled on the pounds. I'm back at the gym and enjoying it, but I suffer from an old, but serious knee injury.
    I'm looking for a mentor who can help me with excersising without my knee getting in the way.

    I want to lose 7st in the long run. Trying to do it lb by lb at the moment.
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