Anyone else hungry all the time?



  • kfcopeland
    kfcopeland Posts: 7
    I have purchased lo cal snacks and nibble on them. I have increased my fruits as well. Hang in there. It will get better!!!
  • ali06013
    ali06013 Posts: 24 Member

    I am no expert but I can speak from experience – I had a quick flick through your diary and it seems to be a little heavy on sugar – I have found in the past when I have dieted (and failed) the more sweet things I have the more hungry I stay.... This time I have tried to stick to only natural sweet things (fruit) and minimise the processed foods which are high in sugar....

    I know this is hard when if you have a sweet tooth but it has really helped me I am struggling some days to eat 1200 cals and although I would be lying to say I was never hungry I really am less hungry than when I have tried this before....

    Hope this helps.....


    I completely agree with you on this. I have had the same experience with the sweets and I typically feel less hungry when I keep my sugars low and natural (i.e. in fruit), too.
  • eryn415
    eryn415 Posts: 98 Member
    I feel like I eat all the time. When I am not eating, I am thinking about next snack or meal. I have lost 30 pounds, so this isn't necessarily a bad thing. I try to pack my bag with lots of healthy snacks (almonds, apples, cheese...), and I try to always carry water with me. As someone else said, if you are new at this, your body may be adjusting still.

    Keep up the good work!!!
  • vsyates
    vsyates Posts: 373 Member
    I find that there are days when I'm okay, and others when I don't think I can get enough to eat! Being hungry is a new feeling for me. I used to eat mindlessly all day long -- I don't think I ever let myself get hungry :blushing: Today I'm very hungry. I've been doing a lot of talking to myself.....
  • Crystal_Rudolph
    Crystal_Rudolph Posts: 632 Member
    I don't know why people say drink water--- all it does to me is make me have to pee.:blushing:

    same here!

    Sorry, had to run to the bathroom...AGAIN!!!:laugh:
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    If I'm doing any heavy-duty cardio, that day I will be more hungry. Protein and fat-rich foods definitely help quell hunger, though.

    Also, make sure not to go too far over on sugar and make sure it's from whole fruit, dairy, or vegetable sources.
  • Sj20fame
    Sj20fame Posts: 205 Member
    First of all, I dont' know how long you have been doing MFP buttt It gets easier, Right now your mind is having to adjust to the fact that you aren't feeding it as much as you used to, so it is sending signals to your body telling it it is hungry, once it adjusts and gets used to the amount of food, then It wont send signals telling you that you are hungry.

    Hopefully this makes more sense.

    kimmerroze IS RIGHT! You just have to adjust, first week all I was thinking about was food, and as weeks pass by I'm getting better and better, feel free to check out my diary anytime to get ideas ;) It just takes time to adjust so hang in there and good luck to ya!:happy:
  • Thompsonic7
    Thompsonic7 Posts: 32
    I used to THINK I was hungry alll the time... but after learning to count every chew of my food, eat slower, drink more water and most importantly LEARNING THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN BEING HUNGRY AND NOT BEING FULL (i could NOT do this before!!)... i'm finally learning to eat less :)
  • shawds
    shawds Posts: 1
    Hi I'm new too and sometimes I feel the same way I know for me it's 75 percent in my head I use food to avoid something else I know I should be doing because, it tastes good, like someone else said I've been talking to myself a lot. I'm still so new that I'm having fun wihththis so the hungner doesn't really bother me. I't llprobably will get old soon... I agree about eating the vegetables my mom suggested cooked green beans, broccoli, beets, carrots. you feel satisfied after eating a big plate of those!
  • beccarockslife
    beccarockslife Posts: 816 Member
    I'm hungry before meals are due but not really at other times, It's normal to be hungry before a meal, I think we are told by society that we aren't supposed to be hungry because we are wealthier and have more access to food than people who have gone before us and we are bombarded with images of "you should never be hungry". It's natural to feel hungry, healthy in fact.

    That said, if you are hungry all the time you probably need a higher starchy veg content it'll keep you full longer.

    *steps down off soapbox*
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,412 MFP Moderator
    Generally, if you are always hungry, then you might not be getting enough calories. Also, your diet seems all over the place from your logs. You wouldn't happen to know your BF% would you? If you do, then you can calculate your BMR using the Katch-McArdle formula which has really help me. It allows you to understand how many calories your body burns doing nothing and then you can adjust from there.
  • wildon883r
    wildon883r Posts: 429 Member
    It may sound contradictive but fat satisfies hunger. Protein, fruits and veggies alone won't cut it. We NEED a good amount of fat in our diet namely healthy fats. 20-30 years ago where very few folks were obese in the U.S. our diet consisted of 45% fat. I copy and pasted this from

    Recommendation: Limit total fat to 20 to 35 percent of your daily calories. Fat has 9 calories a gram. Based on a 2,000-calorie-a-day diet, this amounts to about 400 to 700 calories a day, or about 44 to 78 grams of total fat. Make sure its healthy fats like olive oil, fish oils, nuts like pistachio's. One serving about 1/4cup unshelled is 170 calories and is more satisfying then a jumbo salad is (just veggies) no dressing. I eat a serving of pistachio's EVERY day before bed. Yes make sure you get enough fat in your diet.
  • brndygrl98
    brndygrl98 Posts: 196 Member
    Eat about 120 or so calories of nuts and I pretty much guarantee that you won't feel hungry for hours!
  • SLaw4215
    SLaw4215 Posts: 596 Member
    You have to eat REAL food!!!! I am starting to finally get the hang of this! Today for lunch I ate 1 baked Yam (no salt, no butter, no nothing but the vegetable) and 1 apple. They were sweet, crunchy, and filling. I brought other things ... a 5 calorie jello, hummus singles, and cracker chips but I didn't want for them. Make a list of things you believe were healthy choices before you started MFP like baked potato, legumes, etc and then think about how you made them..baked, fried, smothered in some oily or sugary condiment.... strip it back and make a healthier version. You get what you crave and naturally gravitate toward so you will feel more satisfied than a TLC bar or frozen meal with 7 tiny pieces of broccoli and square shaped meat pieces.
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I go through phases where I have days like this. I found changing when I worked out helped as well as eating more of my calories midday.
  • silvereyes01
    silvereyes01 Posts: 49 Member
    I usually do pretty good eating 3 larger meals and having a little snack. I do tend to excercise more so I don't feel guilty if I want to eat more. It was also working for me to chug a bunch of water until my stomach hurt, (strange, I know) then I wouldn't feel so hungry, but even that's not helping anymore. I have been so hungry for the last week, and wanting to eat everything I see. 80% mental, 20% physical. Good luck to you on your weight loss journey