starting INSANITY



  • My husband and I started this on 5-3-11. Very intense!!!
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    Day 3 done!!!! Yay me!
  • amberfranklin1
    amberfranklin1 Posts: 79 Member
    I started Insanity 3 weeks ago, but am only on the second week of the calendar, Im just following the schedule, the 6 days a week is impossible for us. This evening I did Plyo Cardio Circuit (week 2 Wed). Last time I did this one I burned 365 calories, tonight burned 431. I tried to pay attention to get back into the "target zone" according to my polar FT4, during the breaks, but ended up missing out on some of the moves waiting for my heart to go back down. Is this what Shaun T means by "check your heart"? My target is 128 to 159 and average was 167, with max during workout being 189! I would love to hear how some of you are burning so many calories, 600+ is awesome! How do you handle the heart rate thing? I am in what I would think fairly good shape and other than tonight really paying attention to the HRM I dont take too many breaks and when I do they are not for long. I have done some sort of workout (elliptical or walking) at least 5 days a week since Jan, so I feel like I am ready to dig deeper. Am I just not digging deep enough or do I need to do something different to eventually get those numbers?
  • MissEmilie2011
    MissEmilie2011 Posts: 27 Member
    What should I put under my exercise tracker that would come close to an Insanity workout? I've been putting down aerobic exercise, but I'm not sure if that is right.
  • ShaeDetermined
    ShaeDetermined Posts: 1,525 Member
    Amber, I dont stop to monitor my HR and just push myself to complete the workout with as many reps as they are doing.
    (my HR is 52 at rest so I'm not really worried about pushing my heart too far)

    Welcome Emile! I have been manually entering the insanity workouts (under cardio) into the database as I get there, and just put in the calories that I burned. I am one day ahead of you, so each workout should be there when you need it. Check it out.

    For those of you who started on 5-2, kiss your thighs goodbye tonight.
    Cardio rest sounds oh so simple.
    But those squats are EVIL (the lunges aren't that pleasant either!). My quads were on fire.
  • HeyGrlHey
    HeyGrlHey Posts: 640
    Hey Everyone! WOW i can't believe how many people are doing INSANITY! I am on day three (I was suppose to be on day four but I had to take a break yesterday).

    I do have a question regarding if I should continue with INSANITY:

    My legs, especially my knees, are on fire at night after I finish my day. Is this suppose to be good or bad? The burning sensation is mostly in my knees :\ It hurt so bad the 2nd day that I was moaning in bed at night.

    Thanks for any input! I have also been doing Jillian M. 30 Day shred (today is day 2)

  • MissEmilie2011
    MissEmilie2011 Posts: 27 Member
    I'm not sure about burning in your knees that doesn't sound good. My thighs and calves are burning, but that's my muscles not my joints. If it feels like your joints are fire then you might be landing to hard in some of the jumps. You have to really be sure to absorb the shock by bending when you land so it doesn't hurt your knees and ankles. If it doesn't get better then I might have it checked out or do something with less impact on your knees. I'm not an expert by any means I just thought this might help. :)
  • tiggercub20
    tiggercub20 Posts: 36 Member
    the last week has been terrible. I ended going out of town and left the dvds at home for a few days. So, now I'm back to square one. so once again I'm sorry that I disappeared AGAIN. (UGH!) Anyways heres to hoping for no more family emergencies and pushing through insanity. anyways:
    power jacks:40
    power knees:60
    power jumps:33
    globe jumps:6
    suicide jumps:12
    push up jacks:16
    low plank oblique:36
    thank you all for listening/reading
  • rucks20
    rucks20 Posts: 711 Member
    I started doing Insanity April 25th, so I'm starting week 3 tonight. Wow!! I love it!! I have done several rounds and versions of P90X over the last 2 years, but I must say this fits its name and makes P90X almost look easy!

    On a side note...I am new to the whole fitnesspal site and I was playing around entering the exercises and my food journal (which I have never tracked before) and was suprised to find out that I lack a few calories but a ton of carbs and fat and eat way too many proteins. This baffles me!! Any tips or words of wisdom?

  • ShaeDetermined
    ShaeDetermined Posts: 1,525 Member
    I started doing Insanity April 25th, so I'm starting week 3 tonight. Wow!! I love it!! I have done several rounds and versions of P90X over the last 2 years, but I must say this fits its name and makes P90X almost look easy!

    On a side note...I am new to the whole fitnesspal site and I was playing around entering the exercises and my food journal (which I have never tracked before) and was suprised to find out that I lack a few calories but a ton of carbs and fat and eat way too many proteins. This baffles me!! Any tips or words of wisdom?


    hey, welcome!

    i find that mfp sets your protein allowance pretty low, but once you enter your exercise it significantly increases your allotment.
    u can add foods with "good fat" to increase your fat content, like: avocado, nuts, eggs, etc

    good luck!
  • HurricaneShaunna
    HurricaneShaunna Posts: 61 Member
    I am starting INSANITY tonight so I'll check back later with my fitness test results :)
  • maccabeth
    maccabeth Posts: 111 Member
    I just got the Insanity videos. I'm still doing 30 day shred for now, but after I finish, I am thinking of trying Insanity! Just like checking out your progress and experiences to get ready!
  • ShaeDetermined
    ShaeDetermined Posts: 1,525 Member
    unfortunately i was really bad last week and missed a couple of workouts.
    so this week instead of moving on to week 3 i'm repeating week 2.
    this time, the right way.
  • rucks20
    rucks20 Posts: 711 Member
    That's the spirit Shaindi! Jump right back in it!! :)
  • ShaeDetermined
    ShaeDetermined Posts: 1,525 Member
    thanks rucks, so far so good!
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    unfortunately i was really bad last week and missed a couple of workouts.
    so this week instead of moving on to week 3 i'm repeating week 2.
    this time, the right way.

    I too planned on restarting Week 2 yesterday, but after a week of yard work my allergies are kicking my butt. Doc said not to work out until I can actually breath again and I get a full nights rest (that hasn't happened in a week either). He also said the 5k I ran on Saturday while my allergies flared up, probably wasn't the best idea, but he was proud of me that I did it (he a friend of mine since highschool).

    Hopefully by next week they'll be cleared up and I can restart week 2.
  • ShaeDetermined
    ShaeDetermined Posts: 1,525 Member
    ohhhhhh! feel better! allergies are awful this season
  • nls124
    nls124 Posts: 1
    Where did you guys get Insanity? I really want to try it..can you download it for free on the computer? Or do you have to go out and buy it?
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    You have to either buy it directly from or through one of the Team Beachbody Coaches (like me). If you order through a Team Beachbody Coach you get a free bonus work out, that you do not get when you order through or any other method.

    Hope this helps,
  • rhow
    rhow Posts: 10
    Hey all!

    I'm new to the site! I joined mfp to track my meals/calorie intake after starting Insanity on the 14th and didn't realize there were boards until now. After doing P90X for 6 weeks and not losing weight, I decided to switch to doing more cardio and sticking to a meal plan. I hope this gets the ball rolling, b/c the workouts are killer and I love how quickly they go by (compared to P90X).

    I'm not sure how this site works yet, but feel free to add me.

    Here are my 1st fit test results:
    sk: 60
    pj: 42
    pk: 83
    pj: 27
    gj: 8
    sj: 12
    puj: 21*
    lpo: 38
    *I can't do many real push ups, so these were mostly knee versions

    Do any of you add any other type of workout on the midweek recovery days? I didn't burn as many calories as I would have liked ;)

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