Apple Cider Vineger?

Hi! I've been doing some reading, and I've seen a lot of posts about apple cider Vineger and it's amazing weightloss benefits. Does anyone know how true this is? I'm just curious, I know some of these "superfoods" are not actually super.


  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    All a myth sorry.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    Delicious on salad, but it isn't magic.
  • akiba254
    akiba254 Posts: 209 Member
    There may be benefits in it but its not a miracle cure. Taking it alone wont really do anything but combined with a healthy lifestyle it may have some additional benefits.
  • cheyenne_liddi
    cheyenne_liddi Posts: 8 Member
    it is detoxing, and it makes you poop haha. but it is very good for your heart and overall health. I drink a tablespoon in a glass of water every day and it is good at curbing your appetite if you have the munchies so it could help you lose weight that way. Regardless it is good for you. It can also make your hair shiny and clear up acne!
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    it is detoxing, and it makes you poop haha. but it is very good for your heart and overall health. I drink a tablespoon in a glass of water every day and it is good at curbing your appetite if you have the munchies so it could help you lose weight that way. Regardless it is good for you. It can also make your hair shiny and clear up acne!

    What toxins does it remove?

  • zamphir66
    zamphir66 Posts: 582 Member
    it is detoxing

    There is no such thing as detoxing in the sense that you are using it. Your liver and kidneys process out everything your body doesn't use. If you actually had toxic substances in your body, you would need to go to the emergency room, not drink apple cider vinegar.

  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Not true.
  • auntstephie321
    auntstephie321 Posts: 3,586 Member
    It's great as a conditioning rinse for your hair, dilute it with water and pour on your hair in the shower to remove residue.

    Vinegar is pretty impressive the things you can do with it but I feel most of the "superfood" myths are unfounded
  • maroonmango211
    maroonmango211 Posts: 908 Member
    edited April 2015
    I started drinking a tbsp mixed in with water twice a day before meals to help with digestion, after a couple weeks I even stopped taking my probiotics and still have a much better track than I used to. As far as weight loss, maybe it helps because I'm chugging a glass of water before two of my meals so I don't feel as tempted to have seconds.... but its not the ACV itself. As an acne skin wash, heck yes its great, works so well for clogged sweaty pores.

    ETA: I have been taking it straight with water for over 6 months now and I definitely won't stop, its cheap and not worth the risk of intestinal issues rising up again :P
  • sclause
    sclause Posts: 86 Member
    Speaking here from a medical standpoint: Over use of any acidic food or liquid in the belief of weight loss can be down right dangerous. The body is set up to counter act a certain amount of acidic or alkaline substances with what are called buffers in the blood stream to maintain a neutral ph level, but when one bombards the body with acidic substances you can get what is called acidosis which can have many awful side effects and be harmful to the body, likewise to many alkaline substances(such as people who pop rolaids like candy) can develop alkalosis. Not to mention the havoc the vinegar will do to your esophagus and teeth!
  • marcianne98
    marcianne98 Posts: 20 Member

    This is a good article from a source I have learned a lot from, regarding health.
  • marcianne98
    marcianne98 Posts: 20 Member
    To each his own.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    When I got a horrible sun burn on my legs I dipped a towel in apple cider vinegar and wrapped my legs in it. I have no idea where I saw that or if it worked but I thought it was very soothing.

    I smelled like vinegar though and now I want nothing to do with the stuff.
  • mamadon
    mamadon Posts: 1,422 Member
    I dont believe for a moment it helps with weight loss, but.... my dog recently had an ear infection. I had just spent about 900 dollars at the vet on my other dog, and really didn't want to go back. I read to use apple cider vinegar on a cotton ball and it totally cured her ear infection!