The chocolate bar guilt...



  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    I eat dark chocolate, my preference in Lindt dark mint intense.

    Most importantly though, IMO, is to remember that chocolate, in moderation, can be part of a healthy balanced diet. I find trying to find substitutes for something you REALLY REALLY crave is on a hiding to eating more calories as downing an apple when you've got a chocolate thing going on won't cut it all the time. Dark chocolate is better than milk, its a higher cocoa % so hits the chocolate craving better, in a smaller quantity. I keep it in the fridge and have a square and really really savour it rather than just scoffing it down how I used to.

    That's just my opinion, I'm trying to make my changes a long term sustainable thing and for me, a life without any chocolate wouldn't be good so by working it into my daily calories its accounted for. I also don't like the idea of guilt after eating, we HAVE to eat to live and the act of eating shouldn't be something to feel guilty about.

    Good luck in your weight loss and stay positive. You are doing wonderfully well.
  • CallMeMamaBoo
    CallMeMamaBoo Posts: 295
    Chocolate Goldfish 50 of them for 140 cals and Jello sugar free chocolate mousse for only 60 cals! but honestly I eat at least 1 or 2 candy bars a week but then I choose to eat them on days that I burned more than 600 cals. LOL So I guess I work for them!
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Look into the 100 calorie packs... they even have those mini chocolate cupcakes (my weakness). :)

    Love the chocolate cupcake 100 calorie packs. Yum.
  • kathyhull
    kathyhull Posts: 327 Member
    Hershey's dark chocolate kisses, Bliss squares or Dove Dark chocolate - I always put a few (4 or 5 kisses or 2 or three squares) in my lunch bag and try to spread them out over the day. I couldn't live without chocolate. I'm going to have to look into the substitute for Reese's ( Cow heavenly crisp peanut butter bars) 'cuz they're also a favorite of mine! Thanks Chevy 88Grl!!

    Never deprive yourself of something you really want or you'll end up binging. Just give yourself some ground rules - I can have a Kiss after I finish this whole bottle of water. I can have a kiss after dinner if I eat all my vegies.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    We have this print above our dining room table:


    What's life without a little pleasure, be it wine or chocolate? I agree with what others have said. Work it into your calories and savour every second of it. It will not dent your progress one iota if your diet is generally good otherwise...
  • mel4395
    mel4395 Posts: 18
    I Love the CHOCOLITES! they have peanut butter cups, pecan turtles, anything you can think of! and yes, they are very good for a low calorie diet! even a low carb diet! and they dont taste like diet chocolate! my son loves them, he is 18 and a junk food nut! when I get these I have to get extra! and one bar will fill you up! they are in the food database as well.
  • Lilpuck
    Lilpuck Posts: 1
    Fiber one bars work well for that
  • rachrach66
    rachrach66 Posts: 271 Member
    A single serving of Ghirardelli dark chocolate 60 percent cacao squares, four squares according to the label, contains 220 calories. If you could make yourself eat only one, you would consume 55 calories.

    Read more:
  • lfcutie
    lfcutie Posts: 103 Member
    skinny cow came out with chocolate bars and clusters. they are so good and about 110-120 per serving:)
  • LambornBetsey
    LambornBetsey Posts: 12 Member
    I just discovered Nature Valley Granola Thins with dark chocolate. They are amazing and only have 80 calories in a pouch.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    skinny cow came out with chocolate bars and clusters. they are so good and about 110-120 per serving:)
    Are they? I've seen them but not tried any yet, thanks for the positive review! :tongue:
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    skinny cow came out with chocolate bars and clusters. they are so good and about 110-120 per serving:)
    Are they? I've seen them but not tried any yet, thanks for the positive review! :tongue:

    I LOVE the peanut butter ones - I've replaced my beloved reese's with it.
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