Happily married, mother of 3, work full time and 70 lbs overweight!!! Need motivation!!

I am at the same weight now as I was going into the delivery room on my last child. I need and want to get back to where I should be 120lbs. I'm only 5 foot... It's ruining my life. I'm not happy with life anymore cause I'm tired and sick and in pain all the time from all of this weight I have on. No medical issues just FATTY. I have a love of food and portion distortion. I no all the rights and wrongs to losing weight I just can't seem to apply them to myself. I m starting today!! Any women out there who are in the same boat feel free to reply. Takes.. Look forward to this journey


  • rose313
    rose313 Posts: 1,146 Member
    Welcome! I'm only 5'2, I know how it feels. I love food too and am always taking more than the serving size :( We can do this.
  • margie_2015
    margie_2015 Posts: 23 Member
    Hi there! I was in the same situation.. Back in Oct. 2014 I was 170lbs.. I'm 5'2 with no medical problems and a mother of 3 kids. I work full time as a nursing administrator which leaves me no time to workout or prepare healthy meals. In my Oct doctor's visit he said that the sleep apnea I developed was from the weight gain.. In early November I decided to make healthy lifestyle changes such as eating right and working out.. I am now 135lbs and feel a lot better.. Though I have 10 more pounds to loose to reach my goal weight, the healthier choices I've made for the past 5 months have paid off.. This journey may be tough at times but the end result is well worth it! Best wishes.. You can do this!
  • urloved33
    urloved33 Posts: 3,323 Member
    A great motivator for me was not being here for my kids...death or illness taking me away from them. Its my kick in the pants.
  • aliceclift1
    aliceclift1 Posts: 1 Member
    Hiya... I am 5'4 and had my daughter a year ago but have never lost any of the weight! Tried loads of diets but hate being constantly hungry! I work full time in an office so am sat down all day which is a nightmare x
  • donnatella110
    donnatella110 Posts: 1 Member
    Me too. Working full time and having children I can't just pop to the gym or even workout in front of the TV coz fireman sam doesn't inspire me to do star jumps. I love food and my only hobby is baking which doesn't bode well. My portion sizes are crazy but I'm fed up of being fat and everything associated with it. Today is my first day of being good (again!)and already I'm struggling after a very trying day at work. In need of some like minded people for inspiration, support, tips and decent healthy recipes for a family (because cooking several different meals isn't going to cut it). I'm a realist but I know being healthy is a really possible.
  • I think a lot of mom's struggle with this. While I do have height on my side (5'8") I definitely feel the weight. I'm at a place where I bounce up and down on the scale. It's frustrating. I'm at 168/170 and would like to be around 150. I got close this winter but I have a major addiction to sugar and we eat out way too much. I know what i need to be doing, time is my enemy. With four kids, a job and a husband I barely have time for a shower. This app is my saving grace, food is the one thing I CAN control as long as I record everything I eat and drink.

    Good luck everybody! You'll find what works for you
  • nopotofgold
    nopotofgold Posts: 164 Member
    Best of luck. Have you tried weighing out your portions? It is totally not fun to apply this stuff to yourself, but practice makes perfect and I am sure you will get to the weight you want. :)
  • TheWazzer27
    TheWazzer27 Posts: 24 Member
    Short mama of 3 here too. I just had my 3rd and took total advantage of this last pregnancy and ate like crazy and didn't workout a single day. What slapped me in the face was when it was time to return to work I couldn't fit into any of my clothes! Now that we have 3 kids and an extremely tight budget, I don't have the luxury of buying a new wardrobe. I'm depressed every morning I have to squeeze into my clothes. So last week I got serious. I logged all my meals and managed to exercise 4 days. I found that it wasn't as hard as I was expecting it to be! I just had to DO it. Planning out my meals first thing in the morning helps tremendously. I have a gym at work so that helps. Anyway, I think most of it is our heads. Like you said, we know exactly what to do. Just gotta do it! Once you get going it does get easier. I'm determined to stick with it! I set a goal for a pound a week. I find that easier to stick with because I'm not starving at the end of the day. Good luck everyone!
  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    Hi. My story is yours. 2 toddlers, 70lbs overweight, working like 50 hours a week, loving food and beer. I started on here a year ago and MFP is great! I've lost half of the weight I came to lose and will lose the rest eventually.

    Don't beat yourself up. Working full time with kids is hard. When I get home, all I want to do is drink a beer and sit on the couch. In fact, I've damned well earned that. However, that earns me a big fat *kitten*. Once my boys are in bed I go to the gym. I'm not giving up eating, so I've learned to like cardio.

    Here is what works for me.
    Don't put any crazy time frames on your weight loss. Accept that it took you years to gain it. It will also likely take you years to lose it. But, that doesn't give you an out.

    Don't set yourself to 2lbs a week of weight loss. At your height, MFP will starve you. I'm 5'3" and it tries to starve me. Shoot for a pound a week. Add exercise if you can to earn more calories which you can eat back

    Recognize that there will days and likely weeks where you just can't eat at a calorie deficit. Find a calculator that tells you your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) This is how many calories you can eat without GAINING weight. When feasible, resume your weight loss journey. I like this one. http://scoobysworkshop.com/calorie-calculator/

    Get Support. Send friend requests to people in similar circumstances. Look at their food diaries for ideas. Its very motivating when you see your "friends" dropping serious poundage and you have the ability to see how they are doing

    Feel free to send me a friend request. Good Luck!
  • Msbennett709
    Msbennett709 Posts: 17 Member
    Thanks... Sorry for the late response but I'm just getting used to this site and didn't know I had all these replies on here lol. Thanks so much for the advise. I need to get through my hard head that one lb a week loss is a food thing and not a reason to quit...