Appetite Suppressants?

Can anyone suggest something to suppress my appetite (without getting judgy and hateful)? I don't mean something to make me feel full longer. I never feel full. I can be in physical pain and still not mentally feel full. It doesn't matter what I eat. Carbs, protein, fiber, drinking a lot of water... I'm never full, just gross with a constant desire to continue eating. I need something to absolutely destroy my desire to eat, something that will make it to where I have to force myself to eat something. I've been on prescription phentermine before, but my doctor will only prescribe for three months and then I have to wait a year.


  • akgeenaminto
    akgeenaminto Posts: 113 Member
    Excersize and food logging. Knowing how many miles I need to go to burn off binge does the trick
  • astgte
    astgte Posts: 81 Member
    nothing will work if you dont have the mental attitude to go for it, to me its an addiction a lot like smoking or drinking, you just never could think past the next bite.
  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    If you have a serious medical condition, go see a doctor. (A real medical doctor) They might be able to prescribe something if it's really warranted.

    If not, then it's just what the rest of us do: WIllpower, exercise, food logging, and having the discipline to stop eating when you've run out of calories.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    Medications that do such things are often for conditions that are much worse than things like hunger. One of my anti-seizure medications has the side effect of suppressing my appetite, and I dearly wish that it didn't do that. Those meds have many other side effects that also suck much worse.
    You really need to see someone for counseling if this is becoming a problem for you, because the problem is most likely a mental one, rather than a physical one. It's really not physically normal not to feel full even when eating to the point of pain.
  • Urban_Princess
    Urban_Princess Posts: 219 Member
    herrspoons wrote: »
    Water and willpower. That's about all there is.
    amen to that.

  • yayamom3
    yayamom3 Posts: 939 Member
    And herbal tea when water gets boring.
  • beemerphile1
    beemerphile1 Posts: 1,710 Member
    I find that food, especially high fiber whole food makes a good appetite suppressant.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    You all do realize that OP said eating to the point of pain still does not make him/her feel full. So no, water and fiber are probably not going to be the answer.
  • AgentOrangeJuice
    AgentOrangeJuice Posts: 1,069 Member

    I rub my belly, pat my head, spin around in circles then take the "F" out of "Weigh"

    Oh, there's no "F" in "Weigh"
  • SergeantSausage
    SergeantSausage Posts: 1,673 Member
    ... are a bad idea.

    A Really. Bad. Idea.

  • SHEscribbles
    SHEscribbles Posts: 8 Member
    The question would be do you feel empty in OTHER areas of your life? Maybe the "never feeling full" is not the problem... It could merely be a symptom of something that has nothing to do with food. If thats not the case, just make sure that you are not eating because you are bored or need your mood to change. Also BELVIQ is a bit different than phentermine. You may want to ask your doctor about whether that would be a good fit for you. Best of luck! And know that there is nothing wrong with desiring to be filled... it just can't always be with unhealthy food!
  • scraver2003
    scraver2003 Posts: 526 Member
    2ChaCha wrote: »
    Can anyone suggest something to suppress my appetite (without getting judgy and hateful)? I don't mean something to make me feel full longer. I never feel full. I can be in physical pain and still not mentally feel full. It doesn't matter what I eat. Carbs, protein, fiber, drinking a lot of water... I'm never full, just gross with a constant desire to continue eating. I need something to absolutely destroy my desire to eat, something that will make it to where I have to force myself to eat something. I've been on prescription phentermine before, but my doctor will only prescribe for three months and then I have to wait a year.

    You can't fix this with a physical solution. Your hunger is not physical, it is mental. You need to figure out why you are mentally hungry and fix that problem.
  • 2ChaCha
    2ChaCha Posts: 31 Member
    I'm perfectly willing to try anything natural or herbal. I have a friend who swears by apple cider vinegar. She says she takes a shot in the morning and she feels great all day. So I bought an expensive bottle of organic apple cider vinegar. All it did was make me gag and then my stomach would make crazy noises for the next hour or so. Didn't really notice any benefits.
  • 52cardpickup
    52cardpickup Posts: 379 Member
    mccindy72 wrote: »
    Medications that do such things are often for conditions that are much worse than things like hunger. One of my anti-seizure medications has the side effect of suppressing my appetite, and I dearly wish that it didn't do that. Those meds have many other side effects that also suck much worse.
    You really need to see someone for counseling if this is becoming a problem for you, because the problem is most likely a mental one, rather than a physical one. It's really not physically normal not to feel full even when eating to the point of pain.

    I'm on the same or a similar anti-seizure medication, and people don't understand how awful it really is.
  • SconnieCat
    SconnieCat Posts: 770 Member
    mccindy72 wrote: »
    Medications that do such things are often for conditions that are much worse than things like hunger. One of my anti-seizure medications has the side effect of suppressing my appetite, and I dearly wish that it didn't do that. Those meds have many other side effects that also suck much worse.
    You really need to see someone for counseling if this is becoming a problem for you, because the problem is most likely a mental one, rather than a physical one. It's really not physically normal not to feel full even when eating to the point of pain.

    This, OP. You won't be able to fix your hunger with any particular macronutrients. It would be a good idea to speak with a therapist regarding your problem.
  • 2ChaCha
    2ChaCha Posts: 31 Member
    The question would be do you feel empty in OTHER areas of your life? Maybe the "never feeling full" is not the problem... It could merely be a symptom of something that has nothing to do with food. If thats not the case, just make sure that you are not eating because you are bored or need your mood to change. Also BELVIQ is a bit different than phentermine. You may want to ask your doctor about whether that would be a good fit for you. Best of luck! And know that there is nothing wrong with desiring to be filled... it just can't always be with unhealthy food!

    Every area of my life is empty. I realize this, and it's something I've lived with for a long time and have pretty much just come to accept. The real problem, I believe, lies in that I don't think I will ever be able to fulfill any other part of my life until I look better. Until I'm out running 5k's and not spilling over my pants and out of my shirts, once I can wear a swim suit with any sort of comfort and confidence... Maybe then those other areas will cease to be empty. But until then, I don't really have any control over the other areas. I totally get the mental side of it. I really do. I may not be smart enough to use calorie trackers for any given length of time without getting frustrated and pissed off, but I'm fairly good at psychology. I realize it's all in my head and I'm the one making myself eat to much. But I also realize that I can't turn it off and I need help turning it off.
  • 2ChaCha
    2ChaCha Posts: 31 Member
    And I can't afford a therapist or counseling. Last time I checked into counseling it was going to cost me upwards of $40 a week, and that's with my insurance. Even if it's still the same, I still have to reach a $1500 deductible. I'm a single mom, and though I do get child support, every dime of that goes to my son's school tuition. I don't usually have an extra $20 a month, let alone an extra $200.

    And I'm sure a lot of you will just take that an excuse, but I promise I've crunched the numbers before. I budget my months very strictly. There is nowhere to cut from and nothing else to get rid of to find that money. Unless I get a significant raise (which won't happen since I have a state-funded job) or find a sugar daddy (which won't happen because... well, I'm a walking whale) there just isn't going to be money to allot myself to lie on a couch for an hour a week and whine to someone about my problems.
  • scraver2003
    scraver2003 Posts: 526 Member
    This book REALLY helped me a lot:
    Fearless Living by Rhonda Britten

    So, so, so helpful. It helped me to really change my thinking about a lot of aspects of my life.
  • SconnieCat
    SconnieCat Posts: 770 Member
    2ChaCha wrote: »
    And I can't afford a therapist or counseling. Last time I checked into counseling it was going to cost me upwards of $40 a week, and that's with my insurance. Even if it's still the same, I still have to reach a $1500 deductible. I'm a single mom, and though I do get child support, every dime of that goes to my son's school tuition. I don't usually have an extra $20 a month, let alone an extra $200.

    And I'm sure a lot of you will just take that an excuse, but I promise I've crunched the numbers before. I budget my months very strictly. There is nowhere to cut from and nothing else to get rid of to find that money. Unless I get a significant raise (which won't happen since I have a state-funded job) or find a sugar daddy (which won't happen because... well, I'm a walking whale) there just isn't going to be money to allot myself to lie on a couch for an hour a week and whine to someone about my problems.

    The issue you have is that you eat past the point of physical pain. Appetite suppressants won't help this issue. Fiber and water and good fats and protein won't help this issue.

    In an area I used to live in, there was free counseling to people who qualified and there were other centers/offices that would charge small fees. Even if you only go once a month or can look into Binge Eating Disorders and treatment options, it could be a start to help.

    Keep in mind that you're not "whining to someone about your problems". You have a genuine problem and just like if you had strep throat or an ear infection, you would go to the doctor. It's the same.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    2ChaCha wrote: »
    Can anyone suggest something to suppress my appetite (without getting judgy and hateful)? I don't mean something to make me feel full longer. I never feel full. I can be in physical pain and still not mentally feel full. It doesn't matter what I eat. Carbs, protein, fiber, drinking a lot of water... I'm never full, just gross with a constant desire to continue eating. I need something to absolutely destroy my desire to eat, something that will make it to where I have to force myself to eat something. I've been on prescription phentermine before, but my doctor will only prescribe for three months and then I have to wait a year.
    Your issue sounds more psychological than physical. Possibly seek some counseling on identifying the issue.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
