100 pounds??? Lets Lose this dead weight!



  • thatguynick
    thatguynick Posts: 106 Member
    I have 170+ to go, feel free to add me if you'd like :)
  • Peaceful_
    Peaceful_ Posts: 33 Member
    hello :) alittle over 100 pounds to lose feel free to add me
  • Heather417
    Heather417 Posts: 31 Member
    Please add me as well! This goes to everyone on this thread as well. I have 100+ lbs to lose. Really need people to do this with and help each other stay motivated!
  • jaliving
    jaliving Posts: 57 Member
    I got this way because I am addicted to food. I love it. I am the kind who will lick the inside of a fruit pie wrapper, even though whatever preprocessed crust crumb I might gleen will not have any taste or value. I just can't help myself. :neutral: Well, maybe now I can help myself and others.

    I've sent requests to everyone above! :smiley:
  • katsollenberger313
    katsollenberger313 Posts: 2 Member
    Any of you with 100 or so to lose find yourselves resistant to weight loss? I've been working out hard approx 4x per week and have a healthy diet with a few small splurges. Have been at it for 3 months and gained weight (6#) plus no change in measurements. Considering a nutritionist to find out what I'm doing wrong. Anyone else like me? I'm 39 and 6'.
  • I've got 220 lbs to lose, so I'd love to connect with people who have 80+ lbs to lose! Feel free to add me :)
  • lalabrucey
    lalabrucey Posts: 244 Member
    edited April 2015
    Can add me too!! I realise being overweight is my own doing and I alone have the power to change that but would be great if I add some like minded people to the journey for motivation and to occasionally say 'hang in there until the craving passes' or 'go to the gym for 20 mins, have a glass of water etc., you will soon forget about that toasted sandwich'


    Lana (NZ)
  • ninajoy72
    ninajoy72 Posts: 2 Member
    Well here I am, almost 29 and 100+ pounds over weight! How did I let myself get like this?? Well it needs to STOP! I need some motivation and would like to connect with other people on the same path as me.

  • ninajoy72
    ninajoy72 Posts: 2 Member
    I am in the same boat. I need to lose 100 pounds. Looking for some support. Please add me!
  • RebbyBix
    RebbyBix Posts: 3
    Right there with you. I lost 100 lbs once, I know I can do it again, but I'd like this to be the last time. Feel free to add me. We can all do this!
  • Jobethfry
    Jobethfry Posts: 3 Member
    Well here I am, almost 29 and 100+ pounds over weight! How did I let myself get like this?? Well it needs to STOP! I need some motivation and would like to connect with other people on the same path as me.

    Me too!!!!
  • Cindie84
    Cindie84 Posts: 32 Member
    I'm looking to drop 50 but why stop there!! I wouldn't mind another 50, I'm with you!!
  • Tx_Julie_Mango
    Tx_Julie_Mango Posts: 48 Member
    Down 89, I still have another 50 to 60 to go. #PCOSFighter
  • tru82
    tru82 Posts: 35 Member
    edited April 2015
    I would love to lose 100 pounds...
  • KristenMarie1181
    KristenMarie1181 Posts: 216 Member
    please everyone add me as well. It would take me forever to add everyone so please add me ty!
  • amyn13
    amyn13 Posts: 1
    Hi I'm new here. I l so have over 100 pounds to lose
  • menyuon
    menyuon Posts: 1
    Add me as well I have 80lbs as goal but 100 would be even better!
  • shanny_xx_
    shanny_xx_ Posts: 26 Member
    I'm right with you, 98 more pounds to lose for me. Consistency Is key :) feel free to add me
  • caitlyn30
    caitlyn30 Posts: 207 Member
    You can add me. I've lost 51 already. Want to lose 50 more!
  • kelsojojo22
    kelsojojo22 Posts: 7 Member
    Anyone can add me. I'm wanting to lose a 80 more!