I need friends who can relate to my alcohol problem.

I've lost weight successfully through My Fitness Pal. I did all the right things. Kept my calorie intake low with healthy foods and exercises several times a week. Here I am a couple years later after gaining the weight back and trying it again, only this time I've since started drinking alcohol on a regular basis. I don't drink until I'm sloppy but I do drink daily. I realize these empty carbs sometimes loaded with sugar is severely slowing my progress. I have to reform my mind so that drinking doesn't keep me from my goal or make it take longer. Last week was my first week to not drink alcohol for at least 2 days and I've made the greatest improvement. I believe I can keep the drinking down to just weekends, but it's not difficult for me to say when it comes to my weight loss goals that for me a strong mixed drink is just as bad as a cupcake. I'd be interested to hear if anyone else has this issue or feels the same way. When I talk about it to my friends, they don't seem to get it. Nobody looks at me like I'm an alcoholic and it hasn't destroyed my life in the same way alcoholism does others. Me personally, I think I have just as much a problem with alcohol as I do with bad food, but eating good food good for me is easier than saying no to just 1 drink after a long day at work.


  • JeopardyRight
    JeopardyRight Posts: 331 Member
    I think you are a pretty amazing person. The ability to self realize problems you have and take genuine initiative to change habits is admirable! It also takes a really strong person.
  • cattas2397
    cattas2397 Posts: 1 Member
    Well done you , stay strong
  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    Alcohol is fun- done in moderation. My therapist says "make it your slave and not your master".

    Find a way that works for you, like only at the weekend, don't buy it for home, mini bottles at dinner. There are lots of ways. Figure it into your daily calories.
  • syedumairtelecom
    syedumairtelecom Posts: 101 Member
    Just dont drink alcohol switch alcohol with some citric juices . That will help you a lot.
  • cathie2903
    cathie2903 Posts: 85 Member
    Giving up the alcohol is easier said than done so set yourself realistic goals. I am a weekend drinker. All week it's fine then as soon as Friday eve hits I open a bottle of wine as a weekend "treat". It's a habit - I know. It's a habit I can break but it's hard. So this week I am not having any until my sons 18th party at the end of the month. If i do it it will be a milestone reached so I will set another one then. Send me a friend request if you like and we can support each other :)
  • Dear friend: When you get to the point that
    "One is too many,and 1000 is never enough"
    You are in addiction.
    An alcohol addiction is just as destroying as a food, cigarette,gambling,shopping,sex addiction.
    It sounds like you are sedating your emotions with a drink as with food.
    Realizing a potential problem is a courageous endeavour,
    Changing it takes time.
    If you have to drink go low cal-like a wh. Wine spritzer.
    I've been sober 14 yrs.
    Write me personally if you need a friend.
    One day at a time!
  • I can understand what you're going through. For me, I can't just have one. Because if I have one, I have to have them all. I've been sober just over 8 months and it has helped in all aspects of my life. Including my weight. I'm here if you need to talk!
  • beck1967
    beck1967 Posts: 17 Member
    I keep my alcohol consumption to the weekends, maybe one to two drinks. I could never give it up completely. Find what works for you.
  • jackilynh
    jackilynh Posts: 13 Member
    I am a weekend drinker too. It did take a lot of discipline. Esp since the hubby drinks daily. You will def find what works for you!
  • TheSkyis
    TheSkyis Posts: 8 Member
    Right now I'm trying to just not drink alcohol during the week. Yesterday was good. I made it through Monday with only drinking some Vitamin Water in my wine glass. I feel if I can make it through the week I'll be doing good. I did drink some this last weekend but very much in moderation. I believe I can do this, but have to take it one day at a time, one week at a time, and then a month at a time...if that makes sense. Thanks for all of your encouraging words.
  • almondbutterbay
    almondbutterbay Posts: 221 Member
    If I drink a drink then I want ALL the drinks. For some reason drinking sparkling water helps me not drink. I have no idea why but it does.
  • steeler736
    steeler736 Posts: 76 Member
    I was a drink every day for a long time, even after I started working out. I to struggle with wanting to have a beer after work...slowly trying to get to just having a few a couple times a week but old habits are hard to break! :( I really want to be healthier so im trying hard. good luck and hope we all reach our goals!
  • ba155
    ba155 Posts: 1
    I tend to have the same problem. I love my wine while I cook dinner after work. The problem is that instead of one glass I have 2 or 3 and then can't eat that much. I continue to work on this. Yesterday was good. I'm also trying spritzer a heavy on the seltzer. This tends to satisfy me. It's not easy. Everyone had their go to thing.
  • chezlinvanrooyen
    chezlinvanrooyen Posts: 3 Member
    Stay strong i had the same issue but i just Had to make a choice now i drink once a week or sometime i don't drink at all.
  • steff274
    steff274 Posts: 227 Member
    I like a drink I am not trying to lose weight but I have a naughty habit of skipping food calories for alcohol which for someone that needs all the food calories it is just as bad!! I try and only drink when I have the day off the next day.. It usually means on a Saturday I am sweating out booze in the gym!!
  • douglasbeale
    douglasbeale Posts: 66 Member
    I treat myself to a soda once in a while. I keep 8oz coke in a glass bottles in the house, it reminds me of a beer bottle and I will sometimes have one with a hotdog and chips, or even with some popcorn. It's about 100 calories, otherwise, besides my morning coffee I try not to drink my calories. If I go out to eat or find myself in a social situation where people are drinking, I will usually order gingerale with ice, and everyone thinks I'm having a drink, or a glass bottle of one of those independent sodas.

    As far as alcohol goes, I myself can't have even one and haven't for over 13 years. I am a recovered alcoholic and can tell you my life if far better without any. If your attitude, or personality changes in the absence of alcohol, you may want to have a closer look at the situation. AA really helped me.

    If you can drink with moderation and on occasion, God bless you, I wish I could.
  • FairhavenDS
    FairhavenDS Posts: 1,046 Member
    For what it's worth, you're certainly not the only one. In the recent past I have often had 2-3 beers a night, and while alcohol has never ruined my life, it certainly has affected my weight. It's a little ironic seeing this, as I just had a similar conversation with my fiancé about this yesterday, and like your friends, she didn't seem to understand my concerns (she's a pretty understanding person, don't get me wrong, just didn't see an issue with it). My plan is similar to yours it sounds like, keep the drinking down to the weekends, and not keeping alcohol in the house during the week.

    I think in some ways it's easier to justify drinking nightly if it hasn't destroyed your life the way it has others. At least it seems that way for me. Hang in there, though! Like you said, one day at a time.
  • _Ghaze_
    _Ghaze_ Posts: 8 Member
    Glad that you have reached out for support. I hope you find your happy place with all of this! I cut sweet mixed drinks completely, weaned first to diet mixed drinks, then club soda mixed. Now I actually prefer how the cognac and whiskey taste all on its own, no water no ice. As a former bartender I know how sticky my bar mats and rack got, tons of sugar in some drinks, and sugar from what I understand is a no-no.
  • jlcbooth
    jlcbooth Posts: 35 Member
    I am there too. I do not feel I have a problem at all, and I do not think anyone else would either. I can have one glass of wine at night during the week, but I feel like this one glass is stopping me from losing what I want to lose - but as much as I say "I will not drink during the week," I wind up having a glass at night. I need to work on this too.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    I used to drink wine almost every night but since I started working out in the AM on a regular basis, I stopped. I just can't drink at night and wake up at 6 and be ready to lift heavy things.

    Also, my hangovers got so bad after turning 30. How do you do it?

    I pretty much only drink on Fri/Sat now.

    But, seriously, one day at a time. If you focus on the whole week, instead of just one day, it gets daunting. I also suggest you pick up a hobby (gym or whatever you like) that takes the edge off so you don't need to turn to a drink.