Suddenly Starving

Hi, so I'm on day 55 here, and I'm doing great. 25lbs down, feeling good and active, if not a bit achy and, up until recently I was rarely hungry. Maybe a little peckish here and there, but for the past couple of days I've been HUNGRY!
I'm trying to fill up on some healthy stuff that's high kcal (currently munching trail mix) but what is this?

Oh, and I should mention, I have been naughty, I don't eat back my exercise calories, mainly because I have no good way to record them. I figure that at 100lbs overweight by body can easily make up the distance. I've been doing this from the get-go though so I don't see why it would affect me now!

Any suggestions as to the sudden jump in hunger?


  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Your body is saying, "four alarm fire!" feed me! It's cardio, right? Start eating back some of your calories. If you are worried about going over on food, try drinking a full glass of water between snacks.
  • crazyjerseygirl
    crazyjerseygirl Posts: 1,252 Member
    jgnatca wrote: »
    Your body is saying, "four alarm fire!" feed me! It's cardio, right? Start eating back some of your calories. If you are worried about going over on food, try drinking a full glass of water between snacks.

    No! That's why I've been cheating, it's weights! Though come to think of it, I've gotten more active w/toddler. Maybe my body is considering that cardio?
  • hsmith0930
    hsmith0930 Posts: 160 Member
    It could be possible that as you start to feel stronger and better about yourself (and it's Spring!) that you are moving more and burning a bit more than before. I wouldn't go crazy or anything, but try adding 100 calories to your goal to see if it helps. After a week if you're still super hungry, try another 100. I bet you'll find a good level that allows you to stay in a deficit but not feel so hungry.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    Hi, so I'm on day 55 here, and I'm doing great. 25lbs down, feeling good and active, if not a bit achy and, up until recently I was rarely hungry. Maybe a little peckish here and there, but for the past couple of days I've been HUNGRY!
    I'm trying to fill up on some healthy stuff that's high kcal (currently munching trail mix) but what is this?

    Oh, and I should mention, I have been naughty, I don't eat back my exercise calories, mainly because I have no good way to record them. I figure that at 100lbs overweight by body can easily make up the distance. I've been doing this from the get-go though so I don't see why it would affect me now!

    Any suggestions as to the sudden jump in hunger?

    My first month on MFP I didn't eat back my exercise calories (because I, like you, was concerned about eating back too many and I also wanted to account for learning how to log accurately). I felt great, only hungry right before meals. Then -- BAM -- I felt like I hit a brick wall of hunger. I was doing everything the same, but hunger took over my life (and it wasn't related to my time of the month). I began eating some of my exercise calories and it got a lot better.

    If you're worried about accuracy, you could always try eating back a portion of them and seeing how your body reacts. I now eat 25-40% and it has helped a great deal. 25 pounds in 55 days is great! I think you have room to experiment with eating back some of your exercise calories.
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    The most common tactics would be to eat something more satiating than trail mix, eat back exercise calories, try drinking more water, or cope with the hunger.

    I'd put eating back the calories last in priority, especially at 100 pounds overweight, but you might reach a different decision.
  • crazyjerseygirl
    crazyjerseygirl Posts: 1,252 Member
    hsmith0930 wrote: »
    It could be possible that as you start to feel stronger and better about yourself (and it's Spring!) that you are moving more and burning a bit more than before. I wouldn't go crazy or anything, but try adding 100 calories to your goal to see if it helps. After a week if you're still super hungry, try another 100. I bet you'll find a good level that allows you to stay in a deficit but not feel so hungry.

    This seams reasonable (now that I've binged on trail mix, Ha!) maybe I'll start adding a piece of cheese to my breakfast in the morning. Thanks!
  • crazyjerseygirl
    crazyjerseygirl Posts: 1,252 Member
    Hi, so I'm on day 55 here, and I'm doing great. 25lbs down, feeling good and active, if not a bit achy and, up until recently I was rarely hungry. Maybe a little peckish here and there, but for the past couple of days I've been HUNGRY!
    I'm trying to fill up on some healthy stuff that's high kcal (currently munching trail mix) but what is this?

    Oh, and I should mention, I have been naughty, I don't eat back my exercise calories, mainly because I have no good way to record them. I figure that at 100lbs overweight by body can easily make up the distance. I've been doing this from the get-go though so I don't see why it would affect me now!

    Any suggestions as to the sudden jump in hunger?

    My first month on MFP I didn't eat back my exercise calories (because I, like you, was concerned about eating back too many and I also wanted to account for learning how to log accurately). I felt great, only hungry right before meals. Then -- BAM -- I felt like I hit a brick wall of hunger. I was doing everything the same, but hunger took over my life (and it wasn't related to my time of the month). I began eating some of my exercise calories and it got a lot better.

    If you're worried about accuracy, you could always try eating back a portion of them and seeing how your body reacts. I now eat 25-40% and it has helped a great deal. 25 pounds in 55 days is great! I think you have room to experiment with eating back some of your exercise calories.

    Good idea too. I think I'll start at the 100kcal mark from the above poster and track exercise for a week or two to see what's what. I've been loosing quick so I can afford a week or two of experimentation!
  • ArkMom35
    ArkMom35 Posts: 225 Member
    I get like that a couple days before that lovely time of the month. But if that's not the case, I'd say your body wants more energy. I've lost well by eating back 50% of my exercise calories.
  • crazyjerseygirl
    crazyjerseygirl Posts: 1,252 Member
    The most common tactics would be to eat something more satiating than trail mix, eat back exercise calories, try drinking more water, or cope with the hunger.

    I'd put eating back the calories last in priority, especially at 100 pounds overweight, but you might reach a different decision.

    Ha! No last priority is killing the hungries. I can be hungry, and I can be patient, but not both! I'm drinking water using plant nanny but I can certainly afford to drink more, I'll see if I can tweak my intake, my house is quite dry. Thanks!
  • crazyjerseygirl
    crazyjerseygirl Posts: 1,252 Member
    ArkMom35 wrote: »
    I get like that a couple days before that lovely time of the month. But if that's not the case, I'd say your body wants more energy. I've lost well by eating back 50% of my exercise calories.

    Hrm, it could be though I'm 5 days ahead. I usually start "symptoms" 3 days ahead (I am like clockwork). If it goes away afterwards and it turns out this is just my new normal it will be a lot easier to deal with, thanks!
  • lcooper327
    lcooper327 Posts: 112 Member
    I agree with another poster. If you're hungry and don't necessarily need to add a bunch of calories, eat something with volume. You didn't state whether you were coming in way below on calories. A big ol salad with 2-300 calories will go further than 2-300 calories of trail mix. But yes experiment a little. You've been very successful so far so you have a little wiggle room to find something that works well for you.
  • Sackvase
    Sackvase Posts: 3 Member
    Hey, I'm not quite sure what trail mix is, but it sounds quite carb heavy. They'll tell your body you're full faster, but protein and fats will keep you fuller for longer if you want to try that.

    Also, if your lean mass percentage is going up, and body fat is going down due to resistance training, it might just be that your bmr is changing. (Not sure about that but I guess it could be a possibility?)
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Start eating back some of those exercise calories.
  • crazyjerseygirl
    crazyjerseygirl Posts: 1,252 Member
    Sackvase wrote: »
    Hey, I'm not quite sure what trail mix is, but it sounds quite carb heavy. They'll tell your body you're full faster, but protein and fats will keep you fuller for longer if you want to try that.

    Also, if your lean mass percentage is going up, and body fat is going down due to resistance training, it might just be that your bmr is changing. (Not sure about that but I guess it could be a possibility?)

    Oh trust me. The mix was a one time "holy crap I need food" thing. I was at work and the caf only has so many breakfast options! I'm posting because I don't want this to happen a second time!
  • crazyjerseygirl
    crazyjerseygirl Posts: 1,252 Member
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    Start eating back some of those exercise calories.

    Yeah I'm gonna start logging. Maybe get myself a pedometer to see if I'm more active than usual. (Baseline last year was 2K steps, abysmal!)
  • crazyjerseygirl
    crazyjerseygirl Posts: 1,252 Member
    lcooper327 wrote: »
    I agree with another poster. If you're hungry and don't necessarily need to add a bunch of calories, eat something with volume. You didn't state whether you were coming in way below on calories. A big ol salad with 2-300 calories will go further than 2-300 calories of trail mix. But yes experiment a little. You've been very successful so far so you have a little wiggle room to find something that works well for you.

    I think I'll be adding a little extra to breakfast, so no salad, but maybe some fruit or an egg or cheese!
  • eileensofianmushinfine
    Hi, so I'm on day 55 here, and I'm doing great. 25lbs down, feeling good and active, if not a bit achy and, up until recently I was rarely hungry. Maybe a little peckish here and there, but for the past couple of days I've been HUNGRY!
    I'm trying to fill up on some healthy stuff that's high kcal (currently munching trail mix) but what is this?

    Oh, and I should mention, I have been naughty, I don't eat back my exercise calories, mainly because I have no good way to record them. I figure that at 100lbs overweight by body can easily make up the distance. I've been doing this from the get-go though so I don't see why it would affect me now!

    Any suggestions as to the sudden jump in hunger?

    maybe try increasing the protein and/or fats. Since I've been doing that, I rarely get hungry. I have protein bars if it's too far away from a meal.
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    edited April 2015
    What's your macro distribution and how well are you hitting them?

    I did fine when I first started losing and then BAM, I hit the wall and the hungries hit. I was aiming for and hitting protein fairly well, but I was pretty low on fat. Once I concentrated on getting more fat into my diet, the hungries went away.
  • crazyjerseygirl
    crazyjerseygirl Posts: 1,252 Member
    What's your macro distribution and how well are you hitting them?

    I did fine when I first started losing and then BAM, I hit the wall and the hungries hit. I was aiming for and hitting protein fairly well, but I was pretty low on fat. Once I concentrated on getting more fat into my diet, the hungries went away.

    I'll give it a look tonight, see if any things out if whack. Mom mostly happy to find out that this seems pretty common.

    Also, apparently noshing on nearly 600kcal of trail mix makes one not need lunch. I'm too full now! Blarg.
  • girlviernes
    girlviernes Posts: 2,402 Member
    So far I've only really gotten that way a few days ahead of TOM. Although, I've always kept a fairly high intake, so maybe that's why.