Kayla BBG

I purchased the Kayla BBG workout guide.

Some wouldn't spend $70 on a workout guide, but some prefer a plan to guide them through and motivate them. People like me who have struggled with patience, confidence, motivation, commitment, and etc.

I love Kayla's outlook on fitness and health. She is all about aiming for long term goals of eating healthy and exercising the right way in terms of not over working your body and by doing so, she incorporates rest/stretching days to relieve those sore muscles so that you can continue to accomplish your goals.
What's even better is that her workouts are only 30 mins long and each circuit is 7mins.

I also love that she doesnt restrict calories. Her plan is not a stupid fad diet that consists of 1,200 cals or something. It's about eating the right foods in moderation that give our bodies fuel and nutrition. Therefore, I believe her aim isnt calorie counting and weighing yourself every day, she actually recommends not to do any of those things because it can only become obsessive and discouraging to people such as myself.

Which is why I bought her guide.
Because I'm tired of making excuses, obsessing over calorie counting, the number on my scale, etc.
So please don't judge me by saying things like "what a waste of money" or "you can do all those things without having to buy a guide from a personal trainer" and etc!!!!

It's my personal decision, it fits my goals and lifestyle and I believe that I can accomplish it and finally give up on fad diets, detoxes, and all the things that won't satisfy me.

So wish me luck!

On a side note:
Who has done or is doing the BBG, how is it going so far for you girls? :)


  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    That's wonderful you found something that works for you! Good luck, and keep up the good work.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    If you enjoy it and get results then it's not a waste of money :wink:
  • fitskim
    fitskim Posts: 7 Member
    Good luck on your journey! I'm doing the guide as well ☺️
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    If it works for you, good job.
  • greysa1
    greysa1 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm starting week 5 today :) If you haven't already, I highly recommend starting your own BBG account on instagram, or at least following other girls on there. I've found it to be super helpful and great for accountability, support and motivation
  • sweetsorrow18
    sweetsorrow18 Posts: 54 Member
    I have it but haven't started it yet - currently on week 3 of Jillian Michaels Body Revolution. I plan to do BBG next.

    I follow her on instagram and the results look impressive. I think anything that keeps you motivated and going is worth it.
  • LauraPH7
    LauraPH7 Posts: 14 Member
    edited April 2015
    Yeah, I started it yesterday. I did find it on Reddit for free and so far am enjoying it.
  • jessicatombari
    jessicatombari Posts: 159 Member
    I'm on pre-training Week 3!! Love it!
  • donjtomasco
    donjtomasco Posts: 790 Member
    edited April 2015
  • LauraPH7
    LauraPH7 Posts: 14 Member
    I just did the ab and arms exercise today for the first time...and could not finish it. I found the cardio one (legs and arms) to be a lot more manageable.

    I had to take numerous few second breaks in between and only managed to do each circuit once.

    Did anyone else have issues with it when doing it for the first time?
  • jessicatombari
    jessicatombari Posts: 159 Member
    Hey! I found the first time I could complete all the exercises in the circuit more than once however it was really difficult. That was during week 1. When I had to do the same abs and arm circuit in week 2 I was nervous but I was able to do everything without any breaks within each 7min time slot and I felt much stronger. Dont worry, first time is always the toughest! Trust me next week when you do it you will feel so much better!
  • Craft715
    Craft715 Posts: 2 Member
    Just curious if anyone can tell me how much time BBG requires? I'm 8 weeks into a different 12-week program, but am considering transitioning to BBG in 4 weeks. My main complaint about my current program is that I spend one and a half to two hours per day working out. I can make it work for now, but I can't maintain that kind of time commitment long term. So, how much time would you say you spend on BBG per day, and how many days per week? Thank you!
  • jessicatombari
    jessicatombari Posts: 159 Member
    BBG 1.0 is 12 weeks plus 4 weeks of pre-training if you want to do that beforehand. And bbg 2.0 is also 12 weeks.
  • LauraPH7
    LauraPH7 Posts: 14 Member
    Craft715 wrote: »
    Just curious if anyone can tell me how much time BBG requires? I'm 8 weeks into a different 12-week program, but am considering transitioning to BBG in 4 weeks. My main complaint about my current program is that I spend one and a half to two hours per day working out. I can make it work for now, but I can't maintain that kind of time commitment long term. So, how much time would you say you spend on BBG per day, and how many days per week? Thank you!

    It's 28 minutes per workout I believe!

  • daniebanks
    daniebanks Posts: 179 Member
    i finished bbg 1 about 2 weeks ago, thoroughly enjoyed it, although I started counting macros at about week 6 instead of following her meal plan, I just felt like i was always bloated. I really think it's important to weigh your food so you know how much you're eating a day otherwise your hard work can be ruined by consuming too many calories for your body . This is my 12 week pic :smile: