100lbs to LOSE! Let's get this party started!



  • melanie899
    melanie899 Posts: 33 Member
    Khill555: OMG! Patience! I can totally relate...I do the same thing and have to constantly remind myself to not stress over it.

    angieslay: arthritis SUCKS :) I've had RA for about 15 yrs now and I'm hoping I will feel a difference when the weight comes off. I think we might have similar stats. I'm also about 15 lbs down and want to get to 165 (1st goal). 83 lbs to go!

    Anyone can add me if they like.

    Believe in yourselves and we can accomplish anything! :)

  • marykate_1203
    marykate_1203 Posts: 164 Member
    Welcome! Feel free to add me :)
  • kjac1992
    kjac1992 Posts: 16 Member
    I'm looking to lose around 85 pounds! I haven't weighed myself since I started about two weeks ago so I'm not sure where I'm at! Anyone can feel free to add/message me!
  • bidwddy
    bidwddy Posts: 1
    I'm in! It will be nice to have some motivation. I've been tracking with my sisters but they are much smaller and it seems easier for them.
  • Btbeam
    Btbeam Posts: 252 Member
    Welcome and you have made a great first step. I have lost 140 and I have 110 to go. Anyone can feel free to add me for additional support.
  • knkirk80
    knkirk80 Posts: 11 Member
    I'm in the same boat! Anyone feel free to add me. I will take all the support I can get :)
  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    Peeps it is possible. I am down 111 pounds, 40 to go.
    Living this every day.
  • Lisaml7411
    Lisaml7411 Posts: 26 Member
    I'm starting MFP again! It took me multiple times to quit smoking and I finally did it. I'm tobacco free for almost 6 years now! So.... If I can do that I should be able to get this 110 pounds off.
    I have had knee problems, both of them, and now my hip is causing me issues. I have to get this weight off so recovery from knee surgery will go better. I see some of you are setting smaller goals. How do you do that? I also need friends to keep motivated and so anyone is welcome to add me. We can support each other!
  • melanie899
    melanie899 Posts: 33 Member
    Lisaml7411 wrote: »
    I'm starting MFP again! It took me multiple times to quit smoking and I finally did it. I'm tobacco free for almost 6 years now! So.... If I can do that I should be able to get this 110 pounds off.
    I have had knee problems, both of them, and now my hip is causing me issues. I have to get this weight off so recovery from knee surgery will go better. I see some of you are setting smaller goals. How do you do that? I also need friends to keep motivated and so anyone is welcome to add me. We can support each other!

    Congrats on the quitting smoking!! That's huge in itself (said by another ex-smoker).

    I try to set my goals by each month, although I'm a bit neurotic so I'm more each week...:) I don't focus on the big number at the end, because that can be a bit daunting. I like the idea of 10lbs at a time. I even try to do some of the challenges on MFP (ie 20 lbs by July 4th).

    There is ALWAYS support here, so ask any question, vent if you need, or post any success no matter how big or small.
  • Lisaml7411
    Lisaml7411 Posts: 26 Member
    Thanks melanie899. I will work on those goals I also was looking at joint the "20 lbs by July 4th" challenge. At my starting weight I should have no problem with that!
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,131 Member
    edited April 2015
    Hello and welcome! (sorry, this turned out WAY longer than I planned!)

    A lot of people talked about motivation. Commitment to your goals and persistence in pursuing them are what comes to my mind. Log everything, including the occasional blip, or transgression, or holiday meal, and continue on the course you know is right as soon as you can get yourself to do so, without wasting your energy on angst and recrimination.

    Patience? Absolutely. Use the time you have to develop the tools you'll need to turn this 'diet' into a life-change. "Diets" end--your life hopefully won't, at least not anytime soon ; - )

    Read the http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/1080242/a-guide-to-get-you-started-on-your-path-to-sexypants/p1 post in "Getting Started", and the http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10012907/logging-accuracy-consistency-and-youre-probably-eating-more-than-you-think/p1 in "General Diet & Weight Loss Help" and also http://www.acaloriecounter.com/blog/why-am-i-not-losing-weight/

    While you keep all that in mind, also keep in mind that even though up to 1% per week is considered a safe rate of weight loss, this doesn't mean that there is anything wrong with losing weight slower--as long as you keep going!

    Being "too hungry to think" (and giving up) is way less effective than being "almost not hungry" and able to make the right choices month in and month out!

    MFP is designed so that your deficit is already included in your daily target. You ARE supposed to eat back your NET REAL exercise calories.

    Determining what your net real exercise calories are may be a bit tricky because estimations on machines and MFP often include the calories you're spending by being alive, and are also sometimes overstated.

    Do keep in mind that as the weight comes off you will be able to do more and more with less effort!

    Ease into exercise. You don't need to kill yourself exercising in order to lose weight.

    As you lose weight you will find yourself both more willing (and eager at times) to push more and to go faster. And yes, walking is more than sufficient exercise. Especially when people have knee problems, or are starting well north of 200lbs! Pool activities are also good; but, a bit harder to estimate the caloric burn.

    If you can afford it, get one of the many activity trackers. You may be surprised to find out that many people 'move' less than 5,000 steps a day. That is what sedentary represents.

    By the time you are moving towards 10,000 steps a day you are definitely in the lightly active category and when you are regularly between 10K and 15K a day you are squarely in the active category. If you are setup as sedentary in MFP you SHOULD be eating back your walking "exercise" calories.

    A topic of great controversy is whether you should eat certain foods or not and drink certain liquids or not. To me it all boils down to learning to make better (as in calorically smart and sustainable) choices.

    Can I chose to drink a Starbucks Frappuccino? Of course I can, and if I really crave one I will make sure to work my numbers so that I can have one. But is it a good way to spend 430 calories? Is it worth going hungry later in the day when I could have a coffee with a single milk at the cost of just 20 calories, and leave the other 410 calories available for a nice 7-8oz steak later in the day?

    The same applies to many other items: mayo, dressings, breads, margarines, butter, cooking oil, cakes, candies, fries, hamburgers, deep fried fish or chicken, pop, alcohol, starches, fats, sugars, baked goods... Everything , in the end, should be compared to alternatives so that you can decide if it is really worth it in the context of achieving your goals, i.e. if it is appropriate for the new you!

    And yes, I *am* saying that even though nothing is off limits, everything has limits and trade offs where often none existed before!

    Well, if you've made it through all this, you certainly have the ability to persevere, so I am sure that you will do fine on MFP!

    Hopefully the read was worth the effort; best of luck on your journey towards better health!
  • tiffanyrodriguez89
    tiffanyrodriguez89 Posts: 10 Member
    Wow a lot of people in b the same boat as me I need to lose100+lbs I have lost 14 already in 17days. All u can say is it is hard but I'm motivated n I have a awesome support team at home but friends on here would be great to especially since we have the same goals! Feel free to add me
  • Bradley_J84
    Bradley_J84 Posts: 110 Member
    Anyone can add me. I'm working on losing 100 pounds and half way there.. I'l
  • Kristycrisman2015
    Kristycrisman2015 Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you everyone for all the great advice! I am blown away by the sense of REAL community here! It's going to be a journey, but I know it is going to be worth it! :)
  • oooooKATEooooo
    oooooKATEooooo Posts: 32 Member
    Hello All!

    New. Today.
    96 to lose.

    My therapist has helped me in the past 2 weeks...one MEAL at a time.
    Not even DAY at a time, MEAL at a time.

    I've never been this heavy (CW=219) and I feel like poop.

    I look forward to reading this thread for inspiration!
  • hi! i've recently started too! i have between 36-40 pounds to lose. Just going at it healthy and never giving up. this is a great place to start!
  • New to all of this, although I've had this app for a while now. Need to lose 100 lbs as well & have always found excuses but I've come to the conclusion that I'm tired of being tired & overweight so now is the time to change that! I'm nervous, excited, apprehensive but hopeful all in one! Glad to see so much support here. It helps knowing I'm not alone!!
  • lenica
    lenica Posts: 14 Member
    Hey, I am Lenica. I am 41 yr old single working mom. Trying to balance it all and get healthy. I have 100 lb minimum to lose. I started about a week ago. I lost 6 lbs.

    I want to be healthy. I want to learn. I am not interested in having bariatric surgery. I will take all the tips, tricks and support I can get.
  • I too have quit smoking (April 19th will be two months for me!) For the past 5 weeks I have been going to the gym 5 days a week..my goal is to lose 60lbs! As of now I don't notice a difference but I know it will take time. Every day I enter my MFP and notice it is usually due to my breakfasts. Anyone have any good shake suggestions?? I go to the gym first thing in the morning so I am usually starved by the time I get home