Food Entry Success!

So, after several weeks of really sticking to my goals and creating new, healthy habits for myself, I fell off the wagon yesterday. I ordered pizza. My big no no, cause I can't have a couple slices and put it away. Well, my big success of the week is that I still made myself come on here and enter EVERYTHING I had eaten that day. I wasn't going to. I didn't want to see the actual number of calories that added up to. But, I did. And it gave me back just a touch of the self control I'd been having.

Today I'm back on track and once again committed. This has always been the hardest part of my up and down weight loss journey, the act of recovery after an eating slip up. So, instead of letting it destroy my whole week, I'm letting it take one day. Onward!!!


  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
    Victory. :bigsmile:
  • Wilshinault
    Wilshinault Posts: 16 Member
    Way to go!! I know that when I slip up and i enter it into mfp it makes me that much more away of exactly what I am doing the next time I have an urge.
  • scd78
    scd78 Posts: 77 Member
    Good Job! Just remember, you don't have to give pizza up, just budget your calories for the day!
  • veriviki
    veriviki Posts: 44
    That's one reason why I love MFP, it helps so much with staying on track! Don't forget that it's ok to splurge and have a "cheat" meal/day every once in a while, in fact most people recommend it.
  • January91968
    after eatting the pizza did you actually go over the caloriese fat or the carbs by much?
  • Monsherri
    Monsherri Posts: 69
    Isn't that a huge reality check? Recording your food is a great way to keep the focus on what eat. For me, it makes me WANT to do better the very next day...Good job :happy:
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