Alternative for chocolate.. Ideas please!



  • amy8400
    amy8400 Posts: 478 Member
    ^^^ omg yes! Costco chocolate covered almonds are soooo good. I count out 10, heap them up in my mini bowl and it looks like I'm getting a huge portion of those bad boys.
  • amy8400
    amy8400 Posts: 478 Member
    I'll second the recommendations for individually wrapped Dove chocolates and premium chocolate chips. You CAN have chocolate in your daily regimen. Just weigh/count it out, log it and enjoy the chocolately-goodness very slowly :p
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    jgnatca wrote: »
    First, a calorie "bomb" that is also "all-natural".

    It is as good as it looks. I won't make it again. Can't afford the calorie hit.

    When I eat chocolate, I make sure it is the good stuff. And I take my time savoring it. Perhaps if you buy very, very expensive chocolate it will slow you down some.

    The freezer also helps.

    WHAT is this!!!!? OMG woman you are evil! GIMME!
  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
  • FitForL1fe
    FitForL1fe Posts: 1,872 Member
    JordisTSM wrote: »

    Sorry, OP. I've got nothing really constructive here, love my chocolate too much to give it up :smiley:

  • mls100771
    mls100771 Posts: 125 Member
    Best way I have found to control my binges is to not have my trigger foods on hand. These are pizza, ice cream, and cookies. So, when I am absolutely in the mood for one of these, I go out for it. I make it into an event, and I promise myself that if I allow myself to indulge, I won't bring any home with me.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Lots of great advise in this post!

    I really had to work on mastering mindful eating and figuring out why I attributed emotions to what I consumed. Took a long time for me to get that straightened out. Until I did, I just kept the stuff I knew I would have no control over out of my house. I topped (as far as I know) at 350 lbs, so I was in the land o' eating disorders. I'm better now at portion control, so I'm not quite as restrictive, but still have to be very mindful of what I eat.

    Dark chocolate, at least 86%, helped me during that time, and still does. It is so rich, that its hard to eat too much in one sitting. A square or two was usually enough to kill the chocolate cravings.

    Another thing I love (some don't though) is chocolate avocado pudding. Just blend up an avocado with a couple tbs of unsweetened cocoa powder and a tbs or 2 of honey (or any sweetener your like) until smooth. A large avocado makes about 3 1/4 cup servings. Really satisfies my chocolate cravings. Top with a dollop of whipped cream, and even better.

  • Justygirl77
    Justygirl77 Posts: 385 Member
    carob is high in carbs, just in case you're watching those.
    Have you tried coconut manna? It's sublime. Kind of a peanut butter consistency.
  • solnapug
    solnapug Posts: 16 Member
    Bereyff wrote: »
    I purchase a bag of Lily's dark chocolate premium baking chips that is sweetened with stevia and I love it. 60 chips is only 55 calories and sometimes I take a serving of the chips and mix it with Justin's all natural almond butter to have a sweet tooth craving filled aka peanut butter cup but honestly way better tasting and better for you. I have also heard you can make your own chocolate by using coconut oil and cocoa powder yet I have not attempted to make it. I am sure you can find some recipes online to do so.

    I made chocolate with 25 g of coconut oil, 16 g of cocoa powder (unsweetened) and 8 g of powdered sugar. Also added 5 g of walnuts and 10 g of raisins. The whole thing came to a whopping 336 calories. I placed it between two pieces of freezer paper and rolled it really thin, then placed it in the fridge. I still have most of it, keep forgetting it's there. I think I was too heavy handed with the cocoa, plus it has a really strong taste of coconut oil.
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,324 Member
    no amount of coolwhip and cocoa, or carob dusted raisins will be an acceptable alternative to this
  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    Life's too short to eat bad chocolate.

  • THenry8
    THenry8 Posts: 62 Member
    I love chocolate, but I don't eat it all the time! When I crave for something sweet, I go to eating yogurt, cheese sticks, and such! I bought those Fiber One Mint Chocolate Brownies to help me, cause they have fiber in them! I also like to eat some Quest/Think Thin Protein Bars! They have the chocolate, but it's fulled with so much protein and has either none of 1 gram of sugar! However, they do have sugar alcohols; I only recommend them if they are not a problem for you or as an emergency!

    Fudgesicles are for me a snack I can crave; so try those! I hope these ideas help! If you need more help, don't be afraid to friend request me!
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    Trader Joe's has all kinds of chocolate-covered things. Their chocolate-covered soybeans are pretty good.

    I used to keep those in the freezer and grab 4 or 5 whenever I really needed chocolate. I don't remember the nutrition off hand, but it's a minimal number of calories and carbs.
  • snowflakesav
    snowflakesav Posts: 646 Member
    I go to a fabulous chocolate shop while I am out window shopping. The walking burns off the single chocolate truffle I get. On days when I have extra calories I include it as my snack. yup...there are is going to be a day when I eat a half bag of chocolate chips...but it is far far less likely if I plan in good days were a bit of chocolate is allowed.
  • Frequently_Fabulous
    Frequently_Fabulous Posts: 132 Member
    Cocoa powder has literally saved my life. You find it in the baking session at any grocery store. To drink more water, I add a tsp or two to the bottom of a glass and fill with hot water (swish the first bit of water liberally or it will cake to the bottom). No you have some weak chocolate flavored hot chocolate (essentially). Oatmeal? Nah bro, oatmeal and cocoa powder. Protein shake? Is now a cocoa flavored protein shake. I make "protein pancakes" with egg whites, chocolate protein powder, and (you guessed it) cocoa powder. I freaking love the stuff. It satisfies my sweet tooth and I never binge on it (unlike trying to ration Fiber One bars or squares of a chocolate bar). Frozen strawberries are also good to munch on if I really need sweets. And when all else fails, it's time to bust out the celery sticks and carrots, lol.