Stop the drinking insanity!!



  • You are such an inspiration! You've got this
  • Bghere1
    Bghere1 Posts: 78 Member
    Ah very much up my alley here. Moderation is the key to most good things. For me it is the beers. The weekend arrives, I buy beer, and grill out all weekend. Instead of getting my bubble gum butt in the gym, I am hanging at the house with the fam and the fella's drinkin, singin, and not getting any thinner by any means. I recently lost ~15 pounds, and hadn't had a drop for three weeks. Needless to say half of the weight came back quickly after resuming my enjoyments. Alcohol is wonderful stuff but evil to our waistlines. Best of luck all
  • lambchoplewis1
    lambchoplewis1 Posts: 156 Member
    It is around 3:00. The next few hrs are the hardest for me. I am drinking water and ate veggies to stop thinking about drinking. I am starting tho think why I drink. It is just a way to pass the time. When I start drinking, I can just say the hell with everything. But, then I go to sleep and wake up not rested and mad at myself. It is day three and tough. I can do this. I will report at bedtime

  • Feistycat
    Feistycat Posts: 12,868 Member
    Thanks for checking in, Lambchop. I find that a funny TV show or movie is a cheery distraction. Maybe you could knit or keep you hands busy. Or maybe you're at work, so... My biggest trigger is boredom, I think. I have a low tolerance for boredom.

    You know when I absolutely cannot drink? When I exercise...too spill-y. Ha.
  • lambchoplewis1
    lambchoplewis1 Posts: 156 Member
    I made it 3 days!!! It was hard today but I took it one mi ute at a time from 2:30 -4:00 but I drank a lot of water and veggies. I am not sure I miss drinking as much as I miss the habit of drinking. I want to continue on this path. Maybe I will eventually be able to have a glass of wine out for dinner. Who knows but not now.
  • lambchoplewis1
    lambchoplewis1 Posts: 156 Member
    I just went to the website. Just the overview looks great. I will dig in. Thx
  • lambchoplewis1
    lambchoplewis1 Posts: 156 Member
    Ok. Day 4 here we go!! I am up early. Could have slept a lot longer. Sleeping great with no wine. I will post later.