Diet Soda

westj15 Posts: 20
edited September 27 in Food and Nutrition
I am cutting back majorly on diet soda intake- but is one every once and a while that detrimental to my weight loss?


  • Mmmary212
    Mmmary212 Posts: 410 Member
    Nope...enjoy it!
  • I will be waiting for answers on this topic too
  • Runner_mick
    Runner_mick Posts: 115 Member
    I admit I am addicted to diet coke and have one almost every day. I know that there are people who say that the aspartame in it isn't healthy for you but then again aspartame is in non fat yogurt, sugar free gum, etc... so idk about that on. I personally don't think drinking diet soda will hinder your weight loss. It hasn't for me at all. Just make sure you are drinking your recommended water a day as well.
  • luppic8
    luppic8 Posts: 580 Member
    Absolutely still gotta enjoy life! Drink up in moderation!
  • westj15
    westj15 Posts: 20
    Right? It's one of those things that I know isn't the BEST for you...but I don't know what the harm (if any) is
  • tammyr76
    tammyr76 Posts: 174
    No ,,according to the Mayo Clinic website a diet soda a day will not hurt you,,if you drink 3 or more a day it will cause bloating from the carbonated water...So enjoy your soda..I usually drink 2-3 a week....and I hav"nt had any set backs in my weight lose....
  • cjjones007
    cjjones007 Posts: 602
    In moderation I think they are fine...
    There are so many arguments out there about how bad they are for you...
    My Doctor would prefer I have no more than 1 a week (which is about right at the point lol) because he personally believes the sweeteners are bad for you and can limit weight loss :shrugs: I personally haven't seen the medical data so I can't say for sure...

    What I found was the sodium was just too much for my day - I'm cutting it back everywhere because of how much quicker I'm dropping when I stay under my 2,500mg a day - the cans (or worse yet the 44oz fountains lol) were just too much sodium in my day...

    Hope that info helps!!!
  • brndygrl98
    brndygrl98 Posts: 196 Member
    I have them occasionally. Sometimes you just need more than water! And sometimes *gasp* I have a really small non-diet soda! I try to have maybe 1 every 2 weeks or so because I bloat easily and the sodium does me in! If it doesn't bloat you, I say enjoy!
  • LesliePierceRN
    LesliePierceRN Posts: 860 Member
    Artificial sweetners cause you to crave more sweets elsewhere in your diet, and also cause you to retain water. It's not going to necessarily in and of itself be a deal breaker, but it sure could be the ice breaker that leads to the dealbreaker.. plus it's believed that artificial sweetners are the main cause of interstitial cystitis, a very painful, not very treatable condition. I'd stay away from them if at all possible, but since there are arguments on each side, it's up to you to decide. I do know it kinda weirds me out that if you spill diet pop on a sidewalk ants won't come anywhere near it. If ants think it's poison, or at least utterly useless, why do we drink it?
  • cng1117
    cng1117 Posts: 225 Member
    personally i'm trying, emphasis on trying, lol, to cut back on them to just a couple a week, and from there just one a week, not so much because of the artificial sweeteners as much as because of the carbonation and the acidity and the wearing away it has on tooth enamel. But that's any soda, not just diet.
  • westj15
    westj15 Posts: 20
    because it tastes so good :( gahhh. okay one won't hurt me. i shall just be a good girl tomorrow and not have one! :)
  • RyonsLions2
    RyonsLions2 Posts: 350 Member
    I do know it kinda weirds me out that if you spill diet pop on a sidewalk ants won't come anywhere near it. If ants think it's poison, or at least utterly useless, why do we drink it?

    Wow... gonna try that! That's scary! I don't drink diet anymore because the place where I donate plasma said that the artificial sweeteners cause your body to crave sugar even worse than it would have if you didn't drink it at all... AND that all the artificial sweeteners are harmful to your body. ALL of them. Not sure what the long term effects are, but why take a chance.. what if they DO cause cancer or something else that will bring on terrible sickness or disease? Sugar never caused anyone cancer. Why not just drink regular in moderation. That's what I do and I have lost over 40 lbs this last year. I just don't drink it every day. I drink it when we have pizza for dinner or maybe once in a while we go out, then I will get a small pop and water to back it up with. Just a thought. Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • kannprice
    kannprice Posts: 1
    I've developed a severe toxic reaction to artificial sweeteners: more than a few ounces of diet coke, I'm doubled over sick and nerves on fire (peripheral neuropathy).

    I'm also hypoglycemic, so kinda a catch-22. I use stevia whenever I can, still in moderation. Finally, Truvia-a commercial form of Stevia-is being put in stuff like Crystal Lite.
  • fivemiles
    fivemiles Posts: 14
    I was addicted to soda as well. But I noticed that if you replace it with something else (preferrably with water) you will need about a week and you will not miss it anymore.
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    Because both sugar and artificial sweeteners increase your appetite.
    I can never keep under my calories if I drink a diet coke.

    Your brain get the signal that there is something to digest and get all your digestive juices flowing, then it turn out that there is nothing to digest, hence hunger.

    Hearing about the damage that the chemicals in diet soda can cause. I tried 3 or times to cut it out of my diet without much success. Finally, I decided some time back to swap it out for coffee and that did the trick.

    I really don't think the caffeine is as nearly as big a deal as all the artificial crap, that sucks phosphorus out of your bones, prevents absorption of calcium and damages the protective lipids around your nerves.

    Seeing what my Mom (who was a major diet soda fan since the days of TAB) goes thru with her osteoporosis and chronic pain. I think I'm just not that tough. Maybe it's the soda, maybe not.

    If it is NOT the soda and I cut it out what damage have I done? It's not like it's known to have vital nutrients or anything.
    If it is the soda and I cut it out I've just saved myself some years of pain and grief.
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    anything in moderation is fine.
  • theresa7576
    theresa7576 Posts: 46 Member
    i wish I knew where I saw it...but aspartame is just not good for you...I guess there are 3 sweetners that are okay'ed by the fda...splenda...steevia....and I can't recall the last. They did a study and showed that the risk of stroke doubled in people who drank diet popover regular pop.. now maybe there are other outstanding circumstances....who knows. ! I switched to greek yogurt and to coke zero (spenda)
    But the way I look at it... none of us are getting out of this thing alive anyhow...! Ha! Enjoy your your research...decide for yourself :)
  • Curry0724
    Curry0724 Posts: 51 Member
    I am not a Soda addict, I have a taste for water :) But, when I do desire soda, I do my best to get one sweetened with Splenda. I like Diet Cheerewine personally :) I haven't had the Coke Zero with splenda yet... but I sure I would love it. Aspartame just scares me so I try to stay away from it!
  • mariahruby
    mariahruby Posts: 130 Member
    i think it can be safe to say that everyone on this website will tell you a different answer. everyone seems to have their own opinion of diet soda. personally, i say that every once in awhile will not kill you. so i say to do it. although i did find at safeway that they have refreshe (safeway's brand soda) natural soda. 80 calories a can, and it's natural ingredients with stevia in it. so i treat myself to the lemon lime one every once in awhile. even though it has calories, its made with a natural sweetener and the natural sugars are good for you. :)
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    Let's quit it together!
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