Mini Under the Desk Elliptical?

Hi guys! I am looking into the benefits of getting an under the desk elliptical. I sit at a desk all day and really feel I could benefit from adding that element to my regime. Few questions:

Anyone use(d) one? Would you recommend it? What brand? Did you do any pattern (such as 10 minutes every hour or whats not)?



  • NumbrsNerd
    NumbrsNerd Posts: 202 Member
    I have one. I bought it because (1) I'm highly inactive and sit all day (2) my legs swell and I was hoping it would help with circulation and with keeping my swelling down. I never meant for it to help me accomplish any substantial amount of calorie burn just to help me be generally less stationary. Sadly, I cannot use it without ramming my knees into my desk, so....I can only use it on lunch breaks. My preference is walking outside on my lunch, so it didn't benefit me much in the long run. That being said, it's SOMETHING to do on days where it is raining... I would measure before your order so you don't get stuck like I did.
  • GangsterKimmie50
    GangsterKimmie50 Posts: 15 Member
    Oh cool thanks for the info!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I had one of those under desk bikes for a all seems pretty gimmicky to me. In my experience, it was not really all that practical to do that and try to work, etc. It ultimately found it's way to a corner of my office where it has been for almost 3 years collecting dust.

    I found that simply making other changes was more beneficial. When I need to talk to a colleague or employee, I get up and go to them rather than using the phone or email. I get up and cruise around the office for about 5 minutes or so every hour regardless. I work on the 3rd floor and I use the first floor facilities and break room so I can take the stairs. Even though I'm an executive, I have given up my close to the office parking spot and now park in the spot furthest from the building. When I'm not at work I try to spend more time on my feet in general...I usually have some small project I need to do most nights when I get home for example. I also park further away from stores when shopping, etc.

    these things have done more to increase my NEAT (Non Exercise Activity Thermogenesis) than that stupid pedal thing ever did.
  • not_superiority
    not_superiority Posts: 7 Member
    i have one for home use in combination with a standing desk, when i play video games i'm on it. never really thought about taking it to the office, it's entirely too noisy. what i do at work is just get up and stretch on the hour, walk around a little bit.