Sagging Skin/Stretch Marks

I am sure this is a topic posted frequently about prevention, but my topic is more geared to how to deal with it after the fact. Any success stories, or motivation/support.

I recently gained a ton of weight after being on bedrest for quite some time and I have stretch marks pretty much anywhere you can even GET stretch marks. Upper arms, inner thighs all the way down to my knees, all over my abdomen, and on my breasts. I know they will fade... and I have kind of come to terms with them, I suppose. What I am most worried about is knowing that this will likely affect my skins response when I lose the weight. Wherever there are stretch marks, I am sure will be sagging skin.

Anybody ever have experience where the skin was not saggy after major weight loss in areas where there were stretch marks? What did you do? If it was saggy, how did you come to accept it?


  • bgelliott
    bgelliott Posts: 610 Member
    Well first of all, "generally" stretch marks don't go away and the more you lose the more they are usually visible.
    Second, how much did you gain and how fast?
    Third, long have you kept on the weight?

    These will play a role in the skins ability to bounce back from being stretched but the marks will not vanish. Also, every person is different...genetics plays a role and your diet does too. My most important piece of advise...drink lots of water!
  • ElizaB84
    ElizaB84 Posts: 105 Member
    I had massive dark purple stretch marks all over m y belly when I got pregnant the first time. They color faded completly after a few years.
  • nixthebrownies
    nixthebrownies Posts: 13 Member
    I got the stretch marks about 6 months ago... they're still pretty dark and purple. I know they'll never go away but I am concerned about how much it will effect my skins' ability to bounce back in terms of looseness. Guess I am just looking for people's personal stories regarding this.
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    There really is no one answer. If you look through the success story threads here, you'll see some people who have stretch mark & their skin still snapped back fairly well, and others who's skin has not. It really depends on genetics.
  • ElizabethFuller
    ElizabethFuller Posts: 352 Member
    I had purple stretch marks on my stomach after my 2nd pregnancy, they faded away completely - no silver lines at all, and the skin didn't go saggy. I think the degree of permenent damage depends on how much and for how long the skin was stretched.
  • silenceinspace
    silenceinspace Posts: 142 Member
    There really is no one answer. If you look through the success story threads here, you'll see some people who have stretch mark & their skin still snapped back fairly well, and others who's skin has not. It really depends on genetics.

    Agreed with this. My stretch marks, when I got them (mostly during puberty) were pink and are now nearly invisible--you'd really have to look hard to see them. However, I've been obese my whole life and based on how I look now, I will probably need skin removal surgery.

    Personally and empirically, based on what I've seen here, I think it's easier for your skin to snap back if the weight was gained suddenly/not held that long/wasn't a huge amount. All of these are not how I gained weight and I'm pretty sure I'll have sagging skin, so keep in mind I may be biased.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    I have had stretch marks really bad as well, I Even have them on my shoulders!!ewww!I weighed 202 after giving birth, (9 yrs ago) and now I weigh 135, and now they aren't very very noticeable anymore. I know they are there, but it's not nearly as bad as it was. So give it some time and see what happens. ( I do notice that when I'm tanned they look bit silverish color, so I put some bronzer or sunless tanning cream on them and it helps it blend in with the rest of my body color)
  • tashamoulds
    I had (and still have stretch marks to a certain extent, but you have to poke them to actually know they're there.) on my upper, inner thigh. But they have shrunken over time. However while the color usually goes away (if you get any color) the actually marks them selves don't go away (at least that's what's happening to me). However the good news is if you're young then you skin won't sag when you lose weight (unless you were very severely obese.), and if you have good genetics your stretch marks might actually go away.
  • jneen29
    jneen29 Posts: 27 Member
    Since you first wrote this question how are you doing on you weight loss and quest to find solutions to the sagging skin question?

    I had no trouble with sagging skin after my pregnancies despite having stretch marks on my thighs, hips, tummy, and breasts. My skin elasticity pretty much went back to normal. However... it was my weight loss... and regain... that created the sagging skin I am dealing with today. Sadly I didn't realize that this was one of the side affects of losing weight too rapidly - and multiple times. I just had such a hard time sticking to my ridiculously restrictive diet I put myself on. Well, this time around I am losing weight s..l..o..w..l..y.. like around 6-8 lbs a month and the tummy and arms are going back nicely. Yes, there is definitely some sagging around my tummy but I'm using colloidal copper (taking it internally as well as rubbing it on my skin). This is great stuff!! Also just keep your skin VERY moisturized. I use coconut oil, and lots of lotion interchangeably. And take supplements internally: krill or fish oil, collagen, vitamin C (helps to rebuild skin tissue), and biotin.

    My years of living in Jamaica also helped me realize that stretch marks are not that big of a deal. Just keep getting healthy and fit and enjoy your life and you'll be sexy!!!
  • jneen29
    jneen29 Posts: 27 Member
    Hopefully you're already taking a multi vitamin/mineral and drinking water anyways along with your fitness plan.
  • sistrsprkl
    sistrsprkl Posts: 1,013 Member
    edited April 2015
    I had purple stretch marks on my stomach after my 2nd pregnancy, they faded away completely - no silver lines at all, and the skin didn't go saggy. I think the degree of permenent damage depends on how much and for how long the skin was stretched.

    It really does depend on genetics. I got stretch marks all over my stomach during my 2d pregnancy too, they're all faded now but by no means gone. I'll always have them in addition to rest of the stretch marks all over my body. Everyone's body is different but I think you'll find as you lose fat and increase muscle, the appearance of sagging skin will lesson. And in time, the stretch marks will fade. Did you see the IG pic of Christy Teigen's stretch marks? So common, not a big deal :)

    ETA - in regards to sagging skin, other than my lower tummy (which is getting better!) my skin has bounced back just fine after losing 50lbs 3 times (2 times after pregnancy and the first time from just being overweight).
  • alisonjames15
    alisonjames15 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi I'm new here but I'm a first time mum trying to lose 50lbs that I gained during pregnancy. I got loads of stretch marks around my hips and lower abdomen. 18months on and they have faided with the aid of some thing from the 'mum and me' range- you can buy similar products like bio oil. Also don't scratch even though they itch like crazy- just smother in cocoa formular(helps saggy skin as well) you may never be 100% as you were but it gets better never fear :) xx