Frame Size and Healthy Weight



  • Shizzman
    Shizzman Posts: 527 Member
    As long as I have a small frame (which it looks like I probably do)...I am at weight, but if I am a medium frame I'd be underweight.
  • Losingitin2011
    Losingitin2011 Posts: 572 Member
    It is sounding more and more like the BMI chart is more designed off of the weight ranges for small framed people. Very interesting.

    I think the BMI chart is POS...
    According to your site I am in the higher end of an acceptable weight... but the BMI chart still tells me I am overweight
    According to the site you just gave us my Ideal weight range is 178 - 195.8 lbs. (80.9 - 89 kg.).
    According to the BMI chart at my dr's office... I have to reach 174 before I reach "normal" and that is still the high end.. the I just barely made it out of "overweight" section of the chart

    Looking at my body at 188lbs... I like the way I look... I don't think I look overweight anymore, and I'm happy

    But I hate quitting before I've reached a goal so I don't really know what to do.... part of me wants to reach a healthy BMI... the other part of me wants to beat up whoever made the daym BMI chart

    (oh, and I'm 6ft tall and "medium" framed... although until I did the finger thing I would've guessed I was "large" framed)

    I'd say see how you look at 180. Even have the doc measure your actual body fat % and go from there. Great work on dropping the weight though!
  • jeffrodgers1
    jeffrodgers1 Posts: 991 Member
    Very Nice! For my Height, Weight and Build (Large) it says I am only 22.4 pounds overweight.

    This is about 10 pounds more than I thought... It says 200, I figured 210.

    That's encouraging... BMI wanted me to amputate a limb to reach my "ideal weight".. I think not!
  • Losingitin2011
    Losingitin2011 Posts: 572 Member
    It was really encouraging for me also. I mean, for BMI purposes I was supposed to get into the 140 range. With this, 160 would be acceptable. When I was 160 I was around a size 8 and still had some curves to me. Any less and I look kinda like a teenage boy... not sexy.
  • cecrossley
    cecrossley Posts: 46
    This is very interesting, and I like the theory behind it, because I, too, don't believe BMI tells you if you are healthy or fit. I do, however, think there needs to be more than one type of measurement involved.

    First, I am 5'9" and I have broad shoulders and athletic hips and legs. I have been VERY fit at times, with a very low body fat, but I have NEVER been small framed. Yet, according to this, because my fingers overlap, I suddenly am? I also have such long fingers, that I can palm a girls basketball... so, I don't think that is an accurate measurement.

    Secondly, it says that for a SMALL frame at my size, I am only 6 lbs away from the MINIMUM weight for my height. That would be TOTALLY AWESOME....buuut, I know that my love handles disagree. I know, that I have at LEAST 15 lbs, and more like 20 to be at my ideal, *muscular* weight.

    This is me at 140 ( +/- ) I have NEVER been considered SMALL. I personally think body fat is the best way to really judge.

  • Losingitin2011
    Losingitin2011 Posts: 572 Member
    Oh, I know everyone is different. I've known I was large framed basically my whole life because I've always been HUGE compared to my sister, my 120 was bigger than her 120 and such. I just like that there are other options that I can use to gauge where I can aim for and go from there. When I get into the 160 range I'll go in to the doc and have him test my body fat and go from there.
  • futiledevices
    futiledevices Posts: 309 Member
    112-123 would be ideal for me according to this site. Good to know, since that's right around what I was shooting for.
  • cecrossley
    cecrossley Posts: 46
    Oh, I know everyone is different. I've known I was large framed basically my whole life because I've always been HUGE compared to my sister, my 120 was bigger than her 120 and such. I just like that there are other options that I can use to gauge where I can aim for and go from there. When I get into the 160 range I'll go in to the doc and have him test my body fat and go from there.

    I think this is really the best you can do... everyone also FEELS their healthiest differently. You can still be in rockstar athletic shape with above ideal body fat too. (football players, SHAQ, you can even be a marathoner and not be "skinny.") Or the prior poster who knows she feels best at the low end of the spectrum... You will find your personal perfect range soon enough! :)
  • jessgallison
    I am a little bit confused about this. If you are overweight your wrists are going to be larger than they would be if you were a healthy weight. So...wouldnt that make a lot of people who are overweight think they have a larger bone frame then they really do?

    Also, I'm a bit confused about what I would be. How much are your fingers supposed to overlap to be a small frame? My fingers do overlap, my thump only goes a a bit past my other fingernails. Does that mean i'm small framed or medium still?
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    This Frame Size measurement returns an "underweight" response for me....but I'm definitely not. Perhaps I need to make what I have more muscular or at least more dense?

    I'm in the midrange for "healthy" with the BMI I'm going with that (as a medium framed person.)
  • jldaley09
    jldaley09 Posts: 219 Member
    I think that calculation is a fairly good indicator and I'm glad it puts me right where I thought I should be. Actually I had my goal as 150 but according to that Im aiming a bit low so that is good. I am somewhere between 5'8" and 5'7" and that said I am a med frame which I totally agree with. It said my range is 149-168 (based on both calculations for both heights.)
  • Losingitin2011
    Losingitin2011 Posts: 572 Member
    I actually changed my goals on here to reflect closer to what this says. Once I get there, I'll reevaluate and decide if I want to maintain or lose more.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    I found this extremely interesting. Turns out that for my frame size (large) a healthy weight for me is right around 160 for 5'7"

    The BMI would say I'm still overweight, or close to. I am inclined to lean more towards this, since me at 120 is scary thin. What about you?

    That's a very interesting link, I've never seen it before. It says I should be between 150 and 173lbs. I have about a half inch gap between my fingers, when circling the smallest part of my wrist (right before my hand). I have my goal weight set to 180...mostly because I intend to add some muscle weight to it all. Looks like I was in the right range...very cool!

    Also of note, there is a link to a body fat analyzer on the same page. It takes you through some questions asking you to use a cloth measuring tape (or a string and standard measuring tape) to measure your waist (39"), hips (40"), flexed forearm (12"), and wrist (7"). It then tosses out a number.

    I wonder how accurate that is?? My digital scale is saying like 26.5% lol...but this page says 19.6%. I could have the settings on the digital scale all whacked out though, it's been forever since I used it for anything but weight.

    Anyone have any experience with that type body fat calculator?

  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Sadly this gave me exactly the same recommendation as regular BMI charts - I must be boring Mrs Average!
  • dolphingirlsa
    Ok I tried this and according to this for me my ideal weight would be around 69-85kg as I am large framed. This makes me happy as the other charts wanted me to go down to 78kg which I thought was a little low... 8kg is a lot!
    Still a lot of weight to go but at least its not half my body as it is right now!!!
    thanks for that, very interesting!
  • flausa
    flausa Posts: 534 Member
    Well that chart and BMI agree on me ... boo for being small-framed. Funny, because for a loooong time people told me I wasn't that overweight and that I was really just big-boned. Not so say my delicate wrists. Well, should be interesting to see what I look like when I get down to 130 as it's not a weight I've seen in my adult life.
  • Losingitin2011
    Losingitin2011 Posts: 572 Member
    Wowsers. I just did a body fat test, because my scale is convinced I'm almost 50% fat... turns out I am in the "acceptable" range for my waist, hips, wrist, and forearm. Interesting indeed! We shall see where I'm at when I'm down to 170!
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    oh thanks! i never knew how to calculate frame size!!! my fingers overlap when i circle my wrists so im a small frame and at 120lbs and 5'3" ideal for my weigt!
  • ljbhill
    ljbhill Posts: 276 Member
    I'm not sure I really trust that website. It states that I am underweight? This is definately not the case. I went from 70Kg (150 pounds) to 58Kg (127 pounds). I am a size 10 but would like to be a size 8. I have been reseaching healthy eating and weight for a while now and it is my understanding that being "big boned" is a fallacy. I used to use it as an excuse for my own weight issues. I thought that my big bone structure would mean that I would always be a bigger person. That is not the case. I just ate too much and didn't exercise which made me overweight. Once I admited it to myself, I could focus on changing it. I think you can have a number in your head as motivation but as you start to lose weight, you need to keep reassing it as you see it in the mirror. You may feel good being a few pounds above or below that number. Just remember though, that while you are losing weight to look good, you are also trying to reduce health issues so waist measurement should be under 80cm (for women) and 94cm (for men)

    It is doable -It's all about healthy eating, portion control, exercise and perserverance (not big bones). :smile: