Older woman seeking inspiration

I'm 59, with 50 pounds to lose. Would love to hear Aron someone like me who succeeded? I'm a compulsive eater and sugar addict, started today with MFP and Isagenix... Not feeling very hopeful since I've lost weight so many times and always gained it back... But I'm here.


  • Sorelli
    Sorelli Posts: 1
    Me too Jenny. I am 54.
  • jah13010
    jah13010 Posts: 2
    Thanks. My original post was full of typos - I'm 50, not 50, and meant "from" not "Aron" - but you got the gist of it!
  • letsjustgetitdone
    letsjustgetitdone Posts: 9 Member
    I'm 50, too. Welcome! You can do this. Move a little more and eat whole foods and lean proteins. I concur, ditch the Isagenix stuff...all that stuff to 'lose weight' is pretty expensive and you need to do something you can continue to do long term. If you are interested, join us over at Eat More 2 Weigh Less group!
  • rosehips60
    rosehips60 Posts: 1,030 Member
    I'm 54 and spent most of life on a "diet". I joined MFP a little over a year ago and have lost 30 pounds. My advice? Take it slow, be sure to eat enough so you're not tempted to binge because you are hungry. Remember you are teaching yourself a new way to eat that will last you the rest of your life. You can do this, feel free to add me as a friend
  • mamadon
    mamadon Posts: 1,422 Member
    I'm 53 and lost 123 pounds. I've been maintaining for over a year. However you choose to lose the weight, remember what counts is eating at the correct calorie deficit. Eat in a way that you can see yourself doing for the long term. Weigh, measure and count everything that goes into your mouth. Realize that you will continue to have good and bad days, and that's ok, just keep pushing forward and don't let guilt cause you to give up just because you over ate a few times. Losing weight is as much a mental as a physical process.
  • granmom56
    granmom56 Posts: 4 Member
    I am 58 almost 59. And I have lost 36# in 9 months with 4# to go. I look and feel amazing. My doctors are stunned. I lowered my cholesterol from 278 to 200 without any medication. The health benefits list is a long one. I eat clean and healthy and track it all on this app. I suffer from severe menopause and still lost. I discoverrd there are ways to balance your hormones and turn back the clock with education, determination and support. I create recipes and find new healthy foods and habits each month. So I am just here to say menopause doesn't have to mean unhealthy. My 28 year old microbiologist daughter helped me overcome everything from exercise challenges to meal plans. She spent hours doing research for me to help with every step. I live by my app. I tell everyone when they ask and people ask me every day.
  • granmom56
    granmom56 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm 59, with 50 pounds to lose. Would love to hear Aron someone like me who succeeded? I'm a compulsive eater and sugar addict, started today with MFP and Isagenix... Not feeling very hopeful since I've lost weight so many times and always gained it back... But I'm here.

  • granmom56
    granmom56 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm 59, with 50 pounds to lose. Would love to hear Aron someone like me who succeeded? I'm a compulsive eater and sugar addict, started today with MFP and Isagenix... Not feeling very hopeful since I've lost weight so many times and always gained it back... But I'm here.

  • granmom56
    granmom56 Posts: 4 Member
    My fitness pal was designed as an app and it has flaws because I have come to discover it is a tool that must be used with a lifestyle change. Not a diet. There is a difference. The difference between being forever healthy or gaining it all back. That's the hard truth. But the benefits are unlimited. I promise you. For every craving there is a healthy solution. For every hurdle there is a solution you have to put in the work and find them. My heart goes out to you. Good luck. One day at a time. Tomorrow is another day. My favorite..this to shall pass, now would be good. Lol
  • cathyg8665
    cathyg8665 Posts: 3 Member
    I will be turning 50 this summer and I don't want to look like I do at my party! So I am very motivated to lose weight and get healthy again. I have diabetes, high blood pressure, high triglycerides and sleep apnea. All of these conditio,s require medication...which are having some unpleasant side effects. This is further motivation for me. I started making changes to my diet at the beginning of March but wasn't logging on MFP. I got a fit it a week ago and started logging my food again and I am already down over 3 pounds in a week! I'm trying to eat clean (organic if possible), real food like fruits and vegetables, and sprouted grain bread. I saw my doctor on Monday and she reduced my blood pressure medicine and one of my diabetic medicines by half! I am so excited! My goal is to get off all medicines.
  • Timby1
    Timby1 Posts: 294 Member
    I'm 53 and have lost 30 or so pounds (and gained muscle) since October, 2014. I, too, have lost and gained. But there's a quote floating around here that says something like, "It's hard to lose weight (and maintain) and it's hard to be fat. Choose your hard." I choose the losing weight. You have to decide which you want. Take baby steps, changing little things here and there...they add up.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    I'm 54 and lost ninety pounds so far through a referral to a local bariatric program. I had my surgery this past summer. I can definitely relate to the feeling of no confidence. I mean, how often can a person beat their head against that wall (dieting)? When I started the program I did not have a lot of optimism for the first three months until I had my defining moment. At that point I had lost thirty pounds and I was able to recover from a nasty fall. It was the first evidence that I could have a different sort of life and I haven't looked back since.

    I took a quick google on Isagenix and it doesn't look that promising to me. Cleanses are a kind of snake oil.

    MyFitnessPal is very effective though. It is a tracking tool that gives you information. With knowledge, you can gradually change habits towards weight loss and healthier choices.
  • kjurassic
    kjurassic Posts: 571 Member
    I'm 60 and have lost over 90 pounds. You can do it - you just can't "stop" after you lose what you want to lose or it will all come right back. You've got to want it bad enough and you've got to be in it for the long haul.
  • cathyg8665
    cathyg8665 Posts: 3 Member
    It's really about making permanent lifestyle changes rather than enduring until you lose the weight. Also, think about what your motivation is. For me it's to regain my health to the point that I no longer need to take these medicines that are having negative side effects. Losing weight is a natural by product of eating more nutritious food and exercising my muscles. Don't expect to lose the weight fast. If your like most people you gained it over a period of time. Change is hard, especially as you approach middle age. Measure your success in lower resting heart rates, or lower blood pressure rather than pounds on the scale. Or whatever health issue you are trying to improve.
  • dredremeg
    dredremeg Posts: 202 Member
    I am 53, I lost 45 lbs. since December 2014. You can take a look at my profile picture. My blood pressure is good now. The last time I went for my physical was a month ago, it was 116/70. This was a NSV for me. My focus now is to keep my protein up and heavy lifting. You can do it no matter how old you are.
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