Gastric Bypass & Weight Loss Surgery



  • brandiekohlman
    brandiekohlman Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone. I haven't had WLS yet, but I am about to start the appts with my team of doctors. I am going through a program and if I am a candidate, the surgery will be covered by my health plan. I have been on a referred patient wait list for just over a year. I am pretty sure I am a candidate for surgery and plan on getting it as soon as I am able. My question is "How did you decide which surgery to get"? Does your doctor just tell you what they think is best or do you have a choice? I have been overweight my whole life (about 24 years, since I was 9) but never have I been as big as I am now. I have diabetes, PCOS and possibly sleep apnea. I am ready for this change in my life! Please, if anyone wants to add me, anyone with info or wants to keep each other accountable, please do! I look forward to hearing from all of you :)

  • mama2prettygirls
    mama2prettygirls Posts: 1 Member
    I'm going through the pre-op program now. Hoping for surgery in May. I was primarily interested in the sleeve but after seeing the surgeon I'm leaning more toward RNY. What he told me made a lot of sense. He said they're both good surgeries and he'll do whichever I decide but RNY has been around 55 years while the sleeve has only been in practice for 5. So far, the sleeve appears to be nearly as effective but there simply is no long term data beyond 5 years. Also, dumping syndrome sounds miserable but can be a useful tool to keep me on track since sugar addiction is one of my biggest issues. Fear of dumping should keep me honest!!! Whichever you choose, once you've made up your mind, stick with it. No regrets. Good luck!
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    Robertus wrote: »
    I don't understand why people are opposed to WLS. It helps save lives. It's a personal decision, a serious medical choice made with your doctor. It requires a lot of dedication and courage. People who make this difficult choice and succeed are to be admired. Others who do not need it or choose it for their own reasons should respect those who choose a different path for their own reasons.

    Because they like to be "right," even if they don't have the first clue what they're talking about. Honestly, I don't think all those tv shows following people having it done help matters, either. They select for hyper-dramatic people who will whine and cry a lot, and it just feeds the stereotype of surgery being the lazy way out instead of focusing on how much additional work it is day to day.
  • Clare1479
    Clare1479 Posts: 12
    hi guys! first off just wanted to say congrats to everyone! i am thinking about going in for WLS but just wanted to ask anyone who is around the 16 stone mark have you had any problem with excess skin? can this be avoided with alot of exercise? thanks guys! xx
  • clairenumnuts
    Hi I had a bypass on the 2nd July 2014 I have lost 8 stone 8 pounds so far which works out to about 6 stone 8 pounds after my surgery, I use MFP every day to keep me on track with my protein and calories as snacking remains a big problem for me.
    Clare1479 in response to your question everyone is very different with skin, I weighed 24stone 7 pounds at the beginning of my journey and still have 4 and a half stone left to loose for 'my' target of 11 stone 6. I am much older than you I am 42 and previously when I have lost weight ( i lost 8 stone on my own 10 years ago) my skin shrunk back, now I have bingo wings, my boobs are empty a bit like a naan breads and my tummy looks like a balloon you find three weeks after a party stuck down the back of a settee, also my inner thighs have little skin pouches on them and just under my bum I have a couple of creases, I expect it to get worse. I run 20k a week, i moisturise after every shower, however I was a smoker before my op also. I intend to have all my skin cut off and some new boobs so am saving up at the moment. 16 stone is tiny in the grand scheme of things and I would say think very very hard about WLS its not easy and it doesnt always go well for people. My weight loss is not huge, some months I am lucky to loose 4 pounds! I have friends that really struggle to eat, never go out with friends socialising etc for fear of being ill, they have lost their hair and feel weak all the time, there are lots of WLS support groups on facebook and these are worth joining to get a balanced view of things
    Good luck in your journey
  • newdaynewdawnnewme1
    newdaynewdawnnewme1 Posts: 76 Member
    I have been on a weight list (lottery) for entry to a WLS Research study being conducted in conjunction with my Office of Group Benifits and the Pennington Biomedical Research Facility near LSU where I work. I had my 1st screening visit after a year of waiting and it went very well! Lots of paperwork, Psych Evals and medical test. I got the word today that I made it through and one of the doctors told me to start the next step which is a 2 week liquid diet which I have to follow to a tee or I'm out! My diet starts this Friday! I find it very aprapoe that I start my next big step on "Good Friday" it WILL be a good Friday!

    Just a bit of background.....I am 46 this May 5th, mother of 2 adult sons and 2 Furbabies. I have been plump most my life and have yoyo'ed for most of it! My current highest weight is 344 with Type 2 Diabetes, arthritis in both my knees (surgery on both, the left twice) but health wise that's really it..I know I am Blessed, my mom passed from heart issues 3 years ago, I refuse that to be me! My wonderful and supportive wife as well as my boys stand beside me on this journey to the true and healthy Me, but you can never have enough support so here I am! I would love to find friends who are on this same journey, so add me and let's support each other!

    ✨Brightest Blessings!✨

    Oh and thanks to all who stood up to MKEgal....they did sound like a mean, unsupportive Drill Sargent!
  • MarciBkonTrk
    MarciBkonTrk Posts: 310 Member
    "There are groups for this sort of topic."

    Are you saying that the OP doesn't have the right to create her own discussion "because there are groups for this sort of topic"?

    I'm nine years out and maintained a 100+ pound weight loss. For me it was not the "easy way" out, it was the only way out. I have never regretted my decision.

    Rachel you are doing what is right for you. No one else should think that they can make that decision for you or ostracize you for the choice you are making.
  • bbontheb
    bbontheb Posts: 718 Member
    herrspoons wrote: »
    Yeah... The topic is months old, and the last entry before yours was 2 weeks ago.

    Meaning what? Not sure that even matters.