Weight loss

When starting your weight loss journey, and I mean changing everything about your life. I used to eat out a few times a week, not care what was being put into my body. And not working out, well since the first of April. I have been eating clean and working out everyday. I have only had a 4 pound loss, am I not doing something right? I'm staying in within my calorie range sometimes I eat less, my question to you guys is has anyone every experienced this?? Does it take more time? I know I shouldn't give up, but it's kinda discouraging. My goal is to lose 2 pounds per week! Is the first 10 pounds the hardest to lose? Sorry I'm rambling! Lol!

But I'd love to know everyone's story maybe it will give me motivation/hope to keep pushing!



  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,734 Member
    Do not give up. Give it more time. You just barely started. By your own post you admitted that for a long time you didn't care about what you ate and didn't exercise at all. Be kind to your body now and give it time to adjust! Just keep at it, be consistent, and you will see results.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    Adjust your expectations. You didn't gain weight overnight and you aren't going to lose it overnight. Your loss is awesome! Keep doing what you're doing!
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    When starting your weight loss journey, and I mean changing everything about your life. I used to eat out a few times a week, not care what was being put into my body. And not working out, well since the first of April. I have been eating clean and working out everyday. I have only had a 4 pound loss, am I not doing something right? I'm staying in within my calorie range sometimes I eat less, my question to you guys is has anyone every experienced this?? Does it take more time? I know I shouldn't give up, but it's kinda discouraging. My goal is to lose 2 pounds per week! Is the first 10 pounds the hardest to lose? Sorry I'm rambling! Lol!

    But I'd love to know everyone's story maybe it will give me motivation/hope to keep pushing!


    No. They're the easiest.

  • Katiebear_81
    Katiebear_81 Posts: 719 Member
    It can take time. :) Be as accurate as you can be in recording your in vs. out, and just stay steadfast. You'll get there.
  • geco1993
    geco1993 Posts: 1 Member
    Not to mention if you are weight training you could be gaining muscle mass as well. :)
  • ThomasKita
    ThomasKita Posts: 4 Member
    edited April 2015
    You've probably added some lean muscle too. So you've probably lost more than four pounds of fat, which is the goal. Ask a trainer at your gym to test your body fat every 2-4 weeks. That's a better indicator of your progress than just your weight.
  • The best advice has been offered...be as accurate as you can in monitoring your calories. I know it can get a bit tedious, but it does make a difference.

    And example: I was 'eyeballing' and 'guestimating' the amount of olive oil I was using to cook with. When I measured, I was off by three. BIG difference between one tablespoon of olive oil and four!

    I was off with condiments, cheese serving sizes, drink sizes, on and on, to the tune of about 600 calories a day. SIX HUNDRED! And that's with me logging everything. But the diary doesn't help as much as it can when the measurements are wrong.

    Good luck, and keep it up!
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    ThomasKita wrote: »
    You've probably added some lean muscle too. So you've probably lost more than four pounds of fat, which is the goal. Ask a trainer at your gym to test your body fat every 2-4 weeks. That's a better indicator of your progress than just your weight.

    This is extremely unlikely.
  • RaeN81
    RaeN81 Posts: 534 Member
    4 pounds in 2 weeks is pretty amazing. Keep in mind that this needs to be a permanent change for permanent results. Keep at it and allow yourself the occasional treat that fits into your goals. I know how you feel though, since I am working off baby weight for the third time and I just want it to come off faster but I know that it takes months of dedication to lose and then a concerted effort to keep it off.
  • S4Lyons
    S4Lyons Posts: 147 Member
    I'd say 4 pounds in less than 3 weeks is pretty darn good. 2 pounds a week is a lot and really the maximum one should lose safely. I would imagine you're starting to feel better. I starting losing right away. Some weeks I'd lose more than others. And a person's weight can fluctuate quite a bit during the week as well. So I made sure to record my weight only once a week. Sounds like you're doin great. Keep it up and you'll continue seeing results.

    lost 8 kilos on a vacation that went for 1-2 weeks, i don't like food not made in Australia
  • S4Lyons
    S4Lyons Posts: 147 Member
    I had a friend who was losing 5 kilos every 1-2 weeks i went psycho at the goober because she refused to eat her boyfriend and I secretly add extra calories to her meals now... We be sneaky mofos
  • ShawnnaMay7
    ShawnnaMay7 Posts: 5 Member
    You guys are awesome!!! Definitely going to be writing every week with progress. This is not an easy road. But I do feel fantastic, and I want this to be my life, an active life thus far has been amazing and has made my stress level out, as well I sleep so good! And have tons of energy! I'm all about doing it the healthy and right way! Thanks everyone!