Breast feeding and weight loss


I'm a new mum and I'm breast feeding. I'm also desperate to lose weight but don't want to hinder feeding my gorgeous baby. I'm currently trying to stay at 1850 but I feel weight loss will be limited. Any tips and advice will be most welcome.

I am also only 2.5 weeks postpartum so I haven't been given the all clear to exercise yet.

Chelle x


  • ChristinePearlFNP
    ChristinePearlFNP Posts: 72 Member
    I'm still nursing my 13 month old daughter. I lost 40 lbs the first 6 weeks without doing anything. Then I tried dieting and my supply dropped so I stopped. Then I started exercising 4 months pp and it was fine. I think you just have to let ur supply level out first which takes about 4-6 weeks. But instead of dieting just try to "eat clean". That's what I had to do and drink tons of water. The weight will come off once ur body stabilizes what it needs for ur supply. Be patient tho. You're still very recently pp. good job breastfeeding momma!
  • ashtonladkins
    ashtonladkins Posts: 20 Member
    In my settings, I calculated that I wanted to lose 1.5 lbs a week. Then each day, I add breastfeeding 30 oz to my breakfast, which gives me an extra 500 calories a day (for some reason it won't show up on my iphone app for the net calories, but it does online). I did this for the first 3 months and breastfeeding was well established. Now I add about 350 calories a day for breastfeeding and I have lost about 17 lbs.

    Drink a TON of water. I was told to drink at least 8oz of water every time (yes, even that 2am feeding) you breastfeed in addition to what you would normally drink during the day.

    Ease in to exercising, start with walking or some arm weight exercises.

    Good luck!
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    It is suggested that you do not restrict calories until at least 2 months when your milk supply is established.
    There is no reason weight loss will be limited. If 300-500 of the 1850 goes to milk production that leaves you ate 1350-1550. That's pretty reasonable for weight loss for many.
  • kamakazeekim
    kamakazeekim Posts: 1,183 Member
    Be careful about restricting calories while breastfeeding...and working out. Many women will see a huge drop in their supply if they eat too little and/or workout too much. Your body is still healing at this point and needs all the nutrients you can get. I'm not saying eat whatever whenever you want but focus on eating a well balanced diet. Keep in mind that some women will lose a lot of weight while breastfeeding and others will not lose anything at all (I unfortunately didn't lose even though I was making 80 ounces of milk a day...I was an exclusive pumper.)
  • michonamission
    michonamission Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks guys!!! Great advice! I think I need to definitely drink more water. Will definitely start some arm exercises and will walk more!!
  • emmavagg
    emmavagg Posts: 27 Member
    Hello and congratulations on your little one. My baby is four months old and I am exclusively breastfeeding. I agree with others in that its best to wait until baby is two months old. I add on 500 calories as pee the NHS and try to stay at around 1700 a day but if I am hungry I do go over. Also make sure you drink lots. I have sent you a friend request :)
  • michonamission
    michonamission Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks x
  • meag110
    meag110 Posts: 1 Member
    Thanks for the post! I'm exclusively breastfeeding my second child. She's five weeks now. I've been eating "clean" and trying not to go overboard with my intake, but I've literally been the same weight for the last four weeks. I'm trying not to feel defeated, but it's so hard. It's just so much harder to do anything for myself with two - especially exercise!
  • Beckym1205
    Beckym1205 Posts: 217 Member
    Hi, I'm 4 months PP and I've lost 22 of the 40 I gained during my pregnancy. I'm also worried about losing my supply so I didn't start exercising until I was about 2 months PP and I'm not really dieting. I lost most of the weight within the first few weeks and only lbs over the last month (which is ok). I think the best thing you can do is to be mindful of what you eat. Fresh fruit and veggies, and whole grains and proteins to keep you feeling full. Also make sure to drink a lot of water. One thing I did early on was to drink orange juice a couple times a day (I tend to get sick of drinking so much water).
  • ashbash73
    I lost 20lbs simply by taking walks everyday with my son which is great for bonding and I ate a ton of raw fruits and veggies.
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    Hi there I am 3 weeks PP and breastfeeding. I did start exercising as soon as I felt up to it. I have a fitbit and get between 10 000-12 000 steps a day right now and I just started back with weights on Sunday.

    I am eating between 2200-2500 calories right now. I''ve lost 17 of the 44 I gained.

    This is my 3rd pregnancy. DO NOT limit your calories too much. If you aren't exercising 1850 is definitely a good amount. Don't go below that though. Your weight loss might be slow at first since your body is still weight loss has stalled currently but I know from experience that it will pick up again if I keep eating and exercising. DON't be tempted to cut your calories further.

    After my 2nd child I lost all the weight (50 lbs) within 6 months by eating about 2500 calories, walking and lifting weights 3x per week for 30 minutes (heavy weights). Then I lost an additional 15 lbs the next 6 months.
  • janjunie
    janjunie Posts: 1,200 Member
    I have a 5.5 month old and am exclusively breast feeding. I lost most of the weight in the first 3 months without doing anything (I gained 25 lbs, 3rd pregnancy). I just started going to the gym two weeks ago to tone up those last 5 lbs. I've found that in order to keep up a good milk supply I have to eat 2000 calories, I'm losing the last little bit of weight very slowly which is ok with me since my main goal is to tone and strengthen.
    Also, I couldn't figure out how to add breastfeeding to my daily dairy so in order to see it on the app I add it in as a cardio exercise.
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    There isn't a way anymore to add it to your diary, the took that option away so you do have to log it as cardio.
  • gurtling
    gurtling Posts: 4 Member
    Thats so stupid isnt it. I am also BF and want to add the extra calorie allowance.
  • michonamission
    michonamission Posts: 15 Member
    This is great guys- thanks xxx
  • middlewaymom
    middlewaymom Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all! I'm 3 mo pp and really struggling with trying to get this last bit of weight off. When you say not to go lower than 1850 calories, do you mean net calories? I just changed my settings to only allow 1450ish calories a day since the weight hasn't been coming off after a month, but my milk supply has seemed fine.

    Just wondering if the concern is keeping up supply, or if the body goes into starvation mode and will hold on to the weight. I haven't been hungry with my 1700 calorie goal I had earlier.
  • karafornia
    karafornia Posts: 10 Member
    edited April 2015
    Hi there! Im EBFing and almost 4mon PP. Been logging for almost a month now at 1800 cal a day. I've set my goal at 1300 and add the Breastfeeding Exclusively -500 in my food diary at lunch. I've got an open diary also if anyone wants to add me and take a look. My milk has been exactly right for my lo, except for tonight... For some reason (maybe teething maybe not) she cluster fed from 9pm to almost midnight before finally tapping out. It's concerning so I'm going to keep an eye on it, I haven't seen a difference in the mirror, and my scale is broken so I couldn't really tell you my accurate loss till I get home from vacation. Anyways I'd love to add you! We can keep each other motivated. Any and all, feel free to add. Nice to meet you all. -Kara
  • karafornia
    karafornia Posts: 10 Member
  • Jd_jaquez
    Jd_jaquez Posts: 34 Member
    Hi all! I'm 3 mo pp and really struggling with trying to get this last bit of weight off. When you say not to go lower than 1850 calories, do you mean net calories? I just changed my settings to only allow 1450ish calories a day since the weight hasn't been coming off after a month, but my milk supply has seemed fine.

    Just wondering if the concern is keeping up supply, or if the body goes into starvation mode and will hold on to the weight. I haven't been hungry with my 1700 calorie goal I had earlier.

    I hear if you don't eat enough your body will hold on to a few lbs to account for the calories consumed while breast feeding.
  • Jd_jaquez
    Jd_jaquez Posts: 34 Member
    Hello OP I'm on the same boat I'm one week postpartum and was hoping to breast feed while losing weight. I'm not sure if I'm one of the lucky ones that drop the lbs like water fingers crossed. I'll friend request you so that we can journey together.