INSANITY or P90X Workouts???

Hey guys.

Just reading alot about the Insanity workout and the p90x. Both seem very good and hard work. Just wondering if any of you have an opinion on which is the best workout and value for money?



  • cmiles23
    cmiles23 Posts: 234 Member
    insanity is pretty much al super high intensity cardio and p90x incorporates weights also......... i went with p90x..... it is hard... i ended up getting very sick the first week and still havent picked it up again.......... i think both are great but i personally went with p90x
  • hallfpint_sweetie
    Go ZUMBA!
    I tried insanity.... It is INSANE. I was pumped to try the workout and gave up bc it was really hard. But, it may work for you.
  • lauristewart
    lauristewart Posts: 379 Member
    P90X is a lot more weight intensive and not as much cardio. Insanity is almost all, 100% cardio, w/not as much weight involvment. I have done both and like Insanity better for ME b/c I need the cardio. I would hardly sweat at all during P90x, but the men I know who have doen P90x sweat like dogs and do very well with it. I think as a woman, Insanity is better for me. But I am incorporating weights 3x a week and alternate Insanity, spinning and weights throughout the week. I hope this helps. Most people I know have to add another cardio session while doing P90X......Good luck! They both are great workouts!
  • Lisiebird
    Lisiebird Posts: 45
    It depends what your fitness goals are. I've done both and they are completely different, but both are hard and are great workouts. Insanity, which I'm doing now, is all cardio conditioning. It's intense and there are no weights. P90X is primarily weight training, although it does have some cardio DVDs too, but to be honest, I found the cardio in P90X to be somewhat lacking so I substituted my own. You could also do a hybrid program of both.
  • mazomama
    mazomama Posts: 138 Member
    yup i'll add in with the p90x, i didnt sweat much and didnt burn very many calories so i switched it up to turbo fire (another beach body product) and no that ive lost some weight i want to also incorporate p90x to help tone things up and get some definition. BUT i need heavier weights so i've been slacking on the weight training
  • brian90
    brian90 Posts: 285 Member
    I have done both. Both are great workouts. As mentioned, P90x is more strength training and Insanity is more cardio based. it depends what you are looking to gain. Insanity was great for core for me. It just lacked the weight training. As mentioned, many people make hybrids to fix this issue. Insanity is defintely much more challenging though. Insanity a few levels above P90x plyometrics. P90x can be modified. Insanity is pretty much full out all the time. Both are great.
  • daveelamp
    daveelamp Posts: 43
    thank you all for the advice. very helpful, think il try insanity out after your comments. should be fun... hmmm.
    dont think il be trying Zumba though lol... not really for me.

    Thanks again :)
  • amfaery
    amfaery Posts: 267 Member
    I in the 3rd month of P90X love it I have taken off 9 inches in the first 60 days the scale has not moved though more muscle replacement but I am happy went downa pants size yay! I just got Insanity now I am doing a hybrid to add more cardio, the scale is movign and the inches coming off.

    Like anything else you really have to push yourself with both to see a difference, I did not think I would make it this far I have 2 small kids and a full time job I just switched my schedule around to make time for it somedays, like yaoga X day you worlout for 90 minutes. Good luck there are forums for both programs, people are great here and motivating

    you also get a beach body coach if you sign up for a free beach body memebership mine was helpful in the beginning to get going and answer questions