not getting full

Any suggestions on what is good that will make me feel full?


  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member

    I choose less calorie dense carbs for more volume (fruit and vegies more than grains, bread, beans, pasta etc) and make sure to have protein and fats for satiety
  • jenncornelsen
    jenncornelsen Posts: 969 Member
    Your idea of full might need to change. Many people are used to over eating and that really full, stuffed feeling. U wont feel like that eating at a calorie deficit. Well maybe if u eat 5lbs of broccoli
  • jnv7594
    jnv7594 Posts: 983 Member
    Your idea of full might need to change. Many people are used to over eating and that really full, stuffed feeling. U wont feel like that eating at a calorie deficit. Well maybe if u eat 5lbs of broccoli

    ^^^This. When I started this back in August, I pretty much had to change my idea of "full." I wasn't getting full in the way I was used to getting full. Your body will adapt and you will get used to not feeling overly stuffed. That overly stuffed feeling is actually what is not normal. You should feel satiated, but not uncomfortably full. As far as filling foods, make sure you are eating enough proteins and fats. Those will be the most satisfying for you and help with hunger.

  • lisamalm
    lisamalm Posts: 9 Member
    I am on 5:2. It is not for everyone and can be very harmful for people with eating disorders. But for me it works wonders. I am quite hungry on my fasting days but for the two following days I do not feel hungry and eat much more sensible than I do without the fasting days. My cravings for sugar and junk food are almost gone.

    Trying to eat in moderation every day does not work for me at all. A low carb diet is the best option for some people. BTW I am a RD, one of the reasons I quit working as a dietician was that I came to understand how inefficient a low fat diet is for a lot of people. It was quite a shock to realize that diabetics (type 2) put on a low fat diet actually got worse. As long as you eat plenty of greens, cut down on sugar and get enough of protein most diets are healthy. (Also: check your vitamin and mineral intake every now and then.) So try a few diets and stick with the one that works best for you.
  • arabianhorselover
    arabianhorselover Posts: 1,488 Member
    lisamalm wrote: »
    I am on 5:2. It is not for everyone and can be very harmful for people with eating disorders. But for me it works wonders. I am quite hungry on my fasting days but for the two following days I do not feel hungry and eat much more sensible than I do without the fasting days. My cravings for sugar and junk food are almost gone.

    Trying to eat in moderation every day does not work for me at all. A low carb diet is the best option for some people. BTW I am a RD, one of the reasons I quit working as a dietician was that I came to understand how inefficient a low fat diet is for a lot of people. It was quite a shock to realize that diabetics (type 2) put on a low fat diet actually got worse. As long as you eat plenty of greens, cut down on sugar and get enough of protein most diets are healthy. (Also: check your vitamin and mineral intake every now and then.) So try a few diets and stick with the one that works best for you.

    Do you mean that you fast five days a week?

  • stolomes
    stolomes Posts: 3 Member
    Can you give me an example of you mon thru friday meals?
  • ActuarialChef
    ActuarialChef Posts: 1,413 Member
    lisamalm wrote: »
    I am on 5:2. It is not for everyone and can be very harmful for people with eating disorders. But for me it works wonders. I am quite hungry on my fasting days but for the two following days I do not feel hungry and eat much more sensible than I do without the fasting days. My cravings for sugar and junk food are almost gone.

    Trying to eat in moderation every day does not work for me at all. A low carb diet is the best option for some people. BTW I am a RD, one of the reasons I quit working as a dietician was that I came to understand how inefficient a low fat diet is for a lot of people. It was quite a shock to realize that diabetics (type 2) put on a low fat diet actually got worse. As long as you eat plenty of greens, cut down on sugar and get enough of protein most diets are healthy. (Also: check your vitamin and mineral intake every now and then.) So try a few diets and stick with the one that works best for you.

    Do you mean that you fast five days a week?

    5:2 means you eat at maintenance for 5 days and fast (under 500 calories) the other two (non-consecutive) days. Most people fast-eat-eat-fast-eat-eat-eat or something close to that.
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    First, make sure your goals are set correctly. With only 13 lbs to lose, your goal should be set to about 0.5 lb/week of weight loss; no more than 1 lb/week.

    Eat plenty of veggies and fruit. Weigh and measure everything. You'll be surprised at how many veggies you can eat at a meal and still keep to your calorie allotment. Balance that with a nice piece of protein and a small amount of starch.
    Protein & fats are important to keep you feeling fuller for longer.
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    stolomes wrote: »
    Can you give me an example of you mon thru friday meals?

    It might be easier if we saw your diary and helped with that.
  • artlover47
    artlover47 Posts: 76 Member
    Personally, filling things for me are apples, beans, sweet potatoes, tuna, eggs, brown rice, and of course steamed or raw veggies. I know what you mean, though. Some foods I love like melon, salads, berries, oatmeal, yogurt, and for some reason chicken, just don't keep me satisfied long. Nuts are high calorie and don't satisfy me or fill me up. If I eat them, I pair them with something else with more bulk. If you think you are missing fat in your diet, I sprinkle a half ounce of cheese on a salad or add a half slice to a sandwich and the extra fat (and yumminess of the cheese) seems to help. Avocado is great in that respect, too.

    It may just take some experimenting to see what works for you. In addition to logging your foods, you could make a note whether you felt more/less hungry each day and review your diary to figure out what seems to stick with you longer. Good luck!
  • lindsayh87
    lindsayh87 Posts: 167 Member
    Everything these people said is correct, I only want to add make sure you are consuming enough water. Often thirst is disguised as hunger!

    And my favorite go to when I'm just starved and looking for something low in calories is oatmeal. I'll do 1/2 cup Plain old fashioned oats and add 1/4 cup skim milk after its cooked and sweeten it with stevia & cinnamon. About 175 Calories of filling awesomeness. Add a banana if desired too. :)