Gallon of Water A Day Challenge

Today marks DAY 1 of drinking a gallon of water a day! :) I'm challenging myself & YOU to drink a gallon of water a day for 30 days! I'm hoping after doing so for 30 days that a habit will form & that I will reap the benefits of it for life!

To start off I'll tell you that I'm using the Waterlogged app! You can set up the badge app icon to tell you how many oz of water you have left! And if you are anything like me, you hate the badge app icon (the little red dot with the number in it telling you how many notifications you have) & want it to be gone...FOREVER! lol it's a silly motivation but it should work!

Drinking a gallon of water a day has so many health benefits! But I must confess that I rarely drink water... I rarely drink anything at all actually (it's a wonder how I'm still alive honestly)...but that's about to change!! :)

The benefits of drinking a gallon of water a day are:

•Stay hydrated (the obvious benefit!)
•Clearer skin|better complexion
•Firmer|more elastic skin (keeps you looking tight, fit & youthful)
•Pushes toxins out of your body
•Better kidney function
•Better digestion functioning
•Boosts immune system
•Less bloating
•Less over eating
•You lose weight

The list goes on & on (and you can find more details on how all of this is true just by googling it!) but this post is already insanely long so I figured I should stop here! Who's with me to start drinking a gallon a day? I'm already 20 oz. in! Only 108 oz. to go!! :))


  • lmmodzi
    lmmodzi Posts: 4 Member
    I can join you as I don't drink water at all. I started this w eek though and have been drinking at least 2.5ltrs of water plus as many cups of tea which I feel is really good. I don't think I can manage a gallon though
  • jkwolly
    jkwolly Posts: 3,049 Member
    It becomes so easy after
  • triciaj92
    triciaj92 Posts: 11
    lmmodzi wrote: »
    I can join you as I don't drink water at all. I started this w eek though and have been drinking at least 2.5ltrs of water plus as many cups of tea which I feel is really good. I don't think I can manage a gallon though

    I didn't either! I've done it before (for like 3 days in a row but due to lack of support & motivation & a busy schedule, I didn't put in the effort to continue)! It does take effort! Making sure that the second I finish my cup I go refill it so that I always have water right next to me! It seems like a silly obstacle, but that was mine! Lol I got a tumbler cup that I love & it has a lid and a straw so it's easy & fun to drink out of!! :) you can do it! Just break it down hour by hour! That app does it for you too! It'll tell you your goal oz by a certain time! :)

  • triciaj92
    triciaj92 Posts: 11
    jkwolly wrote: »
    It becomes so easy after

    I'm hoping so! :) I can't wait for it to be a habit!!
  • Leana088
    Leana088 Posts: 581 Member
    Haha I would cheat on the challenge. I already drink a gallon and a half everyday without effort. ;)
  • zinner2009
    zinner2009 Posts: 5 Member
    Trying to increase my water. I'll try a gallon a day. 4 cups 4 times a day.
  • triciaj92
    triciaj92 Posts: 11
    Leana088 wrote: »
    Haha I would cheat on the challenge. I already drink a gallon and a half everyday without effort. ;)

    Oh you're so lucky!! Haha that's awesome though!! Good job! :)

    zinner2009 wrote: »
    Trying to increase my water. I'll try a gallon a day. 4 cups 4 times a day.

    There to go! Breaking it down makes it seem easier! :)
  • flippy1234
    flippy1234 Posts: 686 Member
    Water is awesome. I will try the gallon thing. I drink a lot but both that much!!
  • triciaj92
    triciaj92 Posts: 11
    flippy1234 wrote: »
    Water is awesome. I will try the gallon thing. I drink a lot but both that much!!

    Yay!! And yes it is a lot but I've seen results from a lot of people & you can 100% tell a difference!!
  • Sig02
    Sig02 Posts: 21 Member
    I'll try. When are you starting? Feel free to add me.
  • triciaj92
    triciaj92 Posts: 11
    Sig02 wrote: »
    I'll try. When are you starting? Feel free to add me.

    I am starting today! I'm currently 60 oz. down & have 68 oz. to go! :)
  • Sig02
    Sig02 Posts: 21 Member
    Did it! Made it to one gallon today.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    If only there were really a reason to drink a gallon per day for most people.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    I have no idea how much water I drink a day. As long as my pee is not very yellow, I'm happy.
  • jaxz88
    jaxz88 Posts: 10 Member
    I drink a ton of water in a day. My experience: once you start drinking more water than you normally do (after your bladder adjusts) if you go back to drinking very little you will have headaches (like caffine headaches) because you are dehydrated and used to more. Like I said just my experience (and a couple others I have talked with)
  • Cameronie
    Cameronie Posts: 26 Member
    I used to drink a gallon a day for a long time. at one point, for a few months I upped it to 2 gallons a day....
    I was training for Free Slurpee Day! hahaha. 50 Free Slurpees in one day, totally worth it, btw. :-P

    anyways, when I did stop drinking that much water, I didnt get any headaches.
    just my experience.
  • triciaj92
    triciaj92 Posts: 11
    Day 1 CHECK!!
    Day 2 is going good!!
  • gonnasnap
    gonnasnap Posts: 146 Member
    I bring a gallon of water to work with me every day and for the most part drink nothing but water at home too (with the exception of coffee, milk and an alcoholic beverage). I do however find it hard to drink a gallon on the weekends because I don't have my gallon jug next to me all day. I can def tell when I haven't had enough water in a day.