SO I was doing really good. I had lost 8 pounds. But this weekend I dont know what happened. I just lost it.... I just could not get full off of anything I ate :( ....so Now I need to get back on track!!! GRRRRRR


  • borjanap
    borjanap Posts: 232 Member
    SO I was doing really good. I had lost 8 pounds. But this weekend I dont know what happened. I just lost it.... I just could not get full off of anything I ate :( ....so Now I need to get back on track!!! GRRRRRR
  • Eve23
    Eve23 Posts: 2,352 Member
    You can do it. Don't beat yourself up. You have been doing terrific. Sometimes we need those reward days. Just plan on getting back on track and you will be alright.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Hey don't worry, everyone has those days. In fact, the other night I was so tired and hungry after lifting that I ate extra, slept for 2 hours, and skipped abs and cardio! So I did the abs and cardio the next morning. I didn't go over on my calories fortunately because I was busy sleeping hehe :laugh: Just get back on track and don't worry about it.
  • Najah5150
    Najah5150 Posts: 170
    SO I was doing really good. I had lost 8 pounds. But this weekend I dont know what happened. I just lost it.... I just could not get full off of anything I ate :( ....so Now I need to get back on track!!! GRRRRRR

    Dont feel bad....I did the same thing. I've lost 10 lbs....and this wekend was ALL bad!! I drank, ate things I shouldn't and I'm upset and disgusted with myself. I know I will bounce back from it though. Just gotta get back on track.
  • zenmama
    zenmama Posts: 1,000
    I am right there with you!

    You can do it....tomorrow is a new day!!! :happy:

  • bla115
    bla115 Posts: 206
    There must have been something in the air about this weekend because mine was terrible too!!! I think the structure of the week helps me to stay on track. On the weekends you just never know.
  • artloux
    artloux Posts: 13
    I agree, must be in the air this weekend. All I want is carbs (and not the good kind) I am craving cake, but I ate 2 pieces of pizza Saturday night so I am trying to resist the urge to find and eat cake!!
  • lorelai63
    lorelai63 Posts: 417 Member
    The important thing here is that you do get back. So often after a bad weekend or week I have never gotten back on track. YOU have to forgive and forget and continue on like the bad things never happened. Good luck!
  • bob9304
    bob9304 Posts: 87
    could do like I do and give yourself one free day a week where you allow yourself to eat what you want, i still mostly stick with my diet but don't beat myself up if I go over.
  • lizard9800
    lizard9800 Posts: 474 Member
    Bad days happen to the best of us. I think there was something in the air this weekend! I had a horrible Friday night. But how can you ignore an entire table of free ice cream??
    Hang in there. One bad day won't you back to the beginning at least.
  • jokerrn
    jokerrn Posts: 51
    I'm glad you posted this. I, too, had a terrible weekend. Ate everything in sight. Cookies, cake, ice cream, etc. It's like once I cheated, I just wrote off the whole weekend. Then I wanted to eat all I could due to the fact that I wouldn't get it again for awhile.

    The good thing is that I hit the gym with a vengeance this morning since I felt so guilty. :embarassed:
  • jbuehrer
    jbuehrer Posts: 285
    :noway: It seems like weekends are always tough. I went to a cabin with 4 guys and one other girl (she is also on fitnesspal) It was easy at first we helped each other out a lot. But with four guys they weren't going to go by our routine.. so we had a lot of snacks around and hearty meals. I think for the most part it was easy to stay away from the donuts and candy and chips... but the Bacon, fried apples, scrambled eggs with cheese, fresh cookies,deep fried fish was tough... But... It could have been way worse. =):wink:
  • Erica92627
    There must have been something in the air about this weekend because mine was terrible too!!! I think the structure of the week helps me to stay on track. On the weekends you just never know.

    Was this, this weekend? My friends and I also could not stop eating. Everything was sounding good and did taste good as well.. They 're not even on a 'diet' and they said they felt like they gained a lot of weight. lol (not laughing at the situation, but they're skinny peeps and never eat as much as we did that day)

    Maybe it is our one free day this week? or last week? haha
  • icandoit
    icandoit Posts: 4,163 Member
    We all do it and we will all do it again. Just get back on track and you will be fine.
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • nibor
    nibor Posts: 57 Member
    I too had a "BAD" weekend. Was it the moon? My husband also trying to lose weight also had a bad weekend. He insists it is the moon!!!!!
    I hope so, because it's a new day. Hang in there and get back on track. :bigsmile:
  • williamsknollfarm
    Such a funny thread. I was just telling my husband last night how terrible last weekend was too! I made homemade sourdough bread so of course had to make French Toast in the morning for breakfast instead of my usual lighter fare...and I didn't exceed my calories by a lot but I gained a couple of pounds over the weekend. I think it is partially having the family around during the days, but I made sure I still did my elliptical workout and rode my horse but it was just depressing to see my previous weeks loss gained right back again!

    Maybe it was a shift in the atmosphere or something like that. I did prevail and didn't make the homemade batch of chocolate chip cookies my daughter wanted to make...so there was a positive note...but all in all...weekends are bad...