little changes that could make a HUGE diff?



  • SLaw4215
    SLaw4215 Posts: 596 Member
    Learning to cook! so you don't get stuck eating frozen diet dinners all the time. That's so boring!!!!! My (12 year old daughter) have a goal to try a different fruit and/or vegetable every other week. Try whatever it is a few different ways (baked, boiled, juiced, cold, etc) We may not like everthing but at least we can say we've made an educated decision. This week we chose a fresh Hawaiian Papaya!
  • Jizes318
    Jizes318 Posts: 409 Member
    I have switched the following.....
    Regular eggs to Egg Whites
    Whole Milk to 2% Milk
    Ground Beef to Ground Turkey
    Regular Bacon to Turkey Bacon
    Soda to Water
    BudLight to Bud Select 55 Cal
    Coffee with Sugar and Creamer to Just a little fat free creamer
    White to Wheat
    Chips and Candy to 100 cal Snacks

    I work out more if I am going out to eat so I have playing room. Stay active.
  • HeyLisa
    HeyLisa Posts: 201
    Spicy tex-mex chicken soup. I sometimes add a small minute rice to a serving. It's filling and has good healthy calories.

    My big batch has about 5 servings.. I can have for lunch or dinner.
  • bellinachuchina
    bellinachuchina Posts: 498 Member
    --Use small plates & utensils instead of regular types
    --Use different cooking methods: grilling, broiling, baking, boiling, sauteing w/ broth & not oil
    --Substitute oil for cooking spray or f.f. low sodium broth
    --Cauliflower used for "rice" or "mashed potatoes"
    --Corn Flakes instead of bread crumbs
    --Fat Free dairy products for full fat ones
    --FAGE 0% Greek Yogurt instead of full fat sour cream or mayonaise
    --PB2 for regular peanut butter
    --Egg Whites vs. Yolks
    --Cocopop Multigrain Rice Cakes instead of bread/tortillas
    --Light Whole Grain products
    --Only drink zero calorie liquids, or under 20cal options (coffee, tea, sugar free energy drinks)
    --Sugar Free/Fat Free ALWAYS (This way you have extra calorie room for natural healthy full fat/sugar foods like avocados, fruits, nuts, etc.)
  • ilsie99
    ilsie99 Posts: 259
    I have never heard of using coconut milk instead of cream! Sounds yummy! But doesn't it have more fat/calories than even regular creamer?

    Coconut milk is 80-90 calories per cup, and of all the cow substitutes is definitely my favorite.
  • Mamoonie
    Mamoonie Posts: 328
    Going to McDonalds and order only 2 burgers, instead of 2 burgers and big portion of fries and a big drink :-)

  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Spicy popcorn! I had actually never thought of putting spices on popcorn till I saw Rachel Ray do it (I'm a Food Network junkie). Now instead of butter I spray on just a little olive oil (via Misto - which is another GREAT weight loss tool!!) to make the spices stick and use a variety of spices (garlic, black pepper, chili powder, whatever I'm in the mood for).

    Also, I have a sedentary job so I've started using the bathroom one floor down so I have to walk one flight of stairs every time I have to go.
  • Tree72
    Tree72 Posts: 942 Member
    I've switched almost all my breads, pastas, and cereals to whole grain varieties. They're more filling and usually have more fiber and other nutrients.

    Skim milk and one teaspoon of raw sugar in my coffee instead of half and half and a load of sugar. (Though I do still indulge in half and half occasionally on a weekend, just in much smaller quantities.) I'm trying to cut out the sugar totally, but haven't gotten there yet.

    Adding more veggies into casseroles and such. It means you can still eat filling portions and keep your calories down.

    Having more protein for breakfast seems to help too. I have an egg with breakfast most mornings these days and it just lasts so much longer for me than cereal or even oatmeal.
  • dawnrenee567
    dawnrenee567 Posts: 292 Member
    Less milk (used to have it everyday, now just a couple times a week)
    More water - lots more at least 10 glasses a day MINIMUM
    Watch your sugar - even from fresh fruits
    Did I mention more water? I doubled my water intake this week and lost 3 pounds
    I've also done my best to cut out processed snacks - no 100 calorie packs or fake foods
  • Lyndzo
    Lyndzo Posts: 142
    Two big ones for me are:
    1.Cut back on juices, no pop and drink WATER!
    2. Whole wheat bread instead of white
  • lmk224
    lmk224 Posts: 41 Member
    What a brilliant tip, gotta try that!
  • lmk224
    lmk224 Posts: 41 Member
    Spicy tex-mex chicken soup. I sometimes add a small minute rice to a serving. It's filling and has good healthy calories.

    My big batch has about 5 servings.. I can have for lunch or dinner.
  • helenb5615
    helenb5615 Posts: 2
    Swapping semi-skimmed milk for soya milk has really worked for me :smile:
  • MerryKhaos
    MerryKhaos Posts: 34 Member
    WHEAT INSTEAD OF WHITE! (this could make all the difference)

    Read your labels. Go for the highest fiber & highest protein. (it's ok if it means a little more fat)

    Whole foods are better. Anything pre-processed will be harder for your body to deal with.

    Greek yogurt instead of sour cream. I HIGHLY recommend Chobani

    Find a farmer's market. They tend to be organic, without the all the price difference (especially fruits and veggies)

    Incorporate a cup of tea a day into your diet.... Detox teas, Mint teas, and White teas are great cleansers (check out Yogi Teas, they're my favorite)

    Use more leafy greens! They too are cleansers.

    Ok... I think that's enough lol
  • MerryKhaos
    MerryKhaos Posts: 34 Member

    Get a Nalgene (or something like it) that holds 1000ml of water. That way it's easy to see your goal! Drink a MINIMUM of 2 a day. (more if you are working out that day)
  • dieseljay74
    dieseljay74 Posts: 376
    Ground turkey instead of ground beef
    mashed cauliflower instead of mashed potatoes...tastes almost the same!
  • HeatherrSue
    HeatherrSue Posts: 106 Member
    Instead of using sour cream for anything, use greek yogurt, taste the same and is way better for you!
  • kaytedawg05
    kaytedawg05 Posts: 209
    GREEK yogurt... Not all are created equal.. yoplait has high protein, but just as many carbs as the rest... so look closely.

    a small apple by itself when first wake up... enzymes get the metabolism going.... follow w a small protein meal about 30 min later. (like a greek yogurt)

    Black coffee... its an acquired taste but once you get it down you can actually taste the difference in brands. Gevalia yum.

    keeping up with supplements... I had a hysterectomy young so I need my calcium. The theory out there is... you crave certain things cuz ur body is tryin to tell you that you need something... idk if that's true... i could binge either way

    Low carb/ 35 calorie whole wheat bread... This is a must if you like sandwiches!

    GET PLENTY OF SLEEP, on a regular schedule.

    Soy or Almond milk.

    Swim.... amazing cardiovascular and strength building at the same time. busts through calories like no body's business.
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    - More chicken and turkey and less red meat
    - Big salads with dinner
    - Low cal salad dressing
    - More veggies and less starches (potatoes, pasta, rice)
    - Splenda and lemon in my nightly iced tea
    - Baking instead of deep frying
    - Less butter
    - Not eating bread with dinner every night
    - Low cal dessert items
    - Drinking more water
    - Eating a small, decent breakfast (I'm not much of a breakfast person)
    - Smaller portions
    - Eating out less
  • Loubell83
    Loubell83 Posts: 20
    Water, water and more water! I only drink diet coke if I am having a small vodka at the weekend. Apart from that it is water all the way. Changing this made a huge difference to me. Someone once told me that sometimes hunger pangs really means you are thirsty (do not know if this is true, but think I read it on here somewhere) so by drinking water you can tell if its hunger or thirst.

    I also believe a filling breakfast is a must to set me up for the day!
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