C25K...you are my nemesis!

NenaM812 Posts: 101 Member
Throughout my life, I have always been an athlete. I played basketball and tennis through HS and some college, but I was NEVER a runner. Even at my best, I could never run more than one mile without stopping. Maybe I didn't push myself? Either way, I hate it.

Since I don't really have anyone to play tennis with, and I'm not on a team where I can condition for an hour a day and then rally for another hour, I have to resort to running (in addition to various workout DVDs - double bleh). I started C25K, for the second time, and I'm stuck on Week 2 day 3 where you walk for 90 seconds and jog for 90 seconds. I've been stuck here for about two weeks. Because of this, I feel like I'm NEVER going to be able to complete Week 3 (where you walk 90 seconds, run 90 seconds, walk 3 minutes, run 3 minutes). I don't think I can run for three minutes! How sad lol.

With that said, if I can't run 3 minutes straight, I don't know how I am going to be able to get to a 5k! How did you guys do it? Especially those who have a love/hate relationship (mostly hate) with running!


  • julslea
    julslea Posts: 436 Member
    Bump. I'm getting ready to start the c25k program. I am looking forward to reading the answers.
  • jabbogurl
    jabbogurl Posts: 193
    Are you listening to music or something while you run? You have to not think about how much time you still have left. A good song can keep you motivated and distract you while running, I usually sing in my head. Also, when it comes to distance, I don't look far ahead when I run, buy more so to the side or at the ground. That way, I don't think, "ugh, I still have to go that far?" I've also heard books on tape (or mp3, whatever) are really good to distract you. Just a thought. And don't push yourself to run your fastest. You want to be able to keep a good pace, even if it is slower at first.
  • tabi26
    tabi26 Posts: 535 Member
    I'm on week 4 day 1 today...if it stops raining lol. Anyway, when I started I could barely do the one minute and thought that I would NEVER get past it. I pushed through and surprised myself though :) Have you tried the next week yet? I'm always afraid to start a new week but then find out that I actually can do it....sorta haha! Just push yourself to try the next week, unless of course you are having heart or chest problems then no pushing at all.

    And go REALLY SLOW if you have too, it's not a race :)
  • HealthyWarrior
    HealthyWarrior Posts: 394 Member
  • JJinWI
    JJinWI Posts: 197 Member
    I'm not doing C25K, but personalrunningtrainer.com. It is a similar program. I have been "stuck" on week three for weeks and I don't mind! I'm losing weight and building my stamina. Don't worry about being stuck on a week. The more weight you lose, the easier it gets. No problem with TAKING IT SLOW in my opinion!
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    I used interval training to learn to run, I hated the C25k program. I used a series of CD's called Cardio Coach to start running. I never thought I would run for any good amount of time and eventually I did better and better. I finally told myself one day while out with my kids that I would complete a mile with out stopping and I learned that day how to pace myself because it's not about speed it's about stamina.

    C25K can be a great resource but it isn't for everyone. Try one of these websites for some alternatives to C25K, runnersworld.com, nike.com, activerun.com and other fitness websites will have programs desinged to get you from walking to running and there is no shame in having to take a week or two to get past certain stages :wink:
  • NenaM812
    NenaM812 Posts: 101 Member
    Are you listening to music or something while you run? You have to not think about how much time you still have left. A good song can keep you motivated and distract you while running, I usually sing in my head. Also, when it comes to distance, I don't look far ahead when I run, buy more so to the side or at the ground. That way, I don't think, "ugh, I still have to go that far?" I've also heard books on tape (or mp3, whatever) are really good to distract you. Just a thought. And don't push yourself to run your fastest. You want to be able to keep a good pace, even if it is slower at first.

    I run on a treadmill, and give myself tons of distractions lol. I watch TV, listen to music, AND read haha. I much prefer running outside, but I moved to this tiny little town with NO sidewalks! I'm also a juvenile probation officer, so going to the HS track is out lol. There are a few parks that have trails and stuff, but at this point I'm a little embarrassed to run in front of people because I still kinda suck at it haha. Maybe that will be my goal!
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    I've NEVER been a runner. Infact, the last time i ran was in a 200m dash and I collapsed at about the 100m marker and crawled the rest of the way. HORRIFYING hahaha (when I was around 10 or 11).

    I started the c25k 4 weeks ago (today i'm on week 4 day 2) and I'm amazed. I'm now at the point where i'm running for 5 minute intervals. I NEVER thought it was possible. I think running is a lot MENTAL. If you keep telling yourself not to stop and you keep your head right, you can power through. Your body will keep going, make your mind keep going too. I have to keep talking to myself at the 3-4 minute mark telling myself to keep going, i've almost made it etc. You'll feel amazing once you accomplish it.
  • MikaylaMomOf3
    MikaylaMomOf3 Posts: 2 Member
    I have also done C25K and would say the biggest thing that helped me was to be OK with doing weeks over and over until I was ready to move on to the next one. I totally agree with the poster that mentioned finding some good tunes. Music that pumps you up and helps you keep a pace helps the time pass. If you tell yourself you CAN'T do it then you can't, change your can't to WILL and you'd be amazed how much that helps. Best of luck and keep pushing! :)
  • morawjo
    morawjo Posts: 74 Member
    Just keep at it. You'll be able to do it. I'd never run a day in my life prior to the C25K. I hated running. People would suggest it to me as a form of exercise and I always told them that I couldn't run. When I started my weight loss journey with MFP...I finally decided to give the C25K a shot because I knew I had a treadmill in the basement collecting dust (and has been for the last 5 years) and just got a new Iphone, so I downloaded the app and began the program. I struggled. It wasn't easy...but I can now honestly say that I can now jog for 30 minutes straight (sometimes I want to run longer) and I LOVE IT!!! Just keep trying. You don't need to run fast...start with something a little faster than a walk...and work your way up. It is a great program and I'm so happy I did it because I accomplished something that I said I would never be able to do. One day at a time...
  • NenaM812
    NenaM812 Posts: 101 Member
    I'm on week 4 day 1 today...if it stops raining lol. Anyway, when I started I could barely do the one minute and thought that I would NEVER get past it. I pushed through and surprised myself though :) Have you tried the next week yet? I'm always afraid to start a new week but then find out that I actually can do it....sorta haha! Just push yourself to try the next week, unless of course you are having heart or chest problems then no pushing at all.

    And go REALLY SLOW if you have too, it's not a race :)

    I think I'm going to stick it out with Week 2 for the rest of this week...and then maybe try week 3 next week. I'm scared of it lol
  • NenaM812
    NenaM812 Posts: 101 Member
    I used interval training to learn to run, I hated the C25k program. I used a series of CD's called Cardio Coach to start running. I never thought I would run for any good amount of time and eventually I did better and better. I finally told myself one day while out with my kids that I would complete a mile with out stopping and I learned that day how to pace myself because it's not about speed it's about stamina.

    C25K can be a great resource but it isn't for everyone. Try one of these websites for some alternatives to C25K, runnersworld.com, nike.com, activerun.com and other fitness websites will have programs desinged to get you from walking to running and there is no shame in having to take a week or two to get past certain stages :wink:

    Thanks so much for those! I'm definitely going to check them out!
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    First, take your time. No need to rush things.

    Second, I highly suggest trying the podcasts on an iPod/mp3 player. My favorite is the NHS Choices podcast series (http://www.nhs.uk/Tools/Pages/couch-5K-running-plan.aspx). Good tunes while you run, and an encouraging voice that give tips, in addition tot he run/walk cues.

    DON'T GIVE UP! I'm a 36 y.o. 260 lb guy that never liked running, and now looks forward to my three weekly runs. YOU CAN DO IT!
  • Mamapengu
    Mamapengu Posts: 250
    Are you running at the same slow pace you were 2 weeks ago? I see a lot of new runners doing this type of program feel stuck and what is really happening is that they are going faster during the running section than during the first few weeks- and so getting tired and feeling like they can't do it. make a point to slow down (it'll feel like your going too slow) and you'll be ready to go to the next level. I got stuck for months at 4min run/1 min walk, but eventually broke that barrier and less than a year later I will run a 1/2 marathon this Sat. You can do it, too. And the shirt I want is a nike shirt "Running Sucks" I hate running- but love it.
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    Throughout my life, I have always been an athlete. I played basketball and tennis through HS and some college, but I was NEVER a runner. Even at my best, I could never run more than one mile without stopping. Maybe I didn't push myself? Either way, I hate it.

    Since I don't really have anyone to play tennis with, and I'm not on a team where I can condition for an hour a day and then rally for another hour, I have to resort to running (in addition to various workout DVDs - double bleh). I started C25K, for the second time, and I'm stuck on Week 2 day 3 where you walk for 90 seconds and jog for 90 seconds. I've been stuck here for about two weeks. Because of this, I feel like I'm NEVER going to be able to complete Week 3 (where you walk 90 seconds, run 90 seconds, walk 3 minutes, run 3 minutes). I don't think I can run for three minutes! How sad lol.

    With that said, if I can't run 3 minutes straight, I don't know how I am going to be able to get to a 5k! How did you guys do it? Especially those who have a love/hate relationship (mostly hate) with running!

    Oh honey, you are soooo not alone! If it helps, read this: http://c25k.cze.dk/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=1042 It's my progress report for c25k. While you're there, browse other progress reports and you'll see that EVERYONE feels the same way.

    It's completely normal for non-runners to repeat days and weeks. I actually switched over to c210k because I couldn't handle the longer runs of c25k. C210k has shorter runs, longer walking/recovery, but the workout is twice as long (and takes 13 weeks not 9). I spent 3 weeks at week 5 and have finally been able to move up to week 6 comfortably.

    Just go at your own pace, keep plugging along and YOU WILL GET THERE!
  • Roo1026
    Roo1026 Posts: 31 Member
    At first I felt just like you, and I have never been a runner either. But dont let what your mind thinks are your bodys limitations set you back!! I am on week 6 day 3 and I never thought I would make it here! I was doing some weeks over but then I got really upset with myself for not pushing myself. You can really do alot more than you think you can!!! I listen to music while Im running and if Im on the treadmill I cover up the time (that really helps me alot). Just remember one of my favorite sayings, If you do what you have always done you will get what you have always gotten. You can do this!!!!
  • NenaM812
    NenaM812 Posts: 101 Member
    Just keep at it. You'll be able to do it. I'd never run a day in my life prior to the C25K. I hated running. People would suggest it to me as a form of exercise and I always told them that I couldn't run. When I started my weight loss journey with MFP...I finally decided to give the C25K a shot because I knew I had a treadmill in the basement collecting dust (and has been for the last 5 years) and just got a new Iphone, so I downloaded the app and began the program. I struggled. It wasn't easy...but I can now honestly say that I can now job for 30 minutes straight (sometimes I want to run longer) and I LOVE IT!!! Just keep trying. You don't need to run fast...start with something a little faster than a walk...and work your way up. It is a great program and I'm so happy I did it because I accomplished something that I said I would never be able to do. One day at a time...

    That's so awesome! I definitely want to keep at it, I'm probably just being impatient. How long did it take you to reach your goal?
  • monoxidechick
    monoxidechick Posts: 339
    That is me exactly!! I HATE running and that is why I am trying to battle it! If I can run, I can do anything!

    It is difficult and I just think its a mind game. The first time I did the three min jog I was so nervous and stared the timer down until it was time to run and kept telling myself I couldnt. Well when the timer said to jog, I did and I stared at the timer once again the whole time, it was the longest 3 min of my life!! Then after that one I decided to move the timer back, hide the phone, turn on my fav song in my ear, and just go with it.

    I would say just push yourself to do it. There are always going to be longer and harder times that you are going to be pushing yourself to do. Dont freak out at the time. I try to pick a landmark that I think I can run to in the given time, and put my effort toward trying to get farther than I expected. And I make sure that I have some good tunes blasting, my breathing is paced, and I have something else to think about to pass the time.

    I am on the 25 min run next and I think that I just might die, but I thought that about the 3 min, 8 min, 10 min, and 20 min and I am still alive to try the next time. You can do it, just PUSH yourself and dont make a big deal out of it. GOOD LUCK!~!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I feared the three minute run. And the five. And eight. And 20... But I pushed through it, and I can run for an HOUR now! :smile: But honestly, the first three minutes is always - still - the hardest for me. After that, I'm in a zone. But it takes me that long to get my legs feeling right.

    Keep pushing. Imagine you're dancing instead of running. Groove to the music. If you can dance through a three minute song, you can run through one. :smile:
  • LaPistolaSexola
    LaPistolaSexola Posts: 243 Member
    Are you listening to music or something while you run? You have to not think about how much time you still have left. A good song can keep you motivated and distract you while running, I usually sing in my head. Also, when it comes to distance, I don't look far ahead when I run, buy more so to the side or at the ground. That way, I don't think, "ugh, I still have to go that far?" I've also heard books on tape (or mp3, whatever) are really good to distract you. Just a thought. And don't push yourself to run your fastest. You want to be able to keep a good pace, even if it is slower at first.

    I run on a treadmill, and give myself tons of distractions lol. I watch TV, listen to music, AND read haha. I much prefer running outside, but I moved to this tiny little town with NO sidewalks! I'm also a juvenile probation officer, so going to the HS track is out lol. There are a few parks that have trails and stuff, but at this point I'm a little embarrassed to run in front of people because I still kinda suck at it haha. Maybe that will be my goal!

    i'm on my 3rd round of C25K. :laugh:
    I always get stuck at week 5 so I feel ya here.
    they have podcasts in all types of genres that literally give you commands to run and stop. i love them bc i can sing along and not have to worry about watching the time. another thing i do is find a focal point in front of me and really pay attention to my breathing.
    how fast are you running? you don't have to worry so much about your speed as this is really more to build your endurance. so if you're finding yourself running out of gas, don't think twice about slowing the speed down to a pace where your heart rate is still elevated but you're able to push through. once you build your endurance, you can work on your time/speed.

    you can do it! (i need to practice what i preach on week 5 :\ )