I50lbs to lose and stressed out

Hi all. 46 years old and 150 lbs to lose. Love the app and have a terrific trainer, but the going is slow and that's discouraging. Hi stress life doesn't help. Would love some friend to support and be supportive.


  • duraej2015
    duraej2015 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi I'm 41 and looking to lose 60. It's the goal I have for now rather. This is my second go around and it's a tad bit harder or I'm doing something wrong. The struggle is real but can be beaten. I do kettle bell 3 times a week and throw in zumba, hiking trails, another gym in at times. Working out is not my problem. Getting a better eating habit is now a mission of mine. I'm a week into doing Myfitnesspal and I like it. It's makes me eat. Eating wrong and never eating enough are my main issues. My new medicine- eating better and exercise. I would like my 1st PAL to be you if you're up for it.
  • faidwen
    faidwen Posts: 131 Member

    I started here recently, I work out 5 times a week for only about 15 minutes at a time, but I watch what I eat now. I feed my family in a much healthier way and it is PAYING OFF in spades. I am 45, 268lbs, down from 310 and extremely happy with my progress.

    I drink LOTS of water (with a little lemon or lime) and don't look at the scale more than twice a week.

    I have a long long way to go, but I am confident, that with my current calorie deficit, I am on track. DON'T GIVE UP!!! HAVE FAITH!!!!!
  • ferny92503
    ferny92503 Posts: 2 Member
    HANG IN THERE DONT GIVE UP!!!! I felt the same way when i started but little by little you start to find the power from deep down inside i started at 396Lbs and after a year of ups, down and way downs lol im down to 299lbs and in the best shape of mi life. Ive been big my entire life and struggeled with depression but here i am if i did it anyone can
  • fldiver97
    fldiver97 Posts: 341 Member
    Don't let yourself get deterred from making changes! I don't have as much to lose but this is also not my first time..... It sounds like you are committed, you have a trainer for the exercise part and the app to help. Maybe it would help to break your 'big' goal of 150 lbs into small, more manageable pieces? Maybe focus on 25 lbs at a time, review what you've done to get there, adjust what you think needs work and celebrate every milestone. Eventually you will get to the place you want to be. It will take time, you did not gain the weight overnight and you have to be reasonable in your expectations. This is not a quick fix but hopefully a permanent change for a better and healthier life style. Good luck! Don't get discouraged
  • bclin1956
    bclin1956 Posts: 1 Member
    I get really stressed out about the amount I have to lose (110 lbs) and that I'm having a lot of trouble getting with the program! Having friends for motivation will help. Hang in there and keep going no matter how slow it seems!
  • Btbeam
    Btbeam Posts: 252 Member
    Welcome! I am 46 and last August I was 450. I have lost 146 lbs with 104 to go. You just have to go all in with this process and stay focused. I recommend spending some time thinking about why you want to get healthy? I call it why power it will carry you through the tough days. You can't count on willpower it will bale on you when you need it most. Anyone can feel free to add me for support.
  • chef363
    chef363 Posts: 1
    I find when I look at the big picture (total of what I need to lose) it feels overwhelming. I have found breaking it down into smaller goals works well. Example; goal #1 lose 10 pounds. When I reach that goal I feel awesome! Then I set goal #2; lose another 10 pounds, etc. Meeting these goals, and taking pats on the back along the way, helps me work towards the main goal without feeling defeated before I even get started. Hopes this helps. Best of luck to you.
  • bwaite2
    bwaite2 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I recently turned 50. Over the last 3 years made lots of health and fitness changes, thanks to fitness pal. Down 72lbs with 50 to go. I am diabetic and vegertarin,and have been struggling still to get a healthy balance. I don't want too go on insilin but looks like the next step. If anyone has tips or suggestions, I certainly welcome them. Thanks.
  • Blazing_Brunette
    Blazing_Brunette Posts: 217 Member
    Welcome .. Small goals in order not to become overwhelmed ..stay positive
  • broekendy
    broekendy Posts: 11 Member
    I am in the same boat...100lbs to lose...this is encouraging to be able to share with others.
  • jmderoo
    jmderoo Posts: 3
    Thank you all for the kind and inspiring words. Wow! What a great bunch of motivated people! So glad I found you! Ferny, I struggle with mental illness too and it's just become part of the battle. Looking forward to getting to know you all. Hugs.