Postpartum !!!!! Baby belly pic

I'm so proud of myself
A little bit about my journey
I hade a baby July 2014
I gained 70 pounds
I was 136 pounds before baby
In two months I lost all my baby weight but all from the wrong places I felt ugly but I did not give up on myself I hade people judge me because of my diet and workout they tried to bring me down they called me crazy for waking up early and working out at 5 in the morning
I just want to tell y'all there's always someone negative trying to stop you from your goal but don't leet them bring you down !!! You have to believe in yourself they call you crazy say yes I am crazy but watch me achieve my goal with my craziness. I am not perfect I have stretch marks all over my belly I hade my ups and downs in my journey were I couldn't do it I didn't have someone to motivate me ,a workout parter or a gym I worked with what I hade if there was no money for good diet food guess what I ate what we hade I know I'm not the only one that can't afford organic ?!!? One day :) dow.... I was thinking really hard if I should put my before after picture I'm 8 months postpartum there is no photoshop yes I have streachmarks sorry if I'm showing to much I'm just really proud of meee Yai mee :D

Motivate yourself


  • comm1t_1984
    comm1t_1984 Posts: 93 Member
    Amazing!!! You look great and sound so happy!
  • Enic03
    Enic03 Posts: 165 Member
    You are awesome! I too am 8 months postpartum but I JUST started back on track. I managed to gain weight after having the baby, go figure. I applaud you because it definitely is not easy. Your craziness created sexiness so you are all good B)
  • Cameronie
    Cameronie Posts: 26 Member
    cool story
  • becky_shrinks
    becky_shrinks Posts: 12 Member
  • Untilproud11
    Untilproud11 Posts: 297 Member
    The nicest mommy story ever !
    I love it , im a mom of 4 and this made my day , thank you so much ❤️
  • aniqa109
    aniqa109 Posts: 364 Member
    Congrats! Did you do cardio?i would love that belly!
  • philly3047
    philly3047 Posts: 116 Member
    1st and foremost CONGRATS on the baby and losing the weight. And second, OMG the second picture there is a HUGE difference in the amount of stretch marks that are showing...These pictures gives me the encouragement i needed. Not to be rude (I really hope you do not take offense) but Is there any alteration to the second picture cause I barely see any stretch marks?
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    Good job! I have four kids and don't look like I've had one! It can be done! Love seeing other moms going after it and not letting babies hold them back!
  • prettyfitchick
    prettyfitchick Posts: 502 Member
    I love this I had my son Sept 2014 and been working out and people tell me you Look good for someone who just had a baby but I just want to look good. Ya know.. and Get back to feeling good about my self I got all the baby weigh off but my body don't look like how it use too and that was huge blow for me I thought when I lost all the weight I would go back to looking the same but thank you for this you have inspired me MFP is the only support I have on this journey
  • LisaPrust
    LisaPrust Posts: 93 Member
    SO PROUD of you! Woo Hooo!!!!
  • jmichaelminton
    jmichaelminton Posts: 47 Member
    You look pretty frickin' good.
  • Gina848810
    Gina848810 Posts: 8 Member
    That's awesome you look so great! I'm 4 months post with my second and just starting to get myself into shape. I hope to be lookin as good as you by Christmas. I also have a plethora of stretch marks. I can deal with those but my mama pooch has got to go ;)
  • blu_de_ville
    blu_de_ville Posts: 4,296 Member
    That's amazing! Your not crazy you are dedicated! People will always be negative when they see someone trying where they would rather not. Btw your booty looks good too (no homo)
  • LeeAnn254
    LeeAnn254 Posts: 35 Member
    I find the people that question you are the same ones that will ask how you did later. It's their own insecurity. I brush it off and keep moving. You look great!
  • Angila
    Angila Posts: 91 Member
    Way to go!! You look awesome!! And I'm jealous because you get up a 5 to work out! I wish I could do that but I hate mornings lol!
  • knt217
    knt217 Posts: 115 Member
    You look great! Good job! Being married to a surgeon, we can absolutely afford organic...but intentionally do not purchase it. I refuse to pay more for items that are nutritionally the same as conventional items, but are deceptively marketed and leave people feeling guilty if they can't afford them. So, all that to say, don't feel bad. Keep doing what you're doing. :)
  • karlaaguilar25
    karlaaguilar25 Posts: 10 Member
    Thank you :)
  • karlaaguilar25
    karlaaguilar25 Posts: 10 Member
    Angila wrote: »
    Way to go!! You look awesome!! And I'm jealous because you get up a 5 to work out! I wish I could do that but I hate mornings lol!
    Oh haha If I don't wake up my baby wakes me up so I try to make the best out of it :)
  • karlaaguilar25
    karlaaguilar25 Posts: 10 Member
    LeeAnn254 wrote: »
    I find the people that question you are the same ones that will ask how you did later. It's their own insecurity. I brush it off and keep moving. You look great!
    Yes that's true
  • CassieR6
    CassieR6 Posts: 280 Member
    Wow amazing! You look awesome!
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