Measuring tape says I lost weight, scale disagrees

It could very well be the scale I'm using (it's not exactly new), but whenever I measure my gut, I see that it's shrank a bit since the last time. My scale still shows me at the same weight when I check it.
I'm not exactly upset, since I see that I'm losing weight. What could be the causes for this? Muscle gain?


  • Muscle gain, water weight.. Do you weigh yourself at the same time during the day?

    I pay more attention to my measurements and how my clothes fit than I do to my scale.

    How long have you been dieting / exercising to lose weight?
  • I've been at it a few weeks now, I believe.
    I weigh myself usually first thing in the morning, before eating anything. I sometimes go a little over my sodium intake, even if I'm under my calorie goal, so that might be the problem?
  • macgurlnet
    macgurlnet Posts: 1,946 Member
    Excess sodium can make you retain water, which in turn masks fat loss.

    You don't gain muscle as you try to lose weight - other than "noob" gains - so that's unlikely to be contributing.

    Scales are fickle things - as long as you're seeing changes in measurements, eventually the scale will reflect these changes!

  • Thanks, I'll keep that in mind :)
    I really have to watch my sodium, it seems.
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    Sometimes the body drops weight, sometimes it tightens up what is left after it dropped weight. Rarely do they coincide with each other. The inches lost tends to lag behind the weight lost so it is not uncommon to lose more size than expected when not showing a weight loss. Measurement loss is not linear, just like weight loss is not linear.

    This is why a plateau is considered 4-6 weeks with no change in weight OR measurements
  • nicolericcarandell
    nicolericcarandell Posts: 17 Member
    earlnabby wrote: »
    Sometimes the body drops weight, sometimes it tightens up what is left after it dropped weight. Rarely do they coincide with each other. The inches lost tends to lag behind the weight lost so it is not uncommon to lose more size than expected when not showing a weight loss. Measurement loss is not linear, just like weight loss is not linear.

    This is why a plateau is considered 4-6 weeks with no change in weight OR measurements

  • That is something I did not know. Good thing to keep in mind.
  • Do you do a lot of high intensity exercise? Sodium is the last thing I worry about with my diet because I sweat a lot. I usually lose 2 lbs during my workouts. I guess I shouldn't say it's the last thing I'm worried about, but I usually consume 2500 - 2800 mg of sodium a day. I watch it but don't fret about it. If you drink enough water you will flush it out of your system, too. This only works if you don't make a habit of eating too much of it, though.
  • ar9179
    ar9179 Posts: 374 Member
    As long as you see progress over time, it's not a big deal. I can't tell you how many times, in previous years, I would give up because the scale didn't budge...stupid. I had discounted the effects of exercise and muscle recovery. Just keep going and you'll see the numbers drop. Since discovering a few things on the forums, my goal has become to weigh as much as possible and fit into a single digit size as a svelte, strong lady!
  • nicolericcarandell
    nicolericcarandell Posts: 17 Member
    Ok help when I started using my fitness pal
    Which I love......I was losing just about every week may have stayed the same a couple if weeks,however only walking 1 to 2 times a week
    When I got back to walking 5 x a week doing kettkebell 2x week I showed a gain two weeks in a row
    But still trucking ....
  • Do you do a lot of high intensity exercise? Sodium is the last thing I worry about with my diet because I sweat a lot. I usually lose 2 lbs during my workouts. I guess I shouldn't say it's the last thing I'm worried about, but I usually consume 2500 - 2800 mg of sodium a day. I watch it but don't fret about it. If you drink enough water you will flush it out of your system, too. This only works if you don't make a habit of eating too much of it, though.

    Most of my exercise is walking-- both at my standing desk, and everywhere I go. I rarely stay stationary anymore. So my exercise isn't high intensity, but I'm moving around constantly throughout the day. I don't work up a sweat, usually, but I do regularly drink water. Maybe not enough?

    I do have a habit of eating sodium-rich foods, even diet ones. I guess most foods I prefer are like that. I don't usually go over the limit too much, but I have noticed that I do go over the limit.
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    Ok help when I started using my fitness pal
    Which I love......I was losing just about every week may have stayed the same a couple if weeks,however only walking 1 to 2 times a week
    When I got back to walking 5 x a week doing kettkebell 2x week I showed a gain two weeks in a row
    But still trucking ....

    The main causes of temporary water retention:
    1. more sodium than usual
    2. more carbs than usual
    3. more alcohol than usual
    4. hormonal fluctuations
    5. starting new exercise or increasing the intensity of your exercise (muscles need extra fluids in order to repair themselves)

    How long it takes to go away depends on what it is. Generally sodium retention goes away the fastest, muscle retention takes the longest, and hormonal weight depends on the person.

    The sodium, carbs, and alcohol retention is only if you eat more THAN USUAL. If you eat low sodium, then have a bunch of really salty popcorn, you will retain for a day or two. If you have really salty popcorn every day, it won't change how you retain water.
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    edited April 2015

    I do have a habit of eating sodium-rich foods, even diet ones. I guess most foods I prefer are like that. I don't usually go over the limit too much, but I have noticed that I do go over the limit.

    If you eat a similar amount of sodium every day, that is not going to be an issue. (Unless you have a tendency towards high blood pressure, then your doctor will suggest reducing sodium)

  • earlnabby wrote: »
    If you eat a similar amount of sodium every day, that is not going to be an issue. (Unless you have a tendency towards high blood pressure, then your doctor will suggest reducing sodium)

    Nah, my blood pressure is fine. And I do eat about the same amount every day. Sometimes it'll go up a tiny bit one day and go down a small bit the next, but I usually stay in the same range.

  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    Just remember, there doesn't HAVE to be a reason for everything. Go with the flow and if it keeps up for a couple of weeks, then look for the cause.

    (Trust me on this, I have been losing for 15 months and have seen almost all of it. 102 lb gone so far)
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Inches trump the scale.
  • earlnabby wrote: »
    Just remember, there doesn't HAVE to be a reason for everything. Go with the flow and if it keeps up for a couple of weeks, then look for the cause.

    (Trust me on this, I have been losing for 15 months and have seen almost all of it. 102 lb gone so far)

    Thanks for the information and the tips :)
    And that's a lot of weight to have lost! Nice job!
    Like I said, I'm not too upset about it, because I am seeing some kind of results. The scale itself is just intent on sticking its tongue out at me. Maybe I should weigh myself every two weeks to see if there's any progress.
  • ar9179 wrote: »
    As long as you see progress over time, it's not a big deal. I can't tell you how many times, in previous years, I would give up because the scale didn't budge...stupid. I had discounted the effects of exercise and muscle recovery. Just keep going and you'll see the numbers drop. Since discovering a few things on the forums, my goal has become to weigh as much as possible and fit into a single digit size as a svelte, strong lady!

    That's definitely something to remember! I just have to remember that what I'm doing is working in some way or other.

  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    earlnabby wrote: »
    Just remember, there doesn't HAVE to be a reason for everything. Go with the flow and if it keeps up for a couple of weeks, then look for the cause.

    (Trust me on this, I have been losing for 15 months and have seen almost all of it. 102 lb gone so far)

    Like I said, I'm not too upset about it, because I am seeing some kind of results. The scale itself is just intent on sticking its tongue out at me. Maybe I should weigh myself every two weeks to see if there's any progress.

    You will go far with that mindset!

  • aaliceinw
    aaliceinw Posts: 747 Member
    Believe the measuring tape :D
    The scales are a little schizophrenic and can add and take away kilos overnight at a whim. Then as long as you are continuously going down overtime, then it's a win!