1680 calories, not losing and fed up.



  • Emilia777
    Emilia777 Posts: 978 Member
    clnrush wrote: »
    clnrush wrote: »
    For comparison.. When I started I was like you... set mfp for 1pd a week loss, exercised 4x a week, ate at my deficit... It took me 6 WEEKS to see 1pd loss...
    Patience.. Good Luck....(at least you have lost 2pds) :)

    You obviously didn't eat at a deficit if it took you a month and a half to lose a pound. Come on man, I can lose a pound just by sweating for 20 minutes.

    You are probably right... I did trust the calories of food inputted into mfp and learned some are off.. also the weight went up and down but not considered a true pound off till 6weeks. She may be trusting the foods in mfp also, as others have pointed out.

    I don’t know, when I started working out again and tracking my intake, I actually gained a few pounds. This lasted about 5 weeks. Then I lost 3 pounds in a week, and ever since then my loss has averaged out 1 lb a week. It’s not at all linear though, but the trend is becoming apparent. And losing a pound by sweating 20 minutes is what water weight is. You should rehydrate :wink:.

    In other words, sometimes you just have to stick through it if you know you’re measuring your food correctly (i.e. using a scale).
  • jos_nic
    jos_nic Posts: 6 Member
    Wow, thankyou all for taking the time to reply. So good to get some feedback...even if the are some differences of opinion :smile:.