
Hello... I'm ready to share my story for whoever wants to listen. I have lost weight and gained weight many times in my life. Obesity runs in our family. Back in 2011, I started Weight Watchers and I took off 71lbs in about two years. Well I started back to school in Summer of 2013 and it took me 8 months to put the weight back on and some. I was miserable again. All my hard work down the drain. Until, I discovered MFP app. I started planning my lifestyle change at the end of 2014 and decided at the beginning of 2015, I would take it to the next level. I am proud to say that I am in Pre-Nursing, working, taking care of my family and have also managed to take off 33lbs since January 1st. I think having support is one of the Number one key to success. I would love to have lots of friends to be motivated to keep going and also to motivate others. If I can do it you all can as well!! It's a challenge but be challenged, It makes us stronger. God Bless!!
