Question for those who vape



  • gotolam
    gotolam Posts: 262 Member
    meritage4 wrote: »
    the post above is great.
    to the Original poster great job on quitting smoking. Next goal should be reduce and then eliminate vape. You will be healthier and then not worry about the unregulated health risks.

  • gotolam
    gotolam Posts: 262 Member
    Sorry, I didn't know where else to ask this question. Chit chat didn't seem like the right place as it seems to be all fun and games over there...

    Anyway my question is to those who have gone from smoking cigarettes to using vaporisers. I have been using one for 2mths. I am very worried about the Diacetyl in the flavours, which apparently causes "popcorn lung" and goodness knows what else...
    I ordered 3 flavours which are Diacetyl free, but they taste disgusting. All the yummy flavours contain it!!
    What are your thoughts, are you worried about this stuff?

    Christine, there are literally hundreds of vape vendors that sell Diacetyl-free juice. Go to the e-cigarette-forum if you want to really get the inside scoop on all things vape.
  • HeySwoleSister
    HeySwoleSister Posts: 1,938 Member
    Where I live, "vape" is still used as a term for weed vaporizing. Smoking, and by relation e-cigs are really uncommon in my area, so it always takes me a minute to realize that people aren't talking about cannabis....LOL.
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    You might find more info/studies here: and here:

    At the first, you can also talk to some of the manufacturers of juice and flavorings directly to get info on exactly how much you're getting in the juice. Some of them also do their own livestreams here: (usually starting around 8pm Eastern each night), and you can ask them in chat during their shows.
  • shelligalloway
    shelligalloway Posts: 2 Member
    I've somewhat skimmed through the replies but felt it might be helpful if I commented anyway....

    I was a smoker from 15 until I was 24. I'm now fixing to be 27 and have vaped for years with only improvement in my health. I've used tons of different juices from a ton of different places and my only problem has been with sensitivity to high levels of pg. I now use 100% VG liquid and no issues. ALL the ingredients in juice have been approved by the FDA for consumption in food so I wouldn't fret about it too much! Just be proud your taking a huge step into the next level of healthy living! If you have any other questions about vaping feel free to message me and I'll do my best to help you out. Best of luck on the rest of your journey!
  • SophiaSerrao
    SophiaSerrao Posts: 234 Member
    edited April 2015
    Sorry, I didn't know where else to ask this question. Chit chat didn't seem like the right place as it seems to be all fun and games over there...

    Anyway my question is to those who have gone from smoking cigarettes to using vaporisers. I have been using one for 2mths. I am very worried about the Diacetyl in the flavours, which apparently causes "popcorn lung" and goodness knows what else...
    I ordered 3 flavours which are Diacetyl free, but they taste disgusting. All the yummy flavours contain it!!
    What are your thoughts, are you worried about this stuff?

    I'm guessing you ditched cigarrettes because they're really not compatible with this healthier lifestyle one naturally gravitates towards when we get into this weight loss ordeal? >.<

    I've had this on my mind too.... but it's hard to give up my night time ciggies (or coffee and ciggies), especially considering they have zero cals, lol. But good for you, very well done. I'm not there yet, but I'll get there ;)
  • SophiaSerrao
    SophiaSerrao Posts: 234 Member
    Hm. I have no idea what you're all taking about with vaping. In my mind it's smoking or not smoking (e-smokes don't appeal to me at all). But I'm curious about what vaping is. I'll have to look into this...
  • williams969
    williams969 Posts: 2,528 Member
    I vape unflavored liquid most of the time. In fact, I make my own (no, this isn't weird, it's actually quite common in the vaping world). Just PG (propylene glycol, like the stuff in asthma inhalers--no, it's not toxic) and nicotine I purchase from a lab supply company (both are USP certified, so I'm assured of the quality). No worries about diacetyl, etc.

    If I want a flavored liquid, there are many small manufacturers out there that are completely transparent in giving the sources of there ingredients (really, just shoot an email to some of them with your concerns--those that respond positively are worth your time and money).

    I second the advice to read up on the e-cigarette-forum. Those folks know their stuff. Look through their listing of manufacturers to find a trust-worthy source for your liquid.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Thank you all so much for replying.

    I smoked for over 25 years, and spent a damn fortune every week, over $100 (Australia, more expensive). I saw my brother in law effortlessly swap from smokes to
    "vaping", i hate that word! We tried it and stopped smoking the next day after purchasing the kit.

    Then of course hubby starting googling :grumble: and here i am with the diacetyl quandary...
    Like i said, we ordered a few D free flavours and they taste like Manure :sick:

    I do feel better, less out of breath and dont cough my lungs up every morning any more. I did ask my doctor, he said it's fine and 100 times better than smoking, but he is not well versed in this subject at all.

    The nicotine addiction is over within 48 - 72 hours of quitting cigarettes cold turkey, then it's all mental. Vaping is just prolonging the agony and still isn't good for you.

    We add in liquid Nicotine as well as the flavours. trying to reduce the mgs with every mix.
    gotolam wrote: »
    Sorry, I didn't know where else to ask this question. Chit chat didn't seem like the right place as it seems to be all fun and games over there...

    Anyway my question is to those who have gone from smoking cigarettes to using vaporisers. I have been using one for 2mths. I am very worried about the Diacetyl in the flavours, which apparently causes "popcorn lung" and goodness knows what else...
    I ordered 3 flavours which are Diacetyl free, but they taste disgusting. All the yummy flavours contain it!!
    What are your thoughts, are you worried about this stuff?

    Christine, there are literally hundreds of vape vendors that sell Diacetyl-free juice. Go to the e-cigarette-forum if you want to really get the inside scoop on all things vape.

    The website we purchase everything from, had a choice of 9 Diacetyl free flavours. I don't want to have to order from Overseas

    Thank you everyone for your help, i will definitely check out the forums and links y'all posted. Much appreciated xx
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Pu_239 wrote: »
    Sorry, I didn't know where else to ask this question. Chit chat didn't seem like the right place as it seems to be all fun and games over there...

    Anyway my question is to those who have gone from smoking cigarettes to using vaporisers. I have been using one for 2mths. I am very worried about the Diacetyl in the flavours, which apparently causes "popcorn lung" and goodness knows what else...
    I ordered 3 flavours which are Diacetyl free, but they taste disgusting. All the yummy flavours contain it!!
    What are your thoughts, are you worried about this stuff?
    I have vaped for 5yrs, and i have had no issues.

    I did a little research
    PG boils at 188 degree's C
    VG boils at 290 degree's C
    diacetyl boils at 88 degree's C

    Diacetyl appears to be used in buttery type flavorings. If you're vaping stuff like butterscotch or creames. Diacetyl might be an issue.

    I doubt they will be in tobacco based flavorings which i vape.

    my go to's are espresso and custard flavour. The custard may have to go...