Advice needed! What has worked for you?

Hi everyone,
This past week, my grandfather had his fourth and fifth heart attacks. My uncle can barely breathe, due mostly to his weight, and I realized I am not willing to continue this pattern of family obesity!

I have decided to take May as a kick-start-my-weight-loss month. So I am wondering, what diet/lifestyle plan has worked for you? I am looking at everything from meal-replacement shakes to 21-day-fix to Paleo. What are your findings? Are you willing to share your results? Thanks in advance!


  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    edited April 2015
    Eating in a calorie deficit. That's all that matters when it comes to losing weight. No kickstart needed. Now, how you GET to the calorie deficit it up to you (low carb, Paleo, intermittent fasting, straight portion control...)
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    edited April 2015
    Eating what I want to eat for the rest of my life. This means cuts to things such as sweets, fats, etc but not eliminating them. It's about finding and maintaining a balance you can live with forever.
    The biggest eye-opener for me was portion size. Weigh and measure everything and you'll be surprised at the size of a portion. You've got to find a way of balancing portion with calorie allotment with foods that you want to continue eating throughout your lifetime with nutrition. It's a tricky balance, for sure.

    Weight loss plans with meal replacements and/or special food regimes work for the short term but usually lead to gaining the weight back. Look for a long-term plan that you are happy with.
  • Swiftlet66
    Swiftlet66 Posts: 729 Member
    edited April 2015
    I tried counting calories before; that's not for me. Here are my tips: Focus on portion size and paying attention to the differences between bored hunger, stressed hunger and actual hunger. Incorporate more high nutrient, high fiber veggies and fruits while decreasing foods with empty calories and little to no nutrients. Cook more (not eating out). Walk more. Laugh more. I focus mostly on a healthy lifestyle rather than counting calories. When you exercise and have a basic diet filled with whole foods and eat according to your hunger levels rather than out of boredom or emotions, the weight will fall and stay off. It's surprisingly easy to have a healthy lifestyle but people just make it difficult imo.
  • punkuate
    punkuate Posts: 127 Member
    Eating less and moving more works for me. I'd cry if someone replaced my meals with shakes.
  • justamyagain
    justamyagain Posts: 154 Member
    I changed my starting weight, so not many people know how far I've come. Let's just say that I've lost a significant amount of weight. From obese to firmly in healthy BMI. But my brain still hasn't caught up with my *kitten* LOL. I still sometimes see the fat girl when I look in the mirror. Either way, a couple of people that I have in my life irl have asked me to text them daily in order to keep them accountable. It has been good for me too. So here it is. This is the magic formula, people: log everything you eat and drink, watch your sodium, drink lots of water, and get out and MOVE!
  • DogRiverDude
    DogRiverDude Posts: 433 Member
    Lots of good points above:
    - eat a calorie deficit
    - monitor (or eliminate) sugary, fatty foods
    - WEIGH your food
    - exercise (I'm not a fan but good music helps)

    Rather than going on a "plan", I'm sticking with fresh fruit and vegetables with lean protein (generally chicken breast). I'm very busy during the week so on Sunday I grocery shop then prepare my food/meals for the week. Typically:
    - 7 large ziplock bags of veggies to juice
    - at least 7 servings of a low-cal casserole (Curried Chicken, Creole, etc.)
    - zuchinni, butternut squash, and/or green beans to dehydrate for snacks
    Seems to be working well for me. Down 19 pounds in 3 weeks (averaging ~1200 NET calories per day).

    And how about an April 18th Kick Start... you could be down 2% before May even begins ;-)
  • jessicatombari
    jessicatombari Posts: 159 Member
    Calorie counting is the way to go! I know its difficult to stick to it and make it a habit to always count your cals, but its really the only way to lose weight. You have to take in less energy (calories) than your expending. It worked for me! Lost 15lbs easily just by counting calories. Also, making sure you have a good balance of cardio and resistance workouts in your week. If you cant fit both I recommend trying to get more cardio in than strenght at first especially if you want to lose weight. Endurance cardio is what will help you shed the pounds quickly in the beginning. A lot of diet fads are hard to stick with so Id focus on eating simple, healthy meals. Try to eat your fruits and veggies raw. Dont do those crazy shakes! Shakes are ok but won't teach you how to manage your food and lifestyle habits. Weight loss is about learning how your body works and being in control, the only way to achieve this is to learn how to balance your lifestyle habits on your own (no crazy diets) :)
  • 00figg
    00figg Posts: 111 Member
    you have to figure out how many calories you should be eating to lose. then you need to know how many calories you ARE eating and how many calories you are burning. for this i use mfp and fitbit. after that it's a cakewalk. eat less, move more. it really is that simple. i eat normal food (serving size matters), and have a bit of dessert every day. for me, it is easier to cook from scratch and be satisfied because most processed and takeout has more calories in less food.

    also, don't go crazy about everything all at once. it's not sustainable. good luck!
  • Kath_George
    Kath_George Posts: 10 Member
    As your starting out j wouldn't scare yourself off by completely changing your eating habits and doing lots of exercise. Start off small like going for a 3 mile walk each day and by having your 5 a day. Then increase the walking pace and start to replace chocolate and crisps etc with fruit. Still eat some tho. Eventually pick up to running. Run some days. Walk others. Find healthy foods and only drink water and maybe find a gym. A personal trainer is best BC they sort it all out for you. Much that's pretty much all I got
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    edited April 2015
    I found that taking one baby step at a time was the best way to go. After I spent time in the hospital (severe anemia and also was diagnosed diabetic) I knew I needed to do something. I was at the highest weight ever in my life. The first thing I did was start to prepare actual meals of nutritious food. Previously I just ate whatever, whenever. I had a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast; sandwich, yogurt, and fruit for lunch; something like cheese and crackers for a snack; a dinner of meat and veggies and maybe a starch for dinner; other things like eggs, etc for a bedtime snack. I didn't worry about portion control, just eating more nutrient dense food. After a couple of weeks, My doctor gave me specific instructions regarding how many carbs I should be eating, so I started tweaking my food to accommodate that. Then I discovered MFP and started actual calorie counting and fitting my food into my macros.
    15 months later:

    I eat reduced carb per my doctors orders (max of 180 g daily) but otherwise work towards eating nutrient dense food most of the time with treats on occasion as I am able to fit them in with my calorie and macro targets.
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    LondonNYC wrote: »
    Hi everyone,
    This past week, my grandfather had his fourth and fifth heart attacks. My uncle can barely breathe, due mostly to his weight, and I realized I am not willing to continue this pattern of family obesity!

    I have decided to take May as a kick-start-my-weight-loss month. So I am wondering, what diet/lifestyle plan has worked for you? I am looking at everything from meal-replacement shakes to 21-day-fix to Paleo. What are your findings? Are you willing to share your results? Thanks in advance!
    Start today! Stop looking for 'special ways' to do it, just eat like you normally do, just less of it.
    Log some of your previously normal days so you can see how much you've been overeating and adjust the numbers to bring your intake into what MFP tells you you should be eating. Also, try walking more if you aren't already exercising. You can do it!
  • eileensofianmushinfine
    LondonNYC wrote: »
    Hi everyone,
    This past week, my grandfather had his fourth and fifth heart attacks. My uncle can barely breathe, due mostly to his weight, and I realized I am not willing to continue this pattern of family obesity!

    I have decided to take May as a kick-start-my-weight-loss month. So I am wondering, what diet/lifestyle plan has worked for you? I am looking at everything from meal-replacement shakes to 21-day-fix to Paleo. What are your findings? Are you willing to share your results? Thanks in advance!

    I made the changes in stages. In the first stage, I switched diet soda to water (flavored with crystal light), limited red meat to about 2 times per week and gave up all fast food (except the occasional Subway sandwich). I drink 3-5 water bottles per day (24 oz each).

    In this second stage, I've tweaked my nutrition plan with my trainer -- lots more protein and fat, much less carbs -- and really limiting white-bread carbs (pasta, rolls, bagels, etc). I use a protein shake for breakfast -- and love it (it tastes like a chocolate milkshake!).

    I work hard to keep within my macros as well as under my calorie goal.

  • UnicornAmanda
    UnicornAmanda Posts: 294 Member
    Consistent logging, staying within my daily calorie goal, and moving more worked for me!
  • galgenstrick
    galgenstrick Posts: 2,086 Member
    edited April 2015
    Go slow. Look at your results as data and not as motivation (find your motivation elsewhere). Use your results to tweak your plan. It's all about consistency, not some fad diet or magic pill.
  • karenrich77
    karenrich77 Posts: 292 Member
    Calories in v's calories out. Simply eat less and move more. don't hurry things and find what works for you the regular hard work way, not the magic fad diet way!