Quick, Healthy Lunches



  • Check out http://www.laptoplunches.com/bento-menus/ for a great variety of healthy lunches. You don't have to use their bento sets but I would highly recommend them since they make packing lunch much easier. They also provide great portion control and have allowed me to eat healthy no matter where I go. I take mine to lunch as well as on weekend outings so that I can avoid concession foods and fast foods. The organization and presentation of the boxes is great, so I don't even feel like I'm missing out on what everyone else is eating!
  • shelcof
    shelcof Posts: 62 Member
    Lean Cuisine Spring rolls...200 calories per serving and YUMMY. Then I usually have a "breakstones" cottage cheese doubles for 100 calories. Easy to grab and pack, and the lean cuisines have two servings in each box so if you have a freezer at work, you hardly have to worry about lunch the next day
  • sdgirl22
    sdgirl22 Posts: 225 Member
    On Sundays, I pick a whole grain and a legume, and I make a week's worth of servings of each. Then when I'm making dinner, I just portion it out the next day's lunch and add whatever veggies, fats, and spices I'm in the mood for. It works for me because I'm eating whole foods, dried beans and grains are ridiculously cheap, and I dont have a certain flavor so I can pretty much turn the meal into whatever I'm craving.

    Plus, all I have to do is just boil water and add, so you're barely even cooking. That works better for me than attempting several dishes at once, or one large dish and eating it every day for a week.
  • cicadagirl
    cicadagirl Posts: 51
    When I was working 70 hours a week. I would take about 1/2 hour on Sunday and make up a complete weeks worth of lunches. I bought 5 of the slotted tupperware type dishes at Walmart, they are about 6-8" diameter with a lid. They stack well in the fridge. I would cut up red,yellow,orange bell peppers, zucchini, mushrooms, carrots, etc. and have those in the "bigger" section. I bought lunch meat chicken and brought a serving of it in one of the smaller sections, then mozarrella cheese chunk in the third section. I also brought some hummus to dip the veggies in. I made 5 of these and just grabbed one in the morning.

    You, my dear, are brilliant. My idea of a "no-brainer lunch" is usually a portion of whatever leftovers I have kicking around in the fridge. But I LOVE this idea. I might even be able to DO this. I'm usually so disorganized when it comes to things like meal planning. But this, even I could do. :wink:
  • ShelleyT_RN
    ShelleyT_RN Posts: 7 Member
    I usually make it simple if I do not have any leftovers. Typically: lean lunch meat, string cheese, fruit, carrots with hummus. I might use a 100 cal sandwich thin with the meat/cheese, but usually I don't.
  • skyspun
    skyspun Posts: 8 Member
    Wow, thanks so much for all your responses! I'm definitely trying all of these!!
  • Lyndzo
    Lyndzo Posts: 142
    The Healthy Steamer microwave dinners are good in everything. Sodium is usually about 450-500 but if you drink water and watch sodium the rest of the day they are perfect.

    Also, I really like bringing in a whole wheat wrap with some lettuce and lean turkey with a little bit of cheese. Yum!
  • streko3a
    streko3a Posts: 16 Member
    Iv been going for a pitta with what ever you fancy in it as they arent the time consuming to make in the morning.

    Had 2 boilded eggs & loaded with salad, or phillidelia, hummous, ham.

    Easiest thought is left over dinner from the night before :)

    Thumbs up for pita! I also like to spice it up with home made chimichurri. Just love this stuff!
  • msrn8143
    msrn8143 Posts: 90 Member
    I usually take an hour on Sunday afternoon and make a pot of low calorie soup. While that is cooking, I mix up lettuce, tomato, and cucumbers; spin them really dry, and divide into 5 tupperware sandwich containers, cover with a papertowel, then lid and they keep for a week. Once the soup is done and cool, I divide it into 5 one cup Tupperware containers and lunch is prepared for the week. Breakfast is usually whole grain waffles or bagels with sugar free jelly or cream cheese. Snacks are string cheese and a jello cup.
  • Hi! Try cooked quinoa with onions, peppers, mushrooms and some flaked smoked salmon fillet (Lidl do really nice one).......1 cup of quinoa, 1 salmon fillet, 6 medium mushrooms, some red sweet pepper and onions. Cook the onions, mushrooms and peppers (preferably in just 1 tbsp coconut oil or just water), add the cooked quinoa and the salmon broken into small pieces. This is really easy and quick to make and keeps really well in the fridge overnight for a quick grab in the morning! Calories approx 282 (using coconut oil)...and this amount makes enough for two lunches.....enjoy, Chloe
  • brandi2258
    brandi2258 Posts: 46 Member
  • tbrillard
    tbrillard Posts: 13
    I'm a huge fan of chicken breast. It's a lean protein source and very versatile. I'll cook up five or six at a time with paprika and garlic, slice in half and keep in the fridge. You can take one with a couple lettuce leaves, slice tomato, etc. and make a healthy, low carb wrap.
  • vlaura
    vlaura Posts: 93
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